oakcli import vmtemplate

Use the oakcli import vmtemplate command to import virtual machine templates.


oakcli import vmtemplate vmtemplatename -files image_files | -assembly assembly_file -repo repo_name [- node 0 | 1 ][-h]


Parameter Description


Name that you want to assign to the template


Use the -files option when importing one or more files that comprise a template.


image_files is one of the following:

  • A single template file name

  • A comma-separated list of files that comprise a single template

  • A URL enclosed in single quotation marks that links to a template file


Use the -assembly option when importing an assembly file.


An assembly file, or a URL enclosed in single quotation marks, that links to an assembly file


Name of the repository to store the template or templates that you are importing


When you are importing to a shared repository, use the -node option with a value of 0 or 1 to identify the node.


(Optional) Display help for using the command.

Usage Notes

  • Include only one of the options, -files or -assembly, each time you run this command. You cannot include both of these options in the same statement.

  • If the command imports more than one template from an assembly, then each template will automatically be given a unique name. These template names will include the name given in the vmtemplate vmtemplatename clause followed by a sequence number, such as vmtemplatename1, vmtemplatename2, and vmtemplatename3.

  • When importing into a shared repository, you must include the -node option with a valid node number, 0 or 1. Using the -node option for imports into nonshared repositories will cause the command to fail.


Here are examples of how to use the oakcli import vmtemplate command.

Importing a VIrtual Machine Template from Dom0

Import the required template (OVM_OL5U7_X86_64_PVM_10GB.tgz) from the /OVS directory in Dom0 into the odarepo1 repository and name the template file OL5U7:

oakcli import vmtemplate OL5U7 -files /OVS/OVM_OL5U7_X86_64_PVM_10GB.tgz -repo odarepo1

Importing a Virtual Machine Template from a Remote Server

Import a template from a remote server using a URL to identify the server and the template file:

oakcli import vmtemplate OL5U6 -files 'http://example.com/vm-template/OEL-5/OVM_OL5U6_X86_64_PVM_10GB.tgz' -repo odarepo2

Importing Virtual Machine Templates from an Assembly on a Remote Server

Import the templates contained in the assembly file stored on a remote server at the URL provided into the odarepo1 repository:

oakcli import vmtemplate OL6U1 -assembly 'http://example.com/assemblies/OEL6/OVM_OL6U1_x86_PVHVM.ova' -repo odarepo1

Importing Virtual Machine Templates Into a Shared Repository From an Assembly on a Remote Server

Import the templates contained in the assembly file stored on a remote server at the URL provided into a shared repository named repo4 on Node 1:

oakcli import vmtemplate OL6U1 -assembly 'http://example.com/assemblies/OEL6/OVM_OL6U1_x86_PVHVM.ova' -repo repo4 -node 1