oakcli create repo

Use the oakcli create repo command to create a new shared repository on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform.


oakcli create repo repo_name -size size [M|G] -dg DATA|RECO [-h]


Parameter Description


Name assigned to the shared repository

-size size [M|G]

Amount of storage to be assigned to the shared repository. It can be defined in megabytes with the M option or in gigabytes with the G option.


Oracle ASM disk group in which the shared repository is to be stored, either the DATA+ disk group or the RECO+ disk group, selected by using the DATA or RECO option respectively


(Optional) Display help for using the command.

Usage Notes

  • The -size parameter requires a whole number for size.

  • The minimum value for size is 500 when M is used or 1 when G is used for the sizing unit.

  • The default unit for size is G (gigabytes).

  • A shared repository should only be used for the virtual machine and not as a file staging area. Avoid copying or moving files into a shared repository.


Create a 25-gigabyte shared repository named repoprod1 in the DATA+ disk group:

oakcli create repo repoprod1 -dg DATA -size 25