oakcli show vlan

Use the oakcli show vlan command to display information about virtual local area networks configured on Oracle Database Appliance.


oakcli show vlan [-h]


(Optional) -h displays help for using the command.


Display the names, tag ID numbers, networks, and node assignments for the available local virtual area networks:

oakcli show vlan
                    NAME                     ID    INTERFACE   NODENUM
        net1                     1     bond1       0
        net1                     1     bond1       1
        net2                     1     bond2       0
        net2                     1     bond2       1
        net3                     1     bond3       0
        net3                     1     bond3       1
        net4                     1     xbond0      0
        net4                     1     xbond0      1
        priv1                    1     bond0       0
        priv1                    1     bond0       1