oakcli modify

Use the oakcli modify command to attach virtual disks to or detach virtual disks from virtual machines, transmit first-boot installation configuration messages to virtual machines, and to assign networks to or delete networks from virtual machines and virtual machine templates.


Use the following oakcli modify command syntax to modify a virtual machine or virtual machine template:

oakcli modify [vm vmname [-attachvdisk vdisk_name | -detachvdisk vdisk_name | -s key1:value1;key2:value2;...]] | [[vm vmname | vmtemplate vmtemplatename] [-addnetwork network | -deletenetwork network]] [-h]


Parameter Description


Name of the virtual machine


Virtual machine template being modified

-attachvdisk vdisk_name

Attach the named virtual disk to the named virtual machine.

-detachvdisk vdisk_name

Detach the named virtual disk from the named virtual machine.

-s key1:value1;key2:value2;...

Identifies a message consisting of one or more key/value pairs to send to the ovmd utility, where each key and value is separated by a colon (:) and each key/value pair is separated from the next key/value pair by quotation marks

-addnetwork network

Identifies a new network to be assigned to the named virtual machine or template

-deletenetwork network

Identifies the network to be deleted from the named virtual machine or template


(Optional) Display help for using the command.

Usage Notes

  • The vmtemplate object is valid with only the -addnetwork or -deletenetwork parameters.

  • Do not use the -attachvdisk or the -detachvdisk option with the -addnetwork, -deletenetwork, or -s parameters.

  • Include only one of the -addnetwork, -deletenetwork, or -s parameters when you use this command.


Here are examples of how to use the oakcli modify command.

Modifying the Network Defined in a Virtual Machine Template

Replace the network assigned to the gc_11g virtual machine template with the net1 network:

oakcli modify vmtemplate gc_11g -addnetwork net1

Sending a Message to a Running Virtual Machine

Update the root user password for the gc_11g virtual machine:

oakcli modify vm gc_11g -s "com.oracle.linux.root-password:root123"