oakcli resize dbstorage

Use the oakcli resize dbstorage command to resize the space used for a storage structure that was created for the purpose of migrating databases from Oracle ASM to Oracle ACFS. You can check the current space usage using oakcli show fs and then add or remove space using oakcli resize dbstorage.


oakcli resize dbstorage -data size -reco size -redo size -db  db_name [-h]


Parameter Description

-data size

Extendable size in GB for the DATA volume

-reco size

Extendable size in GB for the REDO volume

-redo size

Extendable size in GB for the RECO volume

-db db_name

Database for which these volumes must be resized


(Optional) Display help for using the command.


Increase the size of the volume by 10 GB on the DATA volume:

oakcli resize dbstorage -data 10G