oakcli configure firstnet

Use the oakcli configure firstnet command to configure an initial network on Oracle Database Appliance that enables you to download deployment software.


oakcli configure firstnet


The oakcli configure firstnet command creates an initial network on a new Oracle Database Appliance using an interactive script. The following example shows how to configure the initial network on a bare metal Oracle Database Appliance:

oakcli configure firstnet
Select the interface to  configure network on [bond0 bond1 bond2 xbond0]:bond0
Configure DHCP on bond0?(yes/no):no
       INFO: Static configuration selected
       Enter the IP address to configure:
       Enter the netmask address to configure:
       Enter the gateway address to configure:
Plumbing the IPs now
Restarting the network


Oracle recommends using the oakcli configure firstnet command only one time on Oracle Database Appliance. Subsequent use after configuring the initial network can cause unpredictable changes to your network settings.