Managing Virtual Local Area Networks on User Domains and on ODA_BASE

Use these examples to understand how to configure and manage virtual local area networks (VLANs).

To manage VLANs for user domains, log in to ODA_BASE. To manage VLANs for ODA_BASE, log in to Dom0. The examples in this section use a VLAN named sample10.


You can create VLANs from Dom0 only before your deployment of Oracle Database Appliance or Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform.

Example 3-25 Example of Creating a Virtual Local Area Network

  1. Prepare the following information to create a VLAN:

    • A VLAN name that is unique on the node where the VLAN is created (but which can be the same as a VLAN name on the other node of Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform).

    • A VLAN tag number between 2 to 4096 inclusive that is unique on the node where the VLAN is created (but which can be the same as a VLAN tag number on the other node of Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform).

    • The name of the interface on which the VLAN is to be created. Find the available interfaces for your hardware listed in the Bond Devices at Dom0 column in the tables in "About Network Infrastructure and Virtual Local Area Networks on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform."

    • The node on which to create the VLAN

  2. Enter the following command to start creating the VLAN. Enter the information you have prepared when prompted:

    oakcli create vlan


If you need to create the same VLAN on both nodes, then enter the command oakcli create vlan twice: once for node 0 and once for node 1.

The following oakcli create vlan example creates the VLAN sample10 on node 0:

oakcli create vlan sample10 -vlanid 10 -if bond0 -node 0


If you are planning to use a VLAN with a virtual machine created in a shared repository, then create that VLAN on both nodes. A virtual machine fails if an assigned network is not available on the node where the virtual machine is configured to run by default, or where the virtual machine is configured to start up following a failover.

Example 3-26 Example of Assigning and Removing a Virtual Local Area Network for a User Domain

Use the oakcli modify vm command with the option -addnetwork to assign an existing VLAN to a virtual machine and with a -deletenetwork clause to remove a VLAN from a virtual machine. The clauses must also contain the name of the VLAN.

The following oakcli modify vm example assigns the sample10 VLAN to the virtual machine myol5u_test:

oakcli modify vm myol5u_test -addnetwork sample10

Example 3-27 Example of Assigning and Removing a Virtual Local Area Network for ODA_BASE

Use the command oakcli configure oda_base to add an existing VLAN to ODA_BASE, or to remove a VLAN from ODA_BASE. Note that this command also enables you to resize ODA_BASE and domain memory size. If you only want to manage VLANs, then enter the number that corresponds to the number of your current CPU cores and the current number for your memory.

In the following partial example, the CPU core count and default memory values are left unchanged, while the VLAN test01 is assigned to ODA_BASE. Note that the current CPU core count, 6, corresponds to selection number 3 in the Core Licensing Options list of values.

# oakcli configure oda_base
Core Licensing Options:
        1. 2 CPU Cores
        2. 4 CPU Cores
        3. 6 CPU Cores
        4. 8 CPU Cores
        5. 10 CPU Cores
        6. 12 CPU Cores
        Current CPU Cores       :6
        Selection[1 : 6](default 12 CPU Cores) : 3
        ODA base domain memory in GB(min 8, max 88)(Current Memory 48G)[default 64]     : 48
INFO: Using default memory size i.e. 64 GB
Additional vlan networks to be assigned to oda_base? (y/n) [n]: y
Select the network to assign (test00,test01,test02,test03): test01
Additional vlan networks to be assigned to oda_base? (y/n) [n]:
Vlan network to be removed from oda_base (y/n) [n]:
INFO: . . .

Example 3-28 Example of Viewing Virtual Local Area Networks

To see what VLANs currently exist in ODA_BASE, run the oakcli show vlan command.

The following example shows VLANs in addition to the sample10 VLAN used in previous examples:

oakcli show vlan

NAME                  ID    INTERFACE   NODENUM
----                  --    ---------   -------
net1                  1     bond0       0
net1                  1     bond0       1
net2                  1     bond1       0
net2                  1     bond1       1
net3                  2     bond1       0
net3                  4     bond0       1
net10                 20    bond1       0
net10                 20    bond1       1

Example 3-29 Example of Deleting Virtual Local Area Networks

To remove an unwanted VLAN from a node, use the oakcli delete vlan command and provide the VLAN name and the node number.

This example remove the VLAN sample10 from node 0 (where the VLAN was assigned in the earlier oakcli create vlan example):

oakcli delete vlan sample10 -node 0


You cannot delete a native VLAN. A native VLAN is a virtual local area network configured during the deployment of Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform software.