oakcli manage diagcollect

Use the oakcli manage diagcollect command to collect diagnostic information about Oracle Database Appliance for troubleshooting purposes, and for working with Oracle Support Services.


oakcli manage diagcollect [--all | --crs [--crshome crs_home_dir] [--core] | --install | --chmos [--incidenttime time [--incidentduration time] |--adr adr_location [--afterdate date] [--aftertime time] [--beforetime time] ]
 [excl comp1,comp2,...] [--clean] [--storage][-h]


Parameter Description


Collect all of the diagnostic information excluding Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) and Cluster Health Monitor. This is the default option.


Collect Oracle Clusterware diagnostic information.

--crshome crs_home_dir

Specifies the location of the Oracle Clusterware home directory


Package core files with the Oracle Clusterware diagnostic data.


Collect the installation logs when the installation failed before running the script root.sh.

--adr adr_location

Collect diagnostic information for ADR, where adr_location specifies the location of the ADR information.

--afterdate date

Collect archives from the specified date. Specify the date in the mm/dd/yyyy format.

--aftertime time

Collect the archives after the specified time. Enter the time using the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS24. Supported only with the -adr parameter.

--beforetime time

Collect the archives before the specified time. Enter the time using the format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS24. Supported only the with the -adr parameter.


Collect Cluster Health Monitor data.

--incidenttime time

Collect Cluster Health Monitor data from the specified time. Enter the time using the format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS24.

If you do not use the --incidenttime parameter, then the command collects data for the past 24 hours.

--incidentduration time

Collect Cluster Health Monitor data for the duration after the specified time. Enter the time using the format: HH:MM. If you do not specify a duration, then the command collects all Cluster Health Monitor data after the specified incident time.

--excl [comp1,comp2...]

Exclude the specified component logs. Valid components are: acfs, invt, sys, ocr, crs, home, and base.


Remove the diagnosability information gathered by this command.


Collect all of the logs for any storage issues. The logs can be used when you are experiencing any problems with storage and need support to diagnose the logs.


(Optional) Display help for using the command.