15 Modeling Assets and Accounts

This chapter describes how to model assets and accounts in an Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) solution.

About the Assets and Accounts Modules

Customer Asset Manager and Account Manager are optional modules that can be installed with OSM. If they are not installed with OSM, you can deploy them from Oracle Communications Design Studio. For more information, see the topic about working with assets and accounts in the Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes Help.

The assets and accounts modules enable OSM in the COM role to create and store information about the assets and accounts that are associated with a customer order. This helps you create a complete order flow from the order price quote phase to service activation. To configure this order flow, your solution must also include Oracle Configure, Price, and Quote Cloud (Oracle CPQ Cloud) and Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA). For more information about the OSM order flow using assets and accounts, see the topic about assets and accounts in OSM Concepts.

You model asset and account data in Design Studio.

About Extending Assets and Accounts Configurations

The assets and accounts modules include the Assets configuration and the Accounts configuration, respectively.

To extend the assets or accounts properties, you must import the respective Assets configuration or Accounts configuration into Design Studio. For information about importing the configurations, see the topic about working with assets and accounts in the Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes Help.

Extending the Assets Configuration

The Assets configuration consists of cartridges with data elements, sample products, and asset parameter bindings. Several asset properties are automatically created when you import the Assets configuration. You can extend the Assets configuration by creating and extending custom asset properties and by adding services to the Assets configuration. The properties that you create and extend are visible in the Customer Asset Manager user interface after you redeploy the Assets configuration to the OSM server. You can also retrieve this information by using entity management query operations. For information about OSM entity management operations, see "About Asset and Account Entity Management."

For more information about extending the Assets configuration, see the topic about working with assets and accounts in the Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes Help.

Extending the Accounts Configuration

The Accounts configuration consists of cartridges with data elements. The account properties are automatically created when you import the Accounts configuration. You can extend the Accounts configuration by adding simple and structured data elements to the accounts properties. You cannot view the extensions to account properties in the Account Manager user interface; however, you can retrieve this information by using entity management query operations. For information about OSM entity management operations, see "About Asset and Account Entity Management."

For more information about extending the Accounts configuration, see the topic about working with assets and accounts in the Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes Help.

About Asset and Account Entity Management

Assets and accounts have entities that include information defined in parameters. For example, an Asset entity includes a unique ID parameter, and an Account entity includes account address and payment method parameters.

OSM provides web service operations that you can use to create, update, and query Asset and Account entities.

Using the OSM entity management web services API, you can run the following web service operations on Asset and Account entities:

  • CreateEntities: Creates multiple entities of the same or different types.

  • UpdateEntities: Updates multiple entities of the same or different types.

  • GetEntity: Retrieves an entity based on a specific entity view.

  • FindEntity: Finds a set of entities that match search criteria.

For more information about using these operations to manage Asset and Account entities, see the topic about using entity management web services in OSM Developer's Guide. For information about the roles and permissions required to manage Asset and Account entities, see "About Roles and Permissions."

About Roles and Permissions

The assets and accounts modules contain the workgroups (roles) that are required to perform management operations on Asset and Account entities. You can associate users with workgroups using the Order Management web client. For information about associating users with workgroups, see OSM Order Management Web Client User's Guide.

If you are using the assets and accounts modules with Oracle CPQ Cloud, users must be associated to all the entity management roles.

Table 15-1 shows the roles that are required for asset and account entity management operations. The roles for query operations are used for both FindEntity and GetEntity operations. For more information about OSM entity management operations, see the topic about using entity management web services in OSM Developer's Guide.

Table 15-1 Roles Required for Entity Management Operations

Entity Type Create Operation Roles Update Operation Roles Query Operation Roles















Account: Billing Profile





Account: Payment Method













