Oracle® Communications Order and Service Management

Release Notes

Release 7.3.1


May 2016

This document provides release notes for Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) release 7.3.1.

New Features

OSM 7.3.1 includes new features, enhancements, and changed functionality including:

Order Lifecycle Management UI

The Order Lifecycle Management user interface (UI) enables you to view information about an order that is being managed by an OSM system.

The Order Lifecycle Management UI provides the following:

  • A view of the order fulfillment plan

  • Order scheduling information for the order

  • Information about the delivery dates for the order

  • A view of the errors that have occurred on an order

  • The ability to specify the impact that errors have on completion dates and to update the completion dates

The Order Lifecycle Management UI is available on the Timeline tab of the Order Management web client. You can also access the Order Lifecycle Management UI in the context of an order using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, such as Siebel or Oracle Configure, Price, and Quote Cloud (Oracle CPQ Cloud). For information about an order flow that includes Oracle CPQ Cloud, see OSM Concepts.

The Order Lifecycle Management UI provides online Help.

Customer Asset Manager

Customer Asset Manager is an optional component that is used to create and store assets that are part of a customer order. Assets are equipment or services that are activated at the customer site. Examples include: telephone pagers, telephone handsets, and telecommunications services. Assets are stored in an asset repository in OSM in the COM role.

Customer Asset Manager includes a UI that you can use to view the active assets that are associated with customer accounts.

The Customer Asset Manager UI provides online Help.

New entity management APIs enable you to use web services to create, update, and query asset entities using the SOAP standard. For information about entity management web services, see OSM Developer's Guide.

Account Manager

Account Manager is an optional component that is used to create and store customer accounts. Accounts represent an organization or person and contain the information required to receive services and bills.

Account Manager includes a user interface that you can use to create accounts, which are then stored in an account repository in OSM in the COM role.

The Account Manager UI provides online Help.

New entity management APIs enable you to use web services to create, update, and query account entities using the SOAP standard. For information about entity management web services, see OSM Developer's Guide.

Enhanced Database Partitioning Capabilities

This release includes the ability to partition the database into realms. You can use the partitioning realms feature to separate orders from asset and account entities by using different database partitions. This release provides default realms for orders and entities, and also provides the ability to add new realms.

You can also use this feature to separate orders into different partitions when those orders have different operational characteristics, for example, short-lived orders versus long-lived orders. This enables you to group orders into partitions that can be purged or dropped more effectively. For information about using this feature, see the topic about partitioning realms in OSM System Administrator's Guide.

Fixes in This Release

There are no fixed issues in release 7.3.1.

Fixed Issues from Patch Sets

OSM release 7.3.1 includes fixes and enhancements from the following patch sets:

  • Order and Service Management 6.3.1 patches up to and including (patch number 21113874)

  • Order and Service Management 7.0.1 patches up to and including (patch number 16922777)

  • Order and Service Management 7.0.2 patches up to and including (patch number 16627408)

  • Order and Service Management 7.0.3 patches up to and including (patch number 21697182)

  • Order and Service Management 7.2.0 patches up to and including (patch number 21697162)

  • Order and Service Management 7.2.2 patches up to and including (patch number 19718428)

  • Order and Service Management 7.2.4 patches up to and including (patch number 22565255)

Known Problems

This section describes known problems in OSM 7.3.1.

Deploying oms.ear File Fails During Health Check If Admin Server Down

(Bug number 23017179) In OSM installations that have WebLogic configured in a clustered environment, if you restart a WebLogic managed server while the administration server is down, the OSM health checks that are performed during the startup process fail. This causes the oms.ear file deployment to be in the FAILED state, and OSM is then unusable. The intended behavior for starting WebLogic when the administration server is down is that the WebLogic managed server should start in the Managed Server Independence Mode (MSI), and that OSM should function correctly.

To avoid this issue, ensure that the administration server is up and running when you start the managed servers.

Compliance Patch Rule Shows Incorrect Results

(Bug number 22981363) The compliance tool report incorrectly reports some rules as non-compliant even though patches are applied to fix this issue.

Ensure that the following patches are applied in your environment using Oracle OPatch:

  • Patch 18609420

  • Patch 19393515

  • Patch 20164753

If these patches have been applied, you can ignore the non-compliance warnings.

Compliance Report References Links to Incorrect Content

(Bug number 23067492) The compliance tool report incorrectly references the documentation links of some rules to OSM 7.3.0 documentation.

Refer to the OSM 7.3.1 documentation for correct rule reference information.

Timeline History Page Does Not Refresh After Return from Timeline Page

(Bug number 23010042) When an error occurs on an order that is being managed by OSM, if you are on the Timeline page of the OSM Order Lifecycle Management UI, that error does not show up on the Timeline History page when you navigate back to it.

To show the correct set of errors on the Timeline History page, you must manually refresh the page.

High Number of Accounts in the Database Increases Search Time

(Bug number 22909157) Using the Account Manager search feature, you might encounter a long delay in receiving search results if the database has a very large number of accounts.

To improve the time it takes for the Account Manager search to return results, narrow the search by providing additional search criteria, such as address details or more specific information about the customer, for example, specifying the account number.

Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 Cartridges Cannot Build After Update

(Bug number 19652331) After you run the migration scripts to update Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges to work with OSM 7.3, you will get build errors when you build the cartridges. For more information, see knowledge article 1949476.1, "Best Practices for Updating a Customized Solution Based on Oracle Order-to-Activate," available from the Oracle support website.

Perform the following steps to work around the issue:

  1. In the Design Studio workspace where you updated the cartridges, open the BroadbandServicesProvisioning project editor.

  2. In the Properties tab, change the Target Version from 7.0.0 to 7.0.3.

  3. Save and close the BroadbandServicesProvisioning project editor.

  4. Clean and build only the BroadbandServicesProvisioning cartridge.

    The build fails.

  5. In the Problems view, right-click the following message and select Quick Fix:

    Order and Service Management Project Error - The automationBuild.xml file in cartridge BroadbandServicesProvisioning is not the right version...

    The Quick Fix window is displayed.

  6. In the Select a Fix field, select Automation Quick Fix and click Finish.

  7. Clean and build only the BroadbandServicesProvisioning cartridge again.

    The build succeeds.

  8. Perform the following steps for each of the following three cartridges: CommunicationsProvisioningOrderFulfillmentPIP, CommunicationsSalesOrderFulfillmentPIP, and VoIPServiceProvisioning.

    1. Open the project editor for the cartridge.

    2. In the Properties tab, change the Target Version from 7.0.3 to 7.0.1.

    3. Save the cartridge project.

    4. Clean and build only the cartridge you are working with.

      The build fails.

    5. In the project editor for the cartridge, in the Properties tab, change the Target Version back from 7.0.1 to 7.0.3.

    6. Save and close the cartridge project.

  9. Exit and restart Design Studio.

  10. Clean and build only the CommunicationsProvisioningOrderFulfillmentPIP, CommunicationsSalesOrderFulfillmentPIP, and VoIPServiceProvisioning cartridges.

    The build succeeds.

Cannot View the List of Database Order Purges

When you schedule a database purge for a future date, you cannot view the list of run or scheduled order purges by using the listPurges option. When you use the listPurges option, OSM instead returns the message: "There are no pending order purges."

To work around this issue, you can query or cancel the purge jobs from the database.

To query purge jobs:

  1. In SQL, run the following:

    select job, what from user_jobs where upper(what) like '%'||USER||'.OM_NEW_PURGE_PKG.PURGE_ORDERS%';

To cancel purge jobs:

  1. In SQL, run the following:

    exec DBMS_JOB.remove(job);

Insufficient Privilege Error Using Oracle Database 12c

(Bug number 20221063) After you install Oracle Database 12c, start OSM, and then enter the database administrator's credentials, you receive an error that states that the database administrator does not have sufficient privilege to log in.

To allow the system administrator sufficient privilege to log in:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Database system as sysdba by running the following command:

    sqlplus sys/ as sysdba
  2. Enter the following:


    The permission is granted and login is successful.

Revision Order Item and Order Completion Dates Are Not Calculated Properly

(Bug number 16370421) OSM creates a new orchestration plan when receiving a revision order. The revision order executes as a new order so a new order completion date and order item completion dates are calculated based on the new revision order start date.

The revision orchestration plan does not know about the base order orchestration plan until the revision order and order item completion dates are copied over from the revision order to the base order during the compensation process.

These dates are incorrect because they do not take into account the state of the current base order. OSM does not consider the part of the base order that is already executed when recalculating the order item and order completion dates. Revision compensation merges revision order and the base order orchestration plans.

OSM Does Not Support JMS Topics in Clustered Environments

In a clustered environment, OSM does not support JMS topics as a JMS destination for receiving JMS events (such as order-lifecycle-event messages).

To work around this issue, use JMS queues to receive JMS events in an OSM clustered environment.

Order-to-Activate Cartridge Compatibility

To install or upgrade the Order-to-Activate cartridges, you must ensure compatibility between the following:

  • OSM software version and Order-to-Activate cartridge version

  • OSM Order-to-Activate cartridge version and Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) Order to Cash Integration Pack for OSM version

For details on Order-to-Activate cartridge compatibility, see knowledge article 1388662.1, "OSM - Order to Activate O2A - AIA Compatibility Matrix," on the Oracle support website:

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following feature has been deprecated from the feature set in the OSM 7.3.1 release.

Product Specification (was Product Class) Deprecated

The Product Specification entity (which was renamed from the Product Class entity in OSM 7.2.4), is deprecated. Existing entities are supported for backwards compatibility, but new OSM product specifications (product classes) cannot be created.

This functionality is replaced by the Product entity in the conceptual model.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Communications Order and Service Management Release Notes, Release 7.3.1


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