Working with Order Processing Errors

In OSM, order fallout occurs when an order fails during processing and cannot continue processing. In the Order Lifecycle Management UI, order fallout is called an error. Errors are displayed at the order function and child function levels.

When you see a new error, determine when and on which order child function the error occurred. You can then contact the OSM administrator to find out when the error will be resolved and whether it will impact the order completion date. When you have that information, but before the error is fixed in the OSM system, you can update the new error with whether it has an impact, and if it does, enter a new completion date.


An error that changes the projected completion date of the order child function may also change the projected start date and projected completion date of any dependent functions or child functions and of the order as a whole.

Working with order processing errors involves the following tasks:

Viewing Errors on the Timeline

The timeline gives you a general view of the number of new and unresolved errors that occurred on order functions and order child functions. If you want a list of individual errors, including resolved errors, view the errors on the Timeline History page. See "Viewing Errors on the Timeline History Page".

To view errors on the timeline, go to the Order page and click show more for the order and any order function that has child functions. The order function tracks appear and the errors are indicated by the error icons.

Errors on the timeline are displayed only on the order function and order child function timeline tracks. No errors are indicated on the order timeline track. Errors are indicated by icons as follows:

  • On the order function tracks, a single error icon is displayed for the most recent error. For example, if an order function has a child function with a new error and another child function with an unresolved error, the function track displays the new error icon rather than the unresolved error icon.

  • On the child function tracks, an error icon is displayed for each error that occurred for the child function.

See "About the Order Timeline" for information about the error icons.

Related Topics

Updating Errors

Viewing Errors on the Timeline History Page

The Timeline History page provides information about the individual errors that occurred during order processing.

To view errors in the Timeline History page, go to the Order page and click a link under History in the order bar. The Timeline History page appears, displaying details about each error that occurred during order processing. See "About the Timeline History Page" for information about the fields on this page.

Related Topics

Updating Errors

Viewing Errors on the Timeline

Updating Errors

You update new errors to indicate that the errors have been addressed but are not yet fixed. When an error impacts the completion date of the order child function, you specify a new completion date.

You update unresolved errors to change the projected completion date when, for example, an error is taking longer than expected to fix. You can change the impact of unresolved errors any time before they are fixed.

Errors are automatically set to Resolved when they are fixed in the OSM system.


When you update an error, the child function completion date is updated. The completion date of the function, or the order as a whole might also be affected.

To update errors:

  1. From the Order page, do one of the following:

    • To update new errors, click Update Completion Time under New Errors in the order bar.

      If there is only one new error, the Function dialog box appears.

      If there are multiple new errors, the Timeline History page appears.

    • To update unresolved errors, click Unresolved Errors under History in the order bar.

      The Timeline History page appears.

  2. For each error to update, specify its impact on the child function completion date:

    1. From the Select Impact list, select the impact.

    2. If the error impacts the completion date, enter the new completion date.

      The new projected completion date is now updated on the Order page. If the error updated was a new error, the error counts under New Errors and History are updated accordingly.


      To navigate back to the Order page from the Timeline History page, click the navigation link at the top left of the page.

Related Topics

About the Timeline History Page

About the Timeline History Page

Use the Timeline History page to view information about errors that occurred during order processing and to update the status of new and unresolved errors.


To navigate back to the Order page from the Timeline History page, click the locator link at the top left of the page.

The Timeline History page includes the following sections:

Section Description
New Errors Displays all new errors that occurred during order processing that have not yet been updated. An entry is displayed for each function that has at least one child function with a new error. Each error displays the currently projected completion date.

See "Updating Errors" for information about updating new errors.

Unresolved Errors Displays all errors that occurred during order processing that have been updated but have not yet been fixed. An entry is displayed for each function that has at least one child function with a new error. If a new error occurs on a function that already has an unresolved errors, an exclamation point icon is displayed beside the function.

See "Updating Errors" for information about updating unresolved errors on the Timeline History page.

Resolved Errors Displays all errors that occurred during order processing that have been resolved. If more than one resolved error has occurred on an order function, all the resolved errors are listed under the single child function.

Each section has one or more of the following fields:

Field Description
Function The order child function on which the error occurred.
Projected (New and unresolved errors only) The current projected delivery date of the order child function.
Select Impact (New and unresolved errors only) Select the value that indicates whether or not the error impacts the order completion date. If there is an impact, enter the new completion date.
Completion (Unresolved errors only) If the error impacts the order completion date, displays the new completion date. If the error has no impact on the completion date, no date is shown.
Fixed (Resolved errors only) The date and time that the error was resolved.
Time to Fix (Resolved errors only) The amount of time it took to fix the error.
Show More Click to display the next five errors for the error type. This option is visible for as long as there are additional errors to display. If there are more than 20 errors for the error type, a set of links to the error pages is displayed.