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Oracle® Argus Safety Japanese User's Guide
Release 8.0
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1 Case Form

This chapter lists the changes that have been introduced in Case Form.

Reporter Information

  • A new textbox field with name "Institution ID" has been added to Case Form > Reporter Information section for both English as well as Japanese users.

    Figure 1-1 Case Form Report Information section - Sample Output

    Surrounding text describes Figure 1-1 .
  • The following are the attributes for this field:

    • Field Name (Unique Field Label): "Reporter Institution ID"

    • Field Form Label: "Institution ID"

    • Field Form Label (J)

    • Help Text:"Enter the Institution ID for the Reporter."

    • Help Text (J)

    • Hidden radio option set to "No". Hiding is allowed.

    • Read Only options are unchecked and disabled.

    • E2B Field and Research Field are unchecked by default.

    • Japanese IME Toolbar is disabled for this field in Case Form even for Japanese user.

    • Case Form Field Length: 15 AN. No validation required for alphanumeric data check.

  • Both English and Japanese fields point to a common value.

  • This field value is populated based on the Institution ID selected for the Reporter from the Reporter Lookup dialog.

  • This field also allows manually entered / updated value directly in the Case Form irrespective of the value specified in the Institution field for the reporter. Manually entered Institution and institution ID field values are allowed in the Reporter Information section even if they are not specified / linked to each other as per Console Institution code list.

  • As both the Institution or Institution ID fields can be present in Reporter Information, and if the user opens up Reporter Lookup for this reporter, then Reporter Lookup searches for reporters in Case or Console data based on the following logic:

    • Out of Institution and Institution ID fields first use Institution ID field with the rest of the search criteria fields. The Institution value is not used in this scenario on the Reporter Lookup search dialog.

    • If the Institution ID field is not specified in the Reporter Information or if it does not exist in the type-ahead values for this field on Reporter Lookup, then automatically remove the Institution ID field value in Reporter Lookup and search based on Institution field with rest of the search criteria fields.

    • If Institution field value also does not exist in the type-ahead values for this field on the Reporter Lookup, then remove the Institution field value as well in the Reporter Lookup and search based on rest of the search criteria fields.

    • If "Search all the reporters who belong to the institution found from the current search item" search option is also used, then it performs a search based on Institution ID or Institution Name - whichever is available on the Reporter Lookup dialog to identify the first set of reporters and subsequently use those reporters for second level search.

  • This field is printed in Case Form Print for Reporter Information section as displayed for both English and Japanese users.

    Figure 1-2 Case Form Report Information Print - Sample Output

    Surrounding text describes Figure 1-2 .
  • This field is audit-logged.

  • This field is available under the following modules:

    • Case Listing Report

    • CIOMS II Line Listing Report

    • CDA Report

    • Advanced Conditions

    • Case Form Letter Placeholders as specified below:





    • Console Field Labels: Under ARGUS SAFETY > GENERAL > Reporter

    • Console Field Validations: Under ARGUS SAFETY > GENERAL > Reporter

Products Tab

  • A new standard section - "PMDA Device Information" has been added after "Device Information" section on Case Form > Products tab > Device sub tab.

  • This section contains fields as specified in the screen mockup displayed below:

    Figure 1-3 Case Form - PMDA Device Information section

    Surrounding text describes Figure 1-3 .
  • This case form section is available to all Argus J users on both English as well as Japanese views as uncollapsed by default only when Japanese module is enabled.

  • It is displayed with Japanese labels on both English as well as Japanese views as this section is not meant for translation of data.

  • The Modify, View and No Access rights to this section are based on the "Product Information (Device View)" option in Console > Access Management > Groups > Case Form section.

  • Tabbing order of case form elements respects this new section in the order of UI elements as left to right and top to bottom.

  • A new checkbox option - "PMDA Device Information" is available in Case Print - section selection dialog only to the Argus J user.

    • This checkbox is added right after "MedWatch Device Information" option in the Case Print options dialog. All the options after it are shifted further by one place.

    • This checkbox gets selected and unselected when user uses "Select All" and "Unselect All" options.

    • This checkbox remains unchecked by default and is disabled unless its parent section checkbox "Product Device Information" is checked by the user. If "Product Device Information" is unchecked later, then "PMDA Device Information" also gets unchecked and disabled. Case Form Print PDF report prints this section in Japanese after "MedWatch Device Information" section if it is selected for printing in the section selection dialog.

      Figure 1-4 Case Form Print - PMDA Device Information Section

      Surrounding text describes Figure 1-4 .
  • A new checkbox option - "PMDA Device Information" is available in Case Copy - section selection dialog only to the Argus J user.

    • This checkbox is added right after "MedWatch Device Information" option in the Case Copy options dialog. All the options after it are shifted further by one place.

    • This checkbox is selected and unselected when the user uses the "Select All" and "Unselect All" options.

    • This checkbox is unchecked by default and is enabled for user selection.

    • The Case Form Copy function copies this section when a case is copied with this section checked in the Case Copy options dialog.

  • All fields of this section are audit logged as other case form product device fields.

  • All fields of this section are available under Console > System Configuration > Field Labels, Field Validations, and Advanced Conditions screens under the tree structure ARGUS SAFETY > PRODUCTS > PMDA Device. These fields are NOT required for Aggregate Reports.

  • In Console ' System Configuration ' Field Labels screen, all these fields are available with the following attributes:

    • Hidden radio option set to "No". Hiding is allowed.

    • Read-Only options have been unchecked and disabled.

    • E2B Field and Research Field are unchecked by default.

Analysis Tab

  • Up and Down buttons have been added to the PMDA tab.

  • By default, the focus is on the first record. No action is performed when the user clicks on "Up" button when the focus is on the First record. If the focus is on any other record other than the first record, the system interchanges the position of the current record and previous record by clicking the "Up" button.

  • No action can be performed when the user clicks on "Down" button when the focus is on the Last record. If the focus is on any other record other than the last record, the system interchanges the position of the current record and next record by clicking the "Up" button.

  • If there is no row in this section, then clicking on "Up" and "Down" buttons does not cause action.

  • For existing customer data, the sort order value for existing records is populated as same as the order in which these were displayed to the user.

  • The change in ordering of these product license rows in PMDA General tab is audit-logged.

  • The product license ordering on the PMDA General sub-tab is also respected by the following:

    • PMDA Comments sub-tab > Product License dropdown

    • Case Form Print > PMDA General and Comments tab

    • PMDA E2B Report > Ordering of product dosages in DRUG section as per the logic specified below

    • PMDA Paper Report > Ordering of product dosages in DRUG section as per the logic specified below

  • PMDA E2B and Paper Reports (Marketed Form 1-6 and Investigational Form 1-6) list the suspect products using the order of products specified in PMDA tab. Logic to be considered for PMDA E2B report is provided below, with the only change from the previous logic being for point b:

    • The company product for which the ICSR is scheduled is always listed first.

    • For the other company suspect Japanese products which are displayed on the PMDA tab, the order of products is considered from the PMDA tab.

    • The remaining suspect products (which are not listed on the PMDA tab).

    • Other concomitant products.

    • For each of the above categories (c), and (d), if there are multiple products, then the "Product details/First Dose" are used for the ordering of products. Earlier dates are before the later dates.

    • If there are multiple products with the same "Product details/First Dose" under any of the above category (c) and (d), then they are ordered using the product sort ID used in the case itself.

    • Within a product, if there are multiple dosage regimens, then they are ordered based on the dosage start dates.

    • If the date being used for ordering is null, then the product is put at the end in the same category.

    • For the Partial date, if the date is considered as 15th of the month, the month is considered as June of the year.

      Figure 1-5 Case Form - PMDA tab

      Surrounding text describes Figure 1-5 .

PMDA Information tab

The PMDA Information tab comprises two sub-tabs: General and Comments, as depicted in the following figure:

Surrounding text describes pmdageneral.jpg.

The details about the General and Comments sub-tabs are given in the following sub-sections:

PMDA Information: General Tab

The following figure depicts the General sub-tab of the PMDA Information tab:

Surrounding text describes pmda53.jpg.

The following table lists the fields in the General tab:

Table 1-1 Fields in the General tab

Field Name Description



This represents the name of the sub-tab under PMDA tab.



This represents the name of the sub-tab under PMDA tab.


Japan first information Received Date (For Reporting)

This field represents the editable text box which displays the date the case was received by the Japanese pharma company (initial receipt date captured during case book-in). The format is YYYYMMDD. In case of a local case, this date represents the Case Initial Receipt date. In global case, this date is automatically populated by the date first opened by J user. The value is stored in the case when you perform direct/indirect Save. For example, accept from worklist stores the value indirectly.


Follow-up received date

This field represents the non-editable text box which displays the date the case follow-up information was received by the pharma company. If the follow-up is marked significant, the Japan Follow-up Received date is used as the reference date to schedule the reports. The format is YYYYMMDD.


Safety received date / or Central received date

This field represents the non-editable text box which displays the date the Safety group received the case. The format is YYYYMMDD.


Significant Changes

This is a non-editable checkbox to indicate whether the follow-up is significant or not. If the follow-up is significant, the Japan Follow-up date overrides the date used for report scheduling.


Japan follow-up received date

This field represents the editable text box which displays the date the case follow-up information is received by the pharma company. If the case is originated in some country other than Japan, this date represents the date first opened by the J user after the follow-up. If the follow-up is marked significant, the Japan follow-up received date is used as the reference date to schedule the reports. The format is YYYYMMDD.The time stamp of Case Open date done by first Japanese user after the latest foreign follow-up is automatically populated.The value is stored in the case when you perform direct/indirect Save. For example, accept from worklist stores the value indirectly.


Drug name and license number

The number of rows in this section is equal to the number of reports that need to be submitted to PMDA for this case. One report is scheduled for each of the Marketed License. One report each is scheduled for each Study License. The field is read only and show concatenation of Trade Name with License Number in brackets.


New Drug Category

This field represents the drop-down to select License Category LM to select value for E2B J.8 item.


Japan Reporting type

This field indicates the Reporting Type. It is a drop-down list showing three possible values: Case Reporting, Research Reporting, and Action Taken.


Japan Reporting category

This field represents a drop-down List containing Reporting Category LM. This is a mandatory field for Argus J user. The selection of this field determines the report being created (ADR, Infection, Research, or Measures in foreign countries). The entries shown in this list are determined at run time by the values selected in items 9,10 and 12.When Reporting Category is not selected, the license does not create the report.The format of the value displayed in this drop-down is: [Reporting Category] - [Description]


Domestic Case / Foreign CaseClinical / Marketed

There are two fields which are non-editable text boxes. The first shows whether the case is foreign (if the country of incidence is not equal to Japan) or domestic (if the country of incidence is Japan).The second field shows the license type:

Investigational, if the license on which the ICSR is based on is for an investigational drug, device, or vaccine.

Marketed, if the license on which the ICSR is based on is for a marketed drug.


Completion Report (Case Complete)

This checkbox indicates the completion of the case report. A new Case Complete checkbox field is added to the License List box. This field is the driver for the E2b field J.6. A separate J.6 must be recorded for each ICSR. By default, this box is not checked.


PMDA Identification Number

The PMDA Number is displayed in the PMDA tab where all the ICSR licenses are displayed. This is the PMDA Acknowledgment Number given in Ack message item B.1.3. This number is used in J.4b from the first follow-up report.


Clinical Compound Number in the study of this case

This field is read only when the study is selected from the Study look up. When the study information is manually entered, Clinical Compound Number is editable. If there is no study information, the field is disabled.



This field represents the Read-only text that is determined by the system.



This field represents the Read-only text that is determined by the system.

Functionality Changes

The following are the functionality changes for the PMDA Information > General tab:

  1. This tab is unique to Argus J module implemented system. It also displays the number of reports to be submitted for the case. Each row in the lower section represents a report. The number of reports to be submitted for a case is determined as per the following logic:

    • General Rule

      • Reports are submitted for Marketed or Investigational licenses in Japan only for the suspect company products in the case.

      • All Japanese licenses (including hidden) listed in the event assessment are listed.

      • All suspected products with license and all Investigational licenses are listed in the PMDA General Tab.

      • Priority order of the Suspected product (Drug, Device, Vaccine) list is:

        Primary Suspected Product License

        Product entry order in the Case Form

        Marketed license, then Investigational

      • The license is displayed as the Trade Name and the License Number in parenthesis.

  2. Japanese Receipt Date and Follow Up Dates table:

    It captures the Japanese received date label as Japanese received for each recorded follow-up in the PMDA tab. The system displays a list of all follow-ups that are entered in the General tab with the option to specify Japanese received for each follow-up entry.

    • When you change the Japanese Received Date from default, the justification pop-up with the message Please enter the reason of information receipt date change is displayed, wherein you are required to enter the reason of this date change.

    • When you change the Japanese Receipt Date or Japanese Follow-Up Date, if the changed date is older than the date in the Information Receipt Date of General tab, a pop-up window with the following error message is displayed:

      The date cannot be older than the first information receipt date of the case.

    • For the purpose of Report Scheduling in Japan, the Japanese Aware Date is used by checking the flag on Use Japanese Aware Date for Reporting as configured in the Reporting Destination Code List of Console. The Japanese Aware Date has the same behavior as the Standard Aware Date.

  3. Reporting Category:

    The Reporting Category is a drop-down list with the values from Reporting Category Code List.

    • The Reporting category is a drop-down list with the values, as indicated in the table below. The drop-down content of the field depends on the previous selection in:

      • AE/Infection (in Infection check box in Event tab) - This is used only if all the events are AE, or all the events are Infection.

      • Domestic / Foreign (in Country of Incidence, PMDA tab, Dom = JP, Frgn <> JP)

      • License Type (Investigational or Marketed)

      • You can refer to the following table for the list of Reporting Categories in the drop-down list.

    • The system clears the Japan Reporting Category if the dependent fields are modified after the selection has been updated.

    Table 1-2 List of Reporting Categories

    Category Category Description AE / Infection (in event tab) Dom / Frgn License Type


    Domestic/Infection report (Marketed drug)





    Domestic/ADR report (Marketed drug)





    Overseas/Infection report (Marketed drug)





    Overseas/ADR report (Marketed drug)





    Research/Infection report (Marketed drug)





    Research/ADR report (Marketed drug)





    Measures in foreign countries including





    Domestic/Infection report (Investigational drug)





    Domestic/ADR report (Investigational drug)





    Overseas/Infection report (Investigational drug)





    Overseas/ADR report (Investigational drug)





    Research/Infection report (Investigational drug)





    Research/ADR report (Investigational drug)





    Measures in foreign countries including discontinuation of manufacture, recall and withdrawn (Investigational drug) such as production termination, product recall, product rejection, etc. (clinical study)





    Research report (Quasi drug)





    Research report (Cosmetics)




  4. PMDA Tab > General > Linked Product section collects product in the Assessment table with the following rules:

    • System checks:

      • If the case is a foreign case

      • If the case has non-company product(s).

      • The non-company product(s) is/are marked as Suspected.

      • Under all above conditions, suspected company product in this case has equivalent Japanese license.

    • If there is non-company suspected drug in foreign cases, that product Trade Name and Generic name are used for matching with the Keywords from Console J > Code List > Argus J > Reportable Product Keyword.

    • This keyword is used for finding related company product family which needs reportability assessment when foreign case has non-company suspected drug. The keyword text is matched within either the Product Name or Generic Name fields of the Case Form. If entered keyword matches (partially or fully), the matching product family's Japanese license is assessed in the PMDA tab.

    • When there are multiple Japanese licenses in the matching family, all of these licenses are listed for assessment in the PMDA tab.

    • Products already existing in the Case form are not populated here.

    • In this section, the Causality Assessments are available.

    • Listedness is always Unknown for this section.

    • Hyperlinks are not available for this Assessment section.

      Table 1-3 Field Descriptions

      Field Argus J User display


      Company product(s) using J Reportable Keyword are displayed.

      Event PT (Description) / LLT

      Event(s) in the case are displayed


      D/S information is displayed as read-only


      Event information is displayed as read-only

      Reported Causality

      Reported Causality type-ahead drop-down

      Determined Causality

      Determined Causality type-ahead drop-down

    • You can assess the product for reportability in this table.

    • This section's display status (Maximize/Minimize) is not dependent on a user preference:

      • This section is automatically minimized if there is no data.

      • This section is automatically maximized if there is data.

        Surrounding text describes pmda.jpg.
  5. When you enter future date in Initial Receipt Date in Case Form > General tab > General Information > Initial Receipt Date, or PMDA Tab > General > Initial Information Receipt date, the application displays the following validation message:

    Receipt Date cannot be a future date

  6. Product Change Justification:

    • When you click the OK button (the button appears in each follow-up row of Product Change Justification column in the follow-up info table), the Justification Table pop-up is displayed to view update information.

    • The button is enabled only when Product Change justification exists for the case.

      For example, Scenario # 1 - it only asks for justification if there is a submitted report against the product which is subject to deletion and you unlock the case with follow-up to delete that product.

      Scenario # 2 - In addition, when you create a company product:

      • Schedule an Expedited report against the company product.

      • Get that report to Submitted status.

      • Unlock case a, add follow-up and change the company product to a different company product (change justification is displayed).

      • Enter something and navigate to PMDA tab.

      • The button is enabled.

        Surrounding text describes justification.jpg.
    • The Justification list populates all the product justifications entered for the follow up.

    • The Translation justification is editable using the following steps:

      • Select the justification from the list. This highlights the row.

      • Click the Editing the justification button.

        This opens Justification pop-up and you can edit the justification.

  7. When you select the Research Report Type Reporting category, a pop-up Reason for subject of the Research Report is displayed to enter the reason of the Research report.

    • The pop-up UI section opens only when any one of the suspected drug license table has one of following Reporting Category selected:

      Table 1-4 Reporting Categories

      Reporting Category (English meaning)


      Research/Infection report (Marketed drug)


      Research/ADR report (Marketed drug)


      Research/Infection report (Investigational drug)


      Research/ADR report (Investigational drug)


      Research report (Quasi drug)


      Research report (Cosmetics)

    • The information is multiply stored when multiple suspected licenses with the Research Reporting Category exist. Each Research Reporting Category has a circle in Green color symbol after the justification is entered in the pop-up window.

    • Justification pop-up

      • User Interface:

        Surrounding text describes justdialog.jpg.

        The following table explains the fields used in the Justification dialog box:

        Field Label Value English Label Name Purpose Field Length Audit Log
        1 N/A Reason of Research Report Title of the UI N/A N/A
        2 N/A Assessment Result Read Only N/A N/A
        3. N/A Reason of Research Report Title of the section N/A N/A
        4. Reason for subject of the Research Report - Possibility of occurrence of serious disease such as cancer, disorder, or death Possibility of occurrence of serious disease such as cancer, disorder, or death Radio button Yes - exists

        無No - does not exist

        N/A Yes
        5. Reason for subject of the Research Report - Significant change on event or infection occurrence number, frequency, and condition Significant change on event or infection occurrence number, frequency, and condition. Radio button Yes - exists

        無No - does not exist

        N/A Yes
        6. Reason for subject of the Research Report - It doesn't have acknowledged effectiveness It doesn't have acknowledged effectiveness Radio button Yes - existsNo - does not exist N/A Yes
        7. Reason for subject of the Research Report - Problems Problems Text Field, 20,000 field length. 20,000 Yes
        8. N/A OK Button N/A N/A
        9. N/A Cancel Button N/A N/A

        Items # 4, 5, and 6 have radio buttons Yes and No to store the answer.

        Field #2, Assessment Result, is a read-only field to show either the value from Literature Intake Assessment or the Reporting Category selected in the PMDA General tab. The following table illustrates the drop-down content based on the Reporting Category:

        Drop-down Content (English meaning) Reporting Category
        1 Not Necessary
        2 AE Case A, B, C, D, H, I, J, K
        3 Research/Infection report (Marketed drug) E
        4 Research/ADR report (Marketed drug) F
        5 Research/Infection report (Investigational drug) L
        6 Research/ADR report (Investigational drug) M
        7 Research report (Quasi drug) O
        8 Research report (Cosmetics) P
        9 Measures in foreign countries including discontinuation of manufacture, recall and withdrawn (Marketed drug) G
        10 Measures in foreign countries including discontinuation of manufacture, recall and withdrawn (Investigational drug) N

    • The Problems section text field stores text information.

    • At least one Yes radio button has to be filled in the User Interface, and if this condition suffice, the UI can be closed. If this is not fulfilled, a message:

      At least one question has "Yes" selected is displayed to suffice the condition.

    • This is not printed in the Case Form Print.

    • Once you select Research Reporting Category and enters the reason, and then re-selects the Reporting Category to Non-Research Reporting Category, the system displays a warning message:

      Trying to select non-Research Reporting Category. If changed, the already entered "Reason of the Research Report" will be removed. Continue? is displayed.

      If you select OK, the reason is deleted. If Cancel is selected, the Reporting Category change is aborted.

  8. In case of a foreign case, if you select Under clinical trial for partial change (clinical study for change on indication/listedness) in the License Category drop-down in the PMDA General tab, the system automatically displays pop-up window with following message:

    Under clinical trial for partial change (clinical study for change on indication/listedness)" has been selected, so "TIKEN" needs to be entered in the "Caseform/Product/Note.

    • The pop-up UI has OK button only.

    • This pop-up is displayed every time this License Category is selected.

  9. Each section has the Minimize button to hold the sections. The Associated Product Assessment section is minimized when the product does not exist.

PMDA Information: Comments Tab

The following figure depicts the Comments sub-tab of the PMDA Information tab:

Surrounding text describes pmdacom.jpg.

The following table lists the fields in the Comments tab:

Table 1-5 Fields in the Comments tab

Field Name Description



This represents the Sub-tab of the PMDA Information tab.



This represents the Sub-tab of the PMDA Information tab.


Product, License No

This is a drop-down field. It allows you to enter J specific narrative information based on the each suspected drug license.


Comment on incomplete

This field is unique to Japan. This field is an editable text that maps to DTD element J.7 as per PMDA. In case of an incomplete report, input a comment in J.7 <mhlwadmicsrcommentsincomplete> for the report being incomplete.


E.g. Cure_All MKT (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

This field represents the E.g. Sample License for which the narratives are being written. All the narratives written in the various text boxes are applicable to this License.


Counter measure for the future

This field is unique to Japan. This field is an editable text that maps to the J.9<mhlwadmicsrcountermeasures> DTD element as per PMDA.The company inputs the counter measures for the future based on the evaluation made by the reporting company on the concerned adverse effect infection, etc.For foreign case, the company inputs the counter measures taken by the Japanese reporting company, and not the foreign company. The field size is 10000J.


Other references

This field is unique to Japan. This field is an editable text that maps to the J.10<mhlwadmicsrreporttimesevent.> DTD element as per PMDA.


Comment of sender

This field is unique to Japan. This field is an editable text. This refers to the B.5.4 < sendercomment > element.


Remarks 1

This field is unique to Japan. This field is an editable text that maps to the J.13.1 DTD element as per PMDA. The DTD element name is:<mhlwadmicsrremarks1>


Remarks 2

This field is unique to Japan. This field is an editable text that maps to the J.13.2 DTD element as per PMDA. The DTD element name is:<mhlwadmicsrremarks2>


Remarks 3

This field is unique to Japan. This field is an editable text that maps to the J.13.3 DTD element as per PMDA. The DTD element name is:<mhlwadmicsrremarks3>


Remarks 4

This field is unique to Japan. This field is an editable text that maps to the J.13.4 DTD element as per PMDA. The DTD element name is:<mhlwadmicsrremarks4>


Copy the comments in this tab to other reporting licenses

This button copies all the comments in the UI to other licenses in the list. When there is only one product, the button is disabled.

Functionality Changes

The following are the functionality changes for the Comments tab:

  1. This tab captures narratives data for various J DTD elements that are reported in E2B reports being submitted to PMDA.

    For details, refer to the DTD Mapping document.

  2. Product, License drop-down contains the same suspected drug licenses listed in the PMDA General tab. This is to include distinct narratives for each license. Each comment is applied to the selected License Number within the drop-down field. So a unique narrative field is available for each license. In the Product, License drop-down, licenses are displayed in the following format:

    Trade Name (License number)

    Depending on which license is picked, appropriate Narrative fields is displayed.

  3. When Copy the comments in this tab to other reporting licenses is clicked, a message Comments already exist for other licenses and will be overwritten. Do you wish to continue? is displayed. If you click OK, the copy process is continued, and if you click Cancel, the copy is canceled.

  4. This tab has auto text generation functions on each text box:

    • UI: (buttons are located on the right side of each binocular icon).

    • The label of the button Generate

    • The function of the button is the same as Generate buttons in the Analysis tab. The PMDA tab does not have English or other languages equivalent fields, therefore, the auto narrative functions populate the texts by using Japanese Narrative template of the Console Configuration.

Product License Value

  • The Product License display value on PMDA tab has been changed at the following places:

    • PMDA General tab > Product Licenses section ' Product License column

    • PMDA Comments tab > Product License dropdown field

  • The following display value format is used at these places for product license values:

    <Case Form Product Tab Name (J)><space><#[x]><space>(<License Trade Name (J)>)<space>(<License Type><space>-<space><License Number>)


    <Case Form Product Tab Name (J)><space><#[x]>: is the same text that is displayed as Product tab name for the product to Argus J user. "<space><#[x]>" is present only if the tab name is same for multiple products either due to multiple study drug under same study or due to non-study multiple products with same name.

    <License Trade Name (J)>: is the Trade Name (J) from Console license configuration for the license of the product.

    <License Type>: is printed as "Inv" or "Mkt" base on whether the License Type is Investigational or Marketed.

    <License Number>: is the License Number from Console license configuration for the product license.

PMDA Event Reportability Updates

  • The following field values from the PMDA Event Reportability Print section are available/stored in database tables/columns so that they can also be queried for other custom reporting needs:

    • Reportability Status - Reportable, NUPR Reportable, Not-Reportable

    • Reportability Timeframe value in days

  • To avoid unwanted performance impact on Case Save action, these field values should not be calculated on each case save. These are calculated based on only the following actions:

    • Manual method - "Recalculate PMDA Event Reportability" button

      A new button "Recalculate PMDA Reportability" has been added to Case Form > Analysis > PMDA Info > General tab > Product License section header bar right before the "Up" and "Down" buttons.

      Clicking on this button triggers the fresh calculation of the PMDA Event Reportability data.

      This button is not displayed when the user opens a previous case revision in the Case Form.

    • Automatic method - Case Lock action

      A new common profile switch has been added in Console > System Configuration > System Management > Argus J > Reporting as described below:

      Key Label: Perform PMDA Event Reportability calculation on each Case Lock

      Key Type: Radio Options

      Key Options: "Yes" and "No"

      Default Value: "No"

      If this common profile switch is set to "Yes", then when the case is locked from any point in Argus Safety application, it triggers the fresh calculation of the PMDA Event Reportability data.

  • The following is implemented during the PMDA Event Reportability calculation process:

    • While these values are being calculated by application, a standard processing icon is displayed on the case form.

    • If any unsaved changes are done by the user in the case data before clicking this button, then all those changes are considered and saved during the calculation process.

    • Once the calculations have been completed, the calculated values are saved in the appropriate database tables, along with the case revision data.

    • After successful completion, a standard Argus Safety message box is displayed with OK button and message - "PMDA Event Reportability data has been successfully calculated and saved with the case data for the current case revision." This is applicable only for "Recalculate PMDA Event Reportability" button click and not for Case Lock action.

  • For the latest case revision, these field values are available in regular Argus Safety database case form tables.

  • For previous case revisions, the field values are available in the DLP database case form history data tables.

  • For the case revisions, for which PMDA Event Reportability data is not calculated, it is carried-over from its previous case revision for the case form / DLP database tables as well as for displaying it in the Case Print.

  • Case Form Print > PMDA Event Reportability section > Reportability column > Reportability Status and Timeframe value is calculated / printed based on the reporting rules that existed at the calculation point.

  • Other fields which are displayed as part of Case Form Print > PMDA Event Reportability section for each case revision are not required to be saved in database tables, but are calculated / printed along with the reportability fields in the Print PDF for that case revision.

  • Following field values in Case Form Print > PMDA Event Reportability section are also calculated / printed based on the Console configurations that existed at the calculation point.

    • Outline of Clinical Trials (J.12 section)

    • Listedness As per Datasheet (based on the active datasheet as that point)

  • The following note is printed at the bottom of PMDA Event Reportability section print - "# PMDA Event Reportability last calculated on case revision # <XXX> at <YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss> JST", where:

    • <XXX> is the case revision number as displayed in case revisions dialog for which the PMDA reportability was calculated.

    • at <YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss> is the time when it was last calculated as per the Japan standard time. It is calculated based in the common profile switch Argus J > Reporting > "Offset from GMT used to calculate Japanese date/time fields (in hours)"

  • For existing/migrated cases, the data displayed as part of Case Form Print > PMDA Event Reportability section will not be available for previous or latest case revisions. It will be created going forward as those cases are saved by users in Argus Safety application.

  • No audit log is required for these values calculated and stored in database as these as internally calculated values and no updates are allowed from any user interface.

  • This PMDA Reportability data is not copied during Case Copy action.

  • While calculating the earliest timeframe value for PMDA Event Reportability section, existing application logic considers only those matching reporting rules for which the reporting destination is configured as below to identify if it is a PMDA or non-PMDA reporting rule:

    • Reporting Destination > Agency Type field is specified as Regulatory Authority and

    • Reporting Destination > Agency Country field is specified as Japan.

Case Form - PMDA Analysis tab

The Case Form for the PMDA Analysis tab comprises the Case Analysis tab, the BfArM Information tab, the MedWatch Device Information tab, the AFSSaPS Info tab, and the PMDA Information tab, as depicted in the following figure:

Surrounding text describes pmdacf.jpg.

PMDA E2B Report Mapping Updates

  • PMDA profile E2B transmission logic for SERIOUSNESS [A.1.5.2] tags considers those events which have been included in the PMDA E2B based on event reportability criteria. This is applicable to the following tags:







  • E2B transmission logic for SERIOUSNESSDEATH tag which currently looks at death details even though it is not related to any event included in the E2B has been removed. It is transmitted as 1 (Yes), only if at least one event which is included the E2B report has Death associated with it. Otherwise, it is transmitted as 2. This is applicable to all E2B profiles - ICH, FDA, EMEA and PMDA.

  • DRUGSTARTDATEFORMAT and DRUGSTARTDATE (B.4.k.12a and b): PMDA profile E2B transmission logic is also corrected to consider only the reportable events (which are included in the E2B report) when applying the following existing rule:

    When a case has REACTIONSTARTDATEFORMAT and REACTIONSTARTDATE (B.2.i.4a and b) earlier than the first suspect drug's DRUGSTARTDATEFORMAT and DRUGSTARTDATE (B.4.k.12a and b), then the system does not transmit the first suspect drug's B.4.k.12a and b for PMDA reports. When there are multiple events, the comparison is executed in between the oldest REACTIONSTARTDATE, and DRUGSTARTDATE. If there are partial dates, the date are considered as 15th of the month, and the month is considered as June of the year. (The first suspect drug here means the drug for which the report has been scheduled).

  • All the E2B check validations for all profiles - ICH, FDA, EMEA and PMDA, related to the following tags have been corrected to refer to only the seriousness of the events which are included in the E2B report:




  • For PMDA E2B reports, if there are no reportable events for the E2B / PMDA Paper Reports, then instead of opening PMDA ICSR Validation Report with missing mandatory tag errors for REACTIONMEDDRAPT and REACTIONMEDDRALLT tags, the application displays an Argus standard messagebox with OK button and error message - 'No reportable event exists for the report'.

    • This logic is applicable for PMDA Reporting Catergories A,B, C, D, H, I, J, K only.

    • This logic is not applicable to downgrade or nullification reports.

    • This message is displayed in all scenarios wherever the application attempts to open PMDA ICSR Validation Report directly or indirectly, including but not limited to, the following scenarios:

      User attempts to open PMDA E2B report in E2B Viewer

      User attempts to open PMDA ICSR Validation Report

      User attempt to import follow-up E2B and the application is attempting to open PMDA ICSR Validation Report because the E2B being created for the target case does not have any reporting event.

Activities Tab

  • Local Lock / Unlock details are displayed as part of Routing comments log in the Case Form > Activities tab. This displays the Date of local lock/unlock, User who performed the local lock/unlock similar to the existing global lock functionality.

    The text "Case Locally Locked for JP" or "Case Locally Unlocked for JP" is populated prior to the user added comments in the Local Lock screen, corresponding to the Local lock or unlock action. Note that "JP" is the standard A2 country code for the country Japan defined in the Argus Console ' Countries code list.

  • When a case is globally/locally locked or globally/locally unlocked at the same time, only one entry is added to the Routing Comments log.

  • The application records the corresponding routing comments described above even in scenarios where the system user (such as AGservice) performed the local lock/unlock action.

  • Case Print includes the Local Lock/Unlock routing Comments as listed above, and is printed under the Routing Comments Log section.

Additional Information Tab

  • Notes and Attachment section of Additional Info tab has been updated with an option to sort on the column headers (similar to Activities tab 'Action Items sorting feature) to sort the records based on the fields in Notes and Attachment section:

    Field Description
    By default, "Upward Arrow" is displayed on the column header "#"

    System displays the records in the ascending order of the sequence in which the records are entered.

    On clicking the column header "#" for the first time, records are sorted in the descending order (numerically) of the Sequence number and "Downward Arrow" are displayed next to "#" column header.

    On clicking the column header "#" for the second time, records are sorted in the descending order (numerically) of the Sequence number and "Upward Arrow" are displayed next to "#" column header.

    On subsequent clicks to "#" column header, system toggles between "Downward Arrow" and " Upward Arrow " and its corresponding toggle functionality.

    Classification On clicking this column header for the first time, records are sorted in the ascending order (alphabetically) of the Classification and an "Upward Arrow" is displayed next to the "Classification" column.

    On clicking this column header for the second time, records are sorted in the descending order (alphabetically) of the Classification and a "Downward Arrow" is displayed next to the "Classification" column header.n header.

    On subsequent clicks to the "Classification" column header, the system toggles between "Upward Arrow" and "Downward Arrow" and its corresponding toggle functionality.

    Keywords On clicking this column header for the first time, records are sorted in the ascending order (alphabetically) of the "Keywords" and an "Upward Arrow" is displayed next to the "Keywords" column header.

    On clicking this column header for the second time, records are sorted in the descending order (alphabetically) of the "Keywords" and a "Downward Arrow" is displayed next to the "Keywords" column header.

    On subsequent clicks to the "Keywords" column header, the system toggles between the "Upward Arrow" and "Downward Arrow" and its corresponding toggle functionality.

    Date On clicking this column header for the first time, records are sorted in the ascending order (chronologically) of the "Date" and an "Upward Arrow" is displayed next to the "Date" column header.

    On clicking this column header for the second time, records are sorted in the descending order (chronologically) of the "Date" and "Downward Arrow" is displayed next to the "Date" column header.

    On subsequent clicks to the "Date" column header, the system toggles between "Upward Arrow" and "Downward Arrow" and its corresponding toggle functionality.

    Description On clicking this column header for the first time, records are sorted in the ascending order (alphabetically) of the "Description" and an "Upward Arrow" is displayed next to the "Description" column header.

    On clicking this column header for the second time, records are sorted in the descending order (alphabetically) of the "Description" and a "Downward Arrow" is displayed next to the "Description" column header.

    On subsequent clicks to the "Description" column header, the system toggles between the "Upward Arrow" and "Downward Arrow" and its corresponding toggle functionality.

  • Sorting is remembered only till the time when the case is kept open.

  • After the records in Notes and Attachments are sorted, if the following options are invoked without closing the case, the sort order is respected in these modules (similar to Activities 'Action Items sorting feature):

    • Case Form Print

    • Medical Review

    • Copied Case

    Figure 1-6 Case Form - Additional Information tab

    Surrounding text describes Figure 1-6 .

Regulatory Reports Tab

In the Argus J version of the Regulatory Reports tab, the 'Unsubmit Report' menu option (which appears from submitted reports icon for J users only) has been renamed to 'Schedule Nullification'.

On selecting this menu option, a new E2B nullification report gets scheduled against the original report but it does not change the status of the original submitted report.

A new checkbox called Schedule Local Reports Only has been added under the Total Number of Rows section in the Regulatory Reports tab of the Case Form. This checkbox is visible only when the configuration switch "Case Form Configuration | Auto Regulatory Scheduling is not set to None