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FAQ - What is the difference between Out of Order (OOO) and Out of Service (OOS)?

Out of Order / Out of Service

Basically, the steps for setting a room Out of Order and Out of Service are the same, but the reasons are quite different:

Out of Order (OOO) is typically used when a room is being renovated, undergoing repairs, or cannot be used. Out of Order works the same as Out of Service except that rooms placed Out of Order no longer figure into availability statistics, which means that rooms placed Out of Order are unavailable to sell, and are deducted from inventory. Rooms that are set Out of Order display in the Task Sheets but do not display in the Task Companion.

Out of Service (OOS) is used to place a room in short term maintenance mode. Out of Service rooms do not deduct from inventory, which means the room will still show in the statistics as a valid room to be sold. Rooms that are set Out of Service display in the Task Sheets but do not display in the Task Companion.

You cannot set an Occupied room to Out of Order or Out of Service status. You will receive an error stating that the room is blocked or cannot be updated.

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