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FAQ - What do Non-Elastic, Elastic, Sell Limits, and Shoulder Dates in Inventory Control mean?


Non-Elastic, Elastic, Sell Limits, and Shoulder Dates settings allow you to control if block reservations can be made beyond the allotted number of rooms and/or beyond the number of days outside of the block's core (start and end) dates.


Reservations outside of the allotted dates and number of rooms are not allowed.

Non-Elastic Block diagram - Reservations outside of the allotted dates and number of rooms are not allowed.


[Blocks > Elastic Block parameter]

Elastic means that the block can be "stretched" to accommodate reservation demand, having the ability to pick up more than the block's allotted rooms and to book outside of the block's core dates. Shoulder dates can be used in conjunction with Elastic to set restrictions on how many days outside of the block's core dates that reservations can be booked (See Shoulder Dates below).

Elastic Block diagram - Elastic means that the block can be "stretched" to accommodate reservation demand, having the ability to pick up more than the block's allotted rooms and to book outside of the block's core dates.

Shoulder Dates

(Blocks > Shoulder Dates parameter; Blocks > Shoulder Dates > Maximum Shoulder Days parameter)

Shoulder Dates are available with both Elastic and Sell Limit options. Shoulder Dates define a period of time before and/or after the block core dates where reservations can be made against the block during the reservation pickup process. Different rates can be set for the shoulder start period and the shoulder end period.

The Blocks > Shoulder Dates > Maximum Shoulder Days group level setting allows you to restrict the number of shoulder days to a maximum number before and after the block's core dates.

Shoulder Dates diagram - Shoulder Dates define a period of time before and/or after the block core dates where reservations can be made against the block during the reservation pickup process.

Sell Limits

[Blocks > Sell Limits parameter]

With Sell Limits you can specify a maximum number of rooms that can be borrowed from house availability for the block beyond the allotted number of rooms or room types. Shoulder dates can also be used in conjunction with Sell Limits to set restrictions on how many days outside of the block's core dates that reservations can be booked (See Shoulder Dates above). Sell limits can be set separately for core dates and for shoulder periods.

Sell Limits Block diagram - With Sell Limits you can specify a maximum number of rooms that can be borrowed from house availability for the block beyond the allotted number of rooms or room types.


Blocks that are ELASTIC but have NO SHOULDER DATES defined are considered to be without pre and post date limits and reservation pick-up is possible for any dates as long as those dates overlap the core block dates.

Blocks that are ELASTIC and HAVE SHOULDER DATES defined will use these shoulder dates as the date limits for reservation pick-up.

NON-ELASTIC blocks can not have shoulder dates defined - the core dates are considered the block date limits.

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