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FAQ - How do I set a room to Out of Order or Out of Service status?

To set a room to Out of Order / Out of Service status

1) Select a Property

2) Enter or select a Room Number

3) Select Search

4) Review the From and Through dates, make changes as needed

5) Select a Reason

6) Set the Return Status for the room
         (the status that you want the room to reflect after the room is released from Out of Order or Out of Service status)

7) Add any Remarks or Instructions needed

8) Select Set Out of Order / Set Out of Service

Try It Yourself

Room number 1000 has a leak in the drain under the bathroom sink, and needs to be placed Out of Service.

Below, the Dates have been reviewed, and the Remarks have already been entered.

To complete:

  • Select "Plumbing" for the Reason
  • Set "Dirty" as the Return Status
  • and then select Set Out of Service.



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