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FAQ - Why does the jump link show that there are Future and Past Stays, but no reservations show in the jump?

Reservations are in a different property(ies) than the one you are logged in to.

If the jump link shows a total count but the jump shows [0] No Future & Past Stays, this means that the reservations are in another property (or in other properties).



Here, the link shows a count of 4 Total but the jump screen says No Future & Past Stays.

For this example, the guest has future reservations in the OPERA property, but I am logged in to the SPRINT property.

Because I'm logged in to the SPRINT property, I will only see the reservations for the SPRINT property, which in this case, the guest has no future or past reservations. If I log into the Hub and then open the jump from the profile, there I will see all [4] of the Past reservations.


Future and Past Stays jump link - 4 Total




Accounts Receivables F&P Stays Jump on Sprint


When logged in to the SPRINT property, the jump says there are no reservations.







Accounts Receivables F&P Stays Jump with 4 past reservations in Opera



When logged in to the HUB the jump shows all of the records. In this example all 4 are Past reservations, with no future reservations.








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