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FAQ - Are there examples that show how Sell Limits (Overbookings) affect Room Inventory?

Below are three different scenarios for the date Friday, April 22nd as they appear in the Manage Sell Limits screen and in the Rooms Availability screen. For these scenarios, assume that there are no rooms yet sold, marked for Out of Order, or cancelled.


Scenario 1: Sell Limit by percentage - House Sell Limit is set by Date Range to 15% for the month of April – Actual physical room count is 231. So the Sell Limit is 35 rooms, for a total of 266 rooms available to sell throughout the month of April.


Scenario 2: Sell Limit by Lead Days, using Flat number of rooms - KKING is set by Lead Day 15-5, 10 Flat, No Weekends. (Today’s date = 4/22.)

This means that starting 5 days out from today’s date (4/27) through to 15 days out from today’s date (5/6), KKING has a Sell Limit (Overbooking Allowance) of 10 rooms for a total of 60 Available Rooms To Sell on the weekdays but no Sell Limit (Overbooking Allowance) on the weekends (Sat and Sun) during that period.


Scenario 3: Using a Negative Sell Limit - C1K is set by Date Range 4/23 to 4/29,
-20 Flat (all rooms) to be taken out of Rooms To Sell inventory for minor renovations.



Manage Sell Limits Screen

FAQ - Sell Limits Examples



Rooms Availability Screen

FAQ - Sell Limits Examples - Room Availability screen



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