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FAQ - Can I move a reservation to another property if it has a sharer?



When the Move to Another Property action link is selected, and the reservation has a Sharer(s), a screen will display with the options to move only the main (current editing) reservation and guest or to move the reservation with the attached Sharers.


If the reservation has more than one Sharer, but you don't want to move ALL sharers, highlight the Sharer(s) that are to move with the reservation, and select the Move with Sharers option. The current guest and the highlighted sharer(s) will be moved to the new property; the other Sharer(s) will remain with the original reservation.





Move Reservation to Another Property - select Sharer


Given the scenario above, the following options apply:


if Move Main Reservation Only is selected, only Darienne Taggent will be attached to the new reservation.


if Move with Sharers is selected, Darienne Taggent and Jennie Gant will be attached to the new reservation, since Darienne Taggent is the main reservation guest and Jennie Gant Sharer record is highlighted.

if no Sharer records are highlighted, only Darienne Taggent (no Sharers) will be moved to the new reservation.

if all Sharer records are highlighted, Darienne Taggent and all Sharers will be moved to the new reservation.


Cancel returns to the Reservation. 





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