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FAQ - How do I make a Reservation?

Application > Bookings > Look To Book Sales Screen


 Select New Reservation from the Look To Book Start Screen, and then:

1. Search for Available Properties:




Type in Property name (or Select the Property/Properties from the Search LOV)

LTB Search screen  thumbnail




Fill in:

Arrival Date

Departure Date

# Adults / # Children / #Rooms



Type in Guest Name and press Enter (or click the Profile Search icon); and then highlight the profile and then click Select Profile.*



Select the Search button (to display available properties/rates)



2. Choose Room/Rate, Reservation Type and Payment Method:

LTB Drag & Drop - thumbnail




Drag and drop the rate(s) from the Available property into the Trip Composer



Select the Reservation Type (Book Now popup screen)

(If not pre-populated, also type in or select the Market and Source Codes.)



Select the Payment Method




Drag & Drop into Trip Composer




3. Select Add to Trip Composer** or Book Now

LTB Book Now screen thumbnail





Book Now screen




*You could also add the Profile later in the Book Now popup screen. If there is no existing Profile for this guest, click the I want to… button and select Create A New Profile.

**Add to Trip Composer - you can Book the Reservation, End the Call and not book the Reservation, or choose other scenarios and the Trip Composer will act as a "shopping cart" for the items until you are ready to Book or End the Call.



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