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FAQ - How do I change the way search results are displayed on the Housekeeping Board?

You can change how the Housekeeping Board displays room status information by selecting Table, Panel, or Tab (located just above and on the left side of the Housekeeping Board).

Table View

Table view displays search results in a table format. Each row represents a different room. Each column provides information related to a room. Scroll right or left to view all columns on the screen. Use the Previous / Next feature at the bottom of the Housekeeping Board to advance from one screen to another.

Panel View

Panel view organizes and displays room status information in panels. Each panel is dedicated to one Room Status type (based on your Room Status search selections). For example, all Dirty rooms are displayed in one panel, all Clean rooms in another panel, all Out of Order rooms in another, and so on. The Panel view displays only two panels at a time, so use the Previous / Next feature at the top of the Housekeeping Board to advance to any additional panels.

Change Search Results View to Panel View

Tab View

Tab view displays each room and summary information in a separate tab. Each panel displays the room number, room type, and room status. Use the Previous / Next feature at the bottom of the Housekeeping Board to advance from one screen to another.

Change Search Results to Tab view

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