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FAQ - Why would I transfer a posting?

The Transfer feature lets you transfer Folios or individual postings to other guests or Folio Windows. It has several applications. For example, you might use it when a guest wishes to pay the charges for one or more other guests. Or, it can be used when guests wish to split certain charges between them. It also can be used when charges for a group of guests is being billed to one master account for payment.

How to Transfer a Posting

The Transfer function is available on the Manage Billing screen. Select Actions and then choose Transfer Posting to display the Transfer screen.

1. Select Transfer Scope and Direction

You can transfer entire or partial postings between guest bills (using room numbers) or from one Folio Window to another. Once a posting or part of a posting is transferred, it is removed from the "sending" guest's bill and displays on the "receiving" guest's bill.

FAQ - Why would I transfer a posting screen

If transferring a Folio Window, you are prompted to select the Window.

If transferring to or from rooms, you are prompted to indicate a room number and guest name.



2. Select the Posting(s)

The second step is to select the posting(s) to transfer. You can search for specific postings or all postings.

Actions -Transfer Posting FAQ .png

  • From your search results, select "Add All" posting or select and "Add" individual postings for transfer.
  • Use "Remove" or "Remove All" to remove postings from your list, if needed.


To Advance:

  1. Select the posting(s).
  2. Select Next.
  3. The Split Options screen displays.



3. Determine the Split by Amount or Percentage

The Split Options screen completes the transfer. Select one of three options: (1) Do not split, (2) Split by Amount, or (3) Split by Percentage. The amount or percentage is required when you select either Split by Amount or Split by Percentage.

Split Options - Why transfer a posting FAQ


Select Next to review the transfer.



4. Confirm Transfer

The Transfer Confirmation screen allows you to verify the transfer. Select the posting and choose Transfer to complete the action and return to Manage Billing.

Manage Billing - Transfer Confirmation

Selecting Transfer moves the posting to either another Window on the guest's folio or to another guest's room.



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