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Correcting Travel Agent IATA Exceptions

The Channel IATA exception screen displays Global Distributions System (GDS) reservations submitted by travel agents that do not have an IATA (International Air Transport Association) number. Use the IATA Exceptions tab on the Monitor Workspace to search and delete exceptions.

You can search for channel reservation exceptions based on GDS Property, Channel, and Insert Date. Search results display information under the following columns:

IATA Exceptions

Search Results Descriptions

Insert Date

The date the exception occurred.

Confirmation No.

A number assigned by OPERA.

GDS Property

The property name.


The exception status, such as pending.


The reason for the exception, such as IATA Not Found.

Record Locator

An identifier generated by the GDS.

GDS Source

An identifier generated by the GDS. If missing an IATA number, the source is GDS Type A or Type B; if missing a record locator, the source is GDS Host.

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