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Associated Profiles Jump - Reservations


With the Associated Profiles jump you can manage and create new profiles to attach to a reservation. Selecting the profile's name opens that profile, or search for an existing profile type (Company, Travel Agent, Group, or Source) to attach. The search screen's "I want to..." button allows for new profile creation. Once created, that profile can then be attached to a reservation or a block. Select the Remove link to instantly detach a profile that you no longer wish to have associated with that reservation or block.

Associated Profiles Indicator

Associated Profiles - Supports the ability to attach, edit, remove, or create new profiles to associate with this reservation.


Screen Details icon   Screen Details


Videos and Tutorials icon   Videos and Tutorials

Associated Profiles jump screen


   Video - Associated Profiles - How to see other Profiles attached to a Reservation  How to see other Profiles attached to a Reservation VS - Associated Profiles - How to see other Profiles attached to a Reservation

   Video - Associated Profiles - How to link another Profile to a Reservation  How to link another Profile to a Reservation VS - Associated Profiles - How to link another Profile to a Reservation





Associated Profiles jump link

Select this jump link to attach, edit, remove or create new profiles to associate with this reservation. For reservations, only single profiles of each type are permitted.




Associated Profiles Jump Screen

Summary View: 

Associated Profiles jump - Reservation


 Maximized View:

Associated Profiles jump - Maximized



Associated Profiles - Actions / Options



Profile name link

Selecting a profile name opens that profile for editing.


Select the Remove link to detach that profile from the reservation or block.




Related items

Manage Reservation Screen



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