Customer Address Changes Report

How to print:

The system generates this report automatically when you:

• press Enter at the Process Shared Changes Screen through the Identify Customer Changes Across Companies (ICCC) menu option

• press F7 or F21 at the Display Pending Changes Screen in Process Customer Changes Across Companies (PCAC)

Note: Updates that the system processed automatically because the names and addresses matched exactly do not appear on this report; however, you can review them through Process Customer Changes Across Companies (PCAC).



• company number

• customer number

• complete customer name (prefix, first name, middle initial, last name, and suffix)

• street address

• city, state, and postal code

Statuses included on this report: The report also contains the status of each address change.

• When you generate the report through Identify Customer Changes Across Companies (ICCC) or by pressing F7 at Process Customer Changes Across Companies (PCAC), the status is always UPD.

• When you generate this report by pressing F21 at the Display Pending Changes Screen in Process Customer Changes Across Companies (PCAC), the report includes both address changes that were processed automatically (status = P, or PRC on the report) and those with updates pending (status = U, or UPD on the report).

How to use this report: You can identify which of the pending address changes are for "true" matches, and which changes you want the system to bypass. For example, the sample report on the previous page displays some false matches, where two different customers coincidentally share the same match code.

Example: Customer #377 in company #27 is not a true match for the source customers in companies #123 or #555. However, Customer #12541 in company #123 is a true match for the source customer in company #555 only, not the source customer in company #27.

You can review source and target customer information in more detail through Process Customer Changes Across Companies (PCAC).

CS03_11r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN