Processed Refund Register

How to print: Complete the Processed Refund Register Screen.

CWDirect Rel 3.0 Processed Refund Register JCESTARO CSR0534 11/02/98 9:56:30 Page 1

The KL Mail Order Company

From 8/01/98 to 10/01/98

Process Create Category

Date Date Sts Type Cur Org Amount Pt Order# Name



8/18/98 3/12/98 P A/R Credit 3 3 20.00 9 2508 MANN, CHRISTINE

8/18/98 3/12/98 P A/R Credit 3 3 22.00 9 2509 MIRANDA, BERNADETTE T

8/18/98 3/12/98 P A/R Credit 3 3 22.00 9 2509 CESTARO, LOUISE

Totals for A/R Credit 3 64.00

8/18/98 9/02/97 P Credit Card Credit 2 2 22.00 4 1314 MAE, MARY M

8/18/98 7/31/98 P Credit Card Credit 2 2 5.25 4 2782 BOTTGER, TROY W

Totals for Credit Card Credit 2 27.25

8/18/98 5/05/98 P Merchandise Credit 5 5 3.50 10 2646 JORDAN, GRACIE R

Totals for Merchandise Credit 1 3.50

Totals for P status 6 94.75


8/18/98 8/06/97 T Check 1 1 23.00 1 1238 WILSON, GREG

8/18/98 11/21/97 T Check 1 1 36.70- 1 1644 MCGOWYN, SHANE

8/18/98 1/06/98 T Check 1 1 26.25- 1 2216 ALPHA ONE FLIGHT SCHOOL

8/18/98 1/09/98 T Check 1 1 17.60- 1 2296 LETENDRE, PAM

8/18/98 4/13/98 T Check 1 1 153.00- 1 2607 CESTARO, ANGELA

8/18/98 4/13/98 T Check 1 1 110.00- 1 2608 GEYER, DEBORAH

8/18/98 4/13/98 T Check 1 1 43.00- 1 2609 GRANDE, ALICIA

8/18/98 5/05/98 T Check 1 1 66.00- 1 2653 BOUTIN, JANILLE

Totals for Check 8 435.05-

8/18/98 12/12/97 T Merchandise Credit 5 5 41.70- 10 1750 LETENDRE, PAM

8/18/98 12/19/97 T Merchandise Credit 5 5 .50 12 2031 ALPHA ONE FLIGHT SCHOOL

8/18/98 12/19/97 T Merchandise Credit 5 5 .50 10 2032 HAILEY, LINDA

Totals for Merchandise Credit 3 40.70-

Totals for T status 11 475.75-

Totals for 8/18/98 17 380.65-


8/25/98 8/25/98 P Credit Card Credit 2 2 26.25 5 2888 MIRANDA, BERNADETTE T

Totals for Credit Card Credit 1 26.25

Totals for P status 1 26.25

Final totals 23 173.25-


• range of dates entered at the Processed Refund Register screen

• the date the refund was processed, written off, or canceled

• the date that the refund was created through a return, overpayment, cancellation, or soldout cancellation

• bank code and description

• a code that identifies the status of the refund. Valid values are:

• P = Processed

• C = Canceled

• T = Written off

• the type of refund. Valid values are:

• Check

• Merchandise credit

• Credit card credit

• A/R credit

• Bonus credit

• Sales credit

• Stored value card

• the current payment category of the refund. Valid values are:

• 1 = Cash/check

• 2 = Credit card

• 3 = Accounts receivable

• 5 = Coupon/credit

• the category of the payment type used on the order. This value may differ from the current category if there is an alternate refund type or alternate refund category for the pay type used on the order. Valid values are:

• 1 = Cash/check

• 2 = Credit card

• 3 = Accounts receivable

• 4 = C.O.D

• 5 = Coupon/credit

• refund amount; a minus sign indicates a credit

• pay type (a code that represents the specific method of payment used on the order)

• order number

• customer name

• for each refund status by bank:

• subtotal by refund type

• subtotal by status

• subtotal by bank

• final total for selected date range

More information: See Introducing the Refund Process for more information on creating refunds. See Working with Refunds, Writeoffs and Balances Due (WREF) for more information on payment categories.

CS10_08r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN