Working with Email (WEML)

Purpose: Use Work with Email to review and work with emails that have been forwarded into Correspondence History and that are in error.

For more information: See Email Repository Overview for more information on how the system processes forwarded emails.

Possible error reasons include:

• the email did not include sufficient information to assign it to a customer

• the email included conflicting information: for example, it specified a customer number and an order number, but the order number is not valid for that customer

• the email included invalid information, such as an email category that does not exist

• the email address in the email does not match an existing customer; see Email Address Matching

• there is more than one customer with the email address in the email (Note: This condition produces an error only if the Assign Unreferenced Email (H93) system control value is set to *DUPE)

In this topic:

Work with Unrouted Email Screen

Change Email Screen

Identifying an Unrouted Email

Display Email Screen

Display Email Detail Screen

Symbol and Special Character Conversion in Emails

Work with Unrouted Email Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WEML in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Unrouted Email from a menu.

CSR1235 DISPLAY Work with Unrouted Email 9/23/02 9:47:42

LIFO by Email Date Sarah`s Joke Shop

Opt Date Src Rsn Cat Email Address

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Create tickler 7=Display detail

8/01/02 EXT U WMO

6/25/02 EXT U XYZ

6/01/02 EXT U

F3=Exit F7=FIFO F8=Sort by Create Date F12=Cancel F24=Select company




The date when the email was forwarded into the system. You can press F8 to display the date when an email was originally sent (the Email sent date) rather than the date when it was forwarded into the system and the Correspondence History record was created (the Created on date). Similarly, after you have selected to display the Email sent date, you can press F8 again to switch the displayed date back to the Created on date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Src (Source)

Indicates whether the email was inbound or outbound. Valid values are:

EXT = the email was forwarded into CWDirect

INT = the email originated in CWDirect and was sent to a customer.

A user-supplied code indicating the email’s source is not currently implemented.

Normally, only inbound (EXT) emails are listed on this screen as unrouted.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Rsn (Reason)

The reason why the system did not assign the email. Possible reasons are:

D (Duplicate) = The email address for the forwarded email matched more than one customer (Note: This condition produces an error only if the Assign Unreferenced Email (H93) system control value is set to *DUPE). The system searches the Customer Individual, Customer Sold To Email, and Customer Ship To files, and if the system finds more than once occurrence of the email address in all of these files, it puts the email in Duplicate status.

I (Invalid value) = The email was flagged with identifiers that include invalid information. Possible reasons include:

• The email Category is not valid

• The ship-to customer does not exist for the sold-to customer

• The customer cross-reference code does not match the customer number indicated

• The Order cross reference or Customer cross reference are not valid

M (Mismatch) = The email was flagged with identifiers that are inconsistent. Possible reasons include:

• The order number indicated is invalid for the sold-to customer

• The order cross-reference code does not match the order number indicated

U (Undeterminable) = The email did not include enough information to assign it to a customer.


To determine the specific error(s) for an email, enter 2 next to an email to advance to the Change Email Screen, where the system displays an error message.

See Emails Repository Process Overview for general information.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Cat (Category)

A category that you use to group email correspondence between you and your customers. A category of NTF indicates that the email was a notification generated by the system and sent to the customer.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Email address

The email address of the person who originated the email. If emails are forwarded into the system by customer service representatives, this is not the email address of the person who sent the email into CWDirect; instead, CWIntegrate searches the text of the forwarded message for the originating email address. For example, if the forwarded message begins:

-----Original Message-----


Sent: 08/09/2002 10:33:38 AM

To: Elise Kaplan


Subject: where is my order

CWIntegrate can determine that is the originating email address.


If CWIntegrate cannot find the originating email address, it substitutes a standard email address that indicates the originating address was not available. The default is, but can vary depending upon your setup.

See Default Values to Identify the Originating Email Address in the CWIntegrate Emails Integration Manual for an overview of how CWIntegrate determines the originating address.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.



Change an unrouted email

Enter 2 next to an email to advance to the Change Email Screen.

Delete an unrouted email

Enter 4 next to an email to delete it.

Display an unrouted email

Enter 5 next to an email to advance to the Display Email Screen.

Create a tickler for the MN (manually created) tickler event

Enter 6 next to an email to advance to the Create Tickler Screen.

Display email subject and text

Enter 7 next to an email to advance to the Display Email Detail Screen.

Change display sequence by date

Press F7 to display emails in ascending chronological order (earliest to latest). Similarly, once FIFO is selected, press F7 to display emails in descending chronological order (latest to earliest).

Change displayed date to the date email was originally sent

Press F8 to display the date when an email was originally sent (the Email sent date) rather than the date when it was forwarded into the system and the Correspondence History record created (the Created on date). Similarly, after you have selected to display the Email sent date, you can press F8 again to switch the displayed date back to the Created on date.

You can use this option together with pressing F7 to display emails in ascending or descending chronological order based on Created on date or Email sent date. The four possible sort options are:

• LIFO by Create Date

• FIFO by Create Date

• LIFO by Email Date

• FIFO by Email Date

The current sort is indicated in the upper left corner of the screen.

Change Email Screen


Unrouted email: An unrouted inbound email is an email that originated from a customer but has not been assigned to a customer because of insufficient or invalid identifying information. Use this screen to review the specific errors and other detail information, correct any errors, and assign the email. Any fields that are in error are highlighted when you advance to this screen, and an error message indicates the nature of the error.

Routed email: A routed email is an inbound email or outbound email notification that is assigned to an customer and, potentially, additional records such as an order, bill-to customer, or purchase order. Use this screen to review detail information or to reassign the email differently if you have the proper authority; the Changed Routed Email (B08) secured feature controls access to this screen for routed (assigned) emails. If you do not have authority to change a routed email, you can use the Display Email Screen to review all of this information.

How to display this screen: Enter 2 next to an email at the:

Work with Unrouted Email Screen

Work with Email by Order Number Screen

Work with Email by Customer Sold To Number Screen

Work with Email by Customer Ship To Number Screen

Work with Email by Customer Bill To Number Screen

Work with Email by Customer Individual Screen

CSR1237 CHANGE Change Email 7/15/02 12:54:03

EZK Mail Order

Created on 7/15/02 at 10:03:11 Email sent 7/15/02 at 10:03:11



Email address. .:

Display name. . :

CC . . . . . . .:

Source . . . . .: INT (EXT=External, INT=Internal, or user supplied)

Routed . . . . .: Y Attachment . .: N

Error reason . .: (D=Duplicate,I=Invalid Value,M=Mismatch,U=Undeterminable)


Order # . . . . . 5216 - 1 Customer ref #

Order ref # . . .

Customer Sold To 295 KAPLAN, LEONARD A

Customer Indiv# .

Customer Ship To User Code 1 . .

Customer Bill To User Code 2 . .

Invoice # . . . . User Code 3 . .

Vendor #. . . . . User number . .

Purchase Order # User date . . .

F3=Exit F7=Display Email Detail F8=Order Inquiry F9=Accept F12=Cancel



Created on

The date and time that the email was received into CWDirect and the Correspondence History record was created.

Date: numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

Time: numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

Email sent

The date and time when the email originated. This is not the date and time when you forwarded an external email into CWDirect, but the date and time when a forwarded email was originally sent. Because the date and time on an external systems can be set differently, it is possible for there to be discrepancies between this date and the date when the email record was created in CWDirect. See Default Values to Identify the Originating Email Address and Date in the CWIntegrate emails integration manual for a discussion of how the system determines the email sent date and time.

In the case of an email notification generated by the system, the dates created and sent should be identical.

Date: numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

Time: numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.


The subject line of the email.

Inbound emails: Things to note:

• Depending on the setup at the email site, when you forward an email into CWDirect, the system typically deletes FW: from the beginning of the subject line; however, if the email has been forwarded multiple times, only the first occurrence will be deleted.

• The system renders the text of the subject line in all capital letters.

• The subject line is truncated if it exceeds the maximum length of this field.

• The system converts certain special characters. See Symbol and Special Character Conversion in Emails.

• The system deletes the email identifiers from the subject line if translation is successful. For example, a subject line reading FW: COMPANY=27;CUSTOMER=613;ATTACHMENT=N; Where is my order? would be translated to WHERE IS MY ORDER? Even if translation is successful, however, it does not necessarily mean that the email is assigned to a customer; it is possible for the email identifiers to be formatted correctly, but for the values specified to be incorrect or inconsistent.


Outbound emails: Possible subject lines for outbound email notifications are:


• Credit Card Credit Acknowledge


• Shipment Confirmation



• Return Confirmation


Alphanumeric, 78 positions; display-only.

Email address

The email address of the person who originated the email. When emails are forwarded into the system by customer service representatives, this is not the email address of the person who sent the email into CWDirect; instead, the email site in CWIntegrate searches the text of the forwarded message for the originating email address. For example, if the forwarded message begins:

-----Original Message-----


Sent: 08/09/2002 10:33:38 AM

To: Elise Kaplan


Subject: where is my order

The email site can determine that is the originating email address.


If the email site cannot find the originating email address, it substitutes a standard email address that indicates the originating address was not available. The default is, but can vary depending upon your setup.

See Default Values to Identify the Originating Email Address in the CWIntegrate Emails Integration Manual for an overview of how the email site determines the originating email address.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.

Display name

The name associated with the email address. Depending on the original email application, a forwarded message might include either the display name or the actual email address:

Uses actual email address:

-----Original Message-----


Sent: 08/09/2002 10:33:38 AM

Uses display name:

-----Original Message-----

From: Leonard Kaplan

Sent: 08/09/2002 10:33:38 AM

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.


The email addresses that were sent copies of the email. This field is truncated if the original information exceeded the maximum length in CWDirect.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.


Indicates whether the email was inbound or outbound. Valid values are:

EXT = the email was forwarded into CWDirect

INT = the email originated in CWDirect and was sent to a customer.

A user-supplied code indicating the email’s source is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.


Indicates whether the email has been assigned to a customer. Valid values are:

Y = The email has been assigned to a customer and information such as an order, vendor, bill-to customer, ship-to customer, or individual, if applicable.

N = The email has not yet been assigned.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


Indicates if there was a file attached to the email. Attachments to emails forwarded into CWDirect are discarded; however, if you forward the email using the Outlook form, the form adds a flag to the subject line indicating that the email originally had an attachment.

An attachment could be any sort of file that is sent along with the email, such as a document, image, script, or program.

Valid values are:

Y = The email had an attachment that was discarded.

N = The email did not have an attachment.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Error reason

The reason why the system did not assign the email. This field is set only for unrouted emails. Possible reasons are:

D (Duplicate) = The email address for the forwarded email matched more than one customer (Note: This condition produces an error only if the Assign Unreferenced Email (H93) system control value is set to *DUPE). The system searches the Customer Individual, Customer Sold To Email, and Customer Ship To files, and if the system finds more than once occurrence of the email address in all of these files, it puts the email in Duplicate status.

I (Invalid value) = The email was flagged with identifiers that include invalid information. Possible reasons include:

• The email Category is not valid

• The ship-to customer does not exist for the sold-to customer

• The customer cross-reference code does not match the customer number indicated

• The Order cross reference or Customer cross reference are not valid

M (Mismatch) = The email was flagged with identifiers that are inconsistent. Possible reasons include:

• The order number indicated is invalid for the sold-to customer

• The order cross-reference code does not match the order number indicated

U (Undeterminable) = The email did not include enough information to assign it to a customer.


See Emails Repository Process Overview for general information.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


A category that you use to group email correspondence between you and your customers. A category of NTF indicates that the email was a notification generated by the system and sent to the customer.

Category codes are defined in and validated against the Correspondence Category file; see Working with Email Category (WEMC).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Order number

The order number and order ship-to number, if any, related to the email. The order ship-to number is separated from the order number by a hyphen (-).

See Identifying an Unrouted Email for information on completing or correcting these fields for an unrouted email.

Order number: numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Order ship-to number: numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Customer reference number

A cross-reference code available to identify the customer with a record in another system. Validated against the Alt customer # field at the second Create Customer screen in customer maintenance, or an Alternate customer # cross reference from the Alternate Customer # Cross Reference file (see Working with Alternate Customer Number Cross-References).

Note: If the Display Alternate Customer Cross Reference Window (I84) system control value is set to Y, the system selects the last customer numerically (that is, the most recently created customer) who matches based on the primary Alt customer # from the Customer Sold To file, if any; otherwise, it selects the last customer numerically who matches based on the Alternate customer # cross reference. If the Display Alternate Customer Cross Reference Window (I84) system control value is set to N, the system selects the last customer numerically who matches based on the Alternate customer # cross reference, regardless of whether there is also a match based on the Alt customer #.

See Identifying an Unrouted Email for information on completing or correcting this field for an unrouted email.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

Order reference number

A cross-reference code available to identify the order with a record on another system. Validated against the E-commerce order number field in the Order Header Extended file; this field is displayed as the Web order field at the Display Order Properties Screen.

See Identifying an Unrouted Email for information on completing or correcting this field for an unrouted email.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Customer sold to

A number identifying the sold-to customer associated with the email. Validated against the Customer Sold To file. If a sold-to number is identified, the customer’s company name, if any, and name appear to the right.

See Identifying an Unrouted Email for information completing or on correcting this field for an unrouted email.

Customer number: numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Customer name: alphanumeric, 41 positions; display-only.

Customer individual

A number identifying the individual customer, if any, associated with the email.

See Identifying an Unrouted Email for information on completing or correcting this field for an unrouted email.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Customer ship to

A number identifying a permanent shipping address associated with a sold-to customer.

See Identifying an Unrouted Email for information on completing or correcting this field for an unrouted email.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

User code 1

A field available to enter a one-position code or flag. Not validated against any file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Customer bill to

A number identifying a customer responsible for payment on an order. Validated against the Customer Bill To file.

See Identifying an Unrouted Email for information on completing or correcting this field for an unrouted email.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

User code 2

A field available to enter a 10-position code. Not validated against any file.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Invoice number

A number identifying the invoice with which an order was billed or credited. Validated against the Invoice Header file.

See Identifying an Unrouted Email for information on completing or correcting this field for an unrouted email.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

User code 3

A field available to enter a 20-position code. Not validated against any file.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Vendor number

A number identifying a vendor who supplies you with merchandise. Validated against the Vendor file. Ordinarily used here only for drop shop purchase orders associated with an order.

See Identifying an Unrouted Email for information on completing or correcting this field for an unrouted email.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

User number

A field available to enter a 13-position number. Not validated against any file.

Numeric, 13 positions; optional.

Purchase order number

A number identifying a purchase order. Validated against the PO Header file. Ordinarily used here only for drop ship purchase orders associated with an order.

See Identifying an Unrouted Email for information on completing or correcting this field for an unrouted email.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

User date

A field available to enter a date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.



Display the text of the email

Press F7 to advance to the Display Email Detail Screen.

Advance to order inquiry

Press F8. If the email is associated with an order number, you advance to the Order Inquiry Header Screen or the Order Inquiry Detail Screen, depending on the setting of the Default Version for Order Inquiry (C34) system control value. If the email is not associated with an order number, you advance to the Order Inquiry Scan Screen.

Note: This option is not available when you are working with a routed email in order inquiry.

Accept your entries and assign the email

After you have identified the email, press F9. See Identifying an Unrouted Email below for more information.

Note: This option is available only if you have the proper authority, based on the Changed Routed Email (B08) secured feature.

Identifying an Unrouted Email

You can associate an email with any of the following:

• order-related information:

Order number and order ship-to number

Customer sold to number

Customer individual number of the person who placed the order (not the originator)

Customer ship to number

Customer bill to number

Customer bill to

Purchase order number (for drop shipments)

Vendor number (for drop ship purchase orders)

Order reference number

• customer-related information:

Customer sold to number

Customer individual number

Customer ship to number

Customer reference number

Vendor number and Purchase order number

To associate an email with any of the above types of information, complete the field or prompt (F4) for a list of valid values.

When you complete a field, the system:

Fills in the related fields if it can positively identify them. For example, when you enter an order-related field such as the order number, the system fills in the customer sold-to number and the following related fields if they exist on the order:

• Customer individual number

• Customer ship-to number

• Customer bill-to number

• Order reference number

Confirms that all entries on the screen are consistent. For example, if you complete the order number and the customer reference number, but the customer reference number is not correct for the customer sold-to on the order indicated, the system displays an error message.

Things to note: The system does not:

• Fill in a field if more than one possible relationship exists. For example, when you enter the order number, the system does not fill in the invoice number, because it is possible for an order to have more than one invoice.

• Confirm a relationship between a vendor number and order-related or customer-related information; however, the system does confirm that a purchase order number is consistent with a vendor number if you enter both, and fills in the vendor number if you enter just the purchase order number. The exception is drop ship purchase orders, in which the vendor number and purchase order number are validated as order-related information.

• Confirm a relationship between customer-related information and a bill-to number, unless order-related information is also identified.

• Assign the email if you specify just a bill-to customer without specifying a sold-to customer. The system accepts your entry, but leaves the email in unrouted status.

Selecting the correct customer or order: Press F8. If you have selected an order number, you advance to the Order Inquiry Header Screen or the Order Inquiry Detail Screen, depending on the setting of the Default Version for Order Inquiry (C34) system control value. You can review the order and customer information at these screens to see if they are consistent with what you know about the email.

If you have not selected an order number, you advance to the Order Inquiry Scan Screen. At these screens, you can scan on customer name or email address to help you identify the originator of the email and the related order, if appropriate.

When you have completed your inquiry, press F3 or F12 to return to the Change Email screen, where you can enter the appropriate information.

Accepting your entries: If there are no errors, press F9 to accept your entries and assign the email.

Rejecting your entries: Press F3 or F12 to exit the screen without accepting your entries. If you advanced to this screen from the Work with Unrouted Email Screen, a pop-up window displays.

Confirm Exit

Changes may be lost.

Press F9 to save changes,

F3 to exit without saving,

or F12 to return to the screen.

F3=Exit F9=Accept Changes F12=Cancel

Press F9 to accept your changes, F3 to exit the screen without saving your changes, or F12 to return to the Change Email screen.

Display Email Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review detailed information about an email. You cannot change any information at this screen. See Change Email Screen for field descriptions.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to an email at the:

Work with Unrouted Email Screen

Work with Email by Order Number Screen

Work with Email by Customer Sold To Number Screen

Work with Email by Customer Ship To Number Screen

Work with Email by Customer Bill To Number Screen

Work with Email by Customer Individual Screen

Display Email Detail Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the content of an email.

Note: The system does not save the text of outbound email notifications, which are identified by a Src (Source) of INT (internal) and a Cat (Category) of NTF notification; however, you can review the subject line at the Change Email Screen or the Display Email Screen to determine the type of notification that was sent. The system saves a record of email notifications only if the Write Outbound Email to Email Repository (H99) system control value is set to Y.

How to display this screen:

• Enter 7 next to an email at the:

Work with Unrouted Email Screen

Work with Email by Order Number Screen

Work with Email by Customer Sold To Number Screen

Work with Email by Customer Ship To Number Screen

Work with Email by Customer Bill To Number Screen

Work with Email by Customer Individual Screen

• Press F7 at the:

Change Email Screen

Display Email Screen

CSR1242 DISPLAY Display Email Detail 8/14/02 15:44:13

EZK Mail Order

Created on 8/12/02 at 17:30:08

Email address:


RE: Where is my order?


Customer #12345 wants to know when her order will be shipped.

-----Original Message-----


Sent: 08/14/2002 12:35:55 PM

To: CWDirect

Cc: +

Could you please tell me when my order for item #AU123 will be shipped? I

think that I placed it last Tuesday or Wednesday.

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Email text: The contents of the email are presented on this screen. The Email Presentation (I01) system control value controls the extent to which blank line spaces in the email are consolidated.

Field descriptions: See the Change Email Screen for a description of the remaining fields on this screen.

Symbol and Special Character Conversion in Emails

Emails are stored in the Correspondence History file in plain text. The table below describes how some commonly used symbols and special characters are rendered.

Symbol/character appearance


Converted to:


left angle bracket


em dash

- (hyphen)

en dash

- (hyphen


non-breaking space



copyright symbol



registration symbol











section symbol


paragraph symbol



symbol font

abcde (regular text)

The following characters are deleted from the email:

~ (tilda)

| (pipe)

• optional hyphen

• em space

• en space

CS17_03 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN