Carryover Report

Purpose: This report displays unconfirmed pick tickets whose date is on or before the pick print date you specify.

The report groups pick tickets by warehouse and sorts in batch number, pick control number sequence. A final total displays at the end of the report.

How to print: Specify a date and press F9 to submit the CARRYOVER job at the Print Carryover Report Screen.

CWDirect Rel 6.0 Carryover Report KBOTTGER FLR0136 10/02/02 10:34:43 Page 1


Picks printed on or before: 10/02/02

Batch # Pick # Sts Typ S/H -- Printed On -- Order # Via Pick Total Sold To

Warehouse . : 20 WAREHOUSE 20 FOR YEAR 2002

1962 3961 R 9/09/02 16:35:45 6399 - 001 01 13.00 6 PAWS AND CLAWS PET SUPPLIES ATTN: M

Date 9/09/02 Total Picks: 1 13.00

1965 3969 R 9/12/02 12:15:42 6412 - 001 01 8.00 6 PAWS AND CLAWS PET SUPPLIES ATTN: M

Date 9/12/02 Total Picks: 1 8.00

1983 3989 R 9/16/02 14:44:42 6498 - 002 01 525.00 43 PARKSIDE APARTMENTS ATTN: MCSTAY, M

Date 9/16/02 Total Picks: 1 525.00

Type R Total Picks: 3 546.00

Warehouse 20 Total Picks: 3 546.00

CWDirect Rel 6.0 Carryover Report KBOTTGER FLR0136 10/02/02 10:34:43 Page 2


Picks printed on or before: 10/02/02

Batch # Pick # Sts Typ S/H -- Printed On -- Order # Via Pick Total Sold To

Warehouse . : 40 WAREHOUSE 40

810 2358 P R 10/22/99 8:41:45 3604 - 001 01 69.30 11 NONNIE, NONA

Date 10/22/99 Total Picks: 1 69.30

812 2360 P R 10/27/99 8:09:30 3615 - 001 01 667.50 11 NONNIE, NONA

Date 10/27/99 Total Picks: 1 667.50

1154 3089 M R 12/08/00 15:00:53 4367 - 001 03 26.25 37 FARANT, JEANNETTE

Date 12/08/00 Total Picks: 1 26.25

Type R Total Picks: 3 763.05

Warehouse 40 Total Picks: 3 763.05

Final Total Picks: 6 1,309.05


Picks printed on or before: The date you specified at the Print Carryover Report Screen.

Batch #: The billing batch number for the pick ticket.

Pick #: The pick control number for the pick ticket.

Status: The status of the pick ticket.

• The system includes pick tickets whose status is blank (open), M (manifest submission), O (carryover), P (packed), or R (reprinted).

• The system does not include pick tickets whose status is A (submitted to async), B (billing pending), C (confirmed), D (declined authorization), E (async processing error), L (waiting for carousel), S (suspended), V (void), W (waiting for authorization), Z (authorized), or 3 (post-carousel).

Type: The generation type for the pick ticket, including R (regular), D (drop ship), S (special handling), and M (master pick ticket).

S/H: Indicates if the pick ticket contains one or more items with special handling. The system looks at the Additional charge code field in the Pick Control Detail file to determine if an item has special handling.

Y indicates one or more items on the pick ticket have special handling.

blank indicates no items on the pick ticket have special handling.

Printed on: The date and time the pick ticket was printed, from the Date printed field and Time printed field in the Pick Control Header file.

Order #: The order number associated with the pick ticket, from the Order # field in the Pick Control Header file.

Via: The ship via associated with the pick ticket, from the Ship via code field in the Pick Control Header file.

Pick total: The pick total for the pick ticket, from the Total order amount field in the Pick Control Header file.

Sold to: The number and name of the sold to customer on the pick ticket, from the Customer # field and First, Last, and Company fields in the Pick Control Header file.

Date total: The total number of unconfirmed pick tickets that printed on a specific date and the pick total for those pick tickets.

Type total: The total number of unconfirmed pick tickets of a specific generation type and the pick total for those pick tickets.

Warehouse total: The total number of unconfirmed pick tickets for a specific warehouse and the pick total for those pick tickets.

Final total: The total number of unconfirmed pick tickets, across all pick print dates, generation types, and warehouses and the pick total for those pick tickets.

FU01_10r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN