Working with CWCollaborate Message Queues (WCDC)

Purpose: Use this menu option to create MQSeries® Message queues and MQSeries Message channels for the transmission of data between CWDirect and CWCollaborate, if you use IBM MQSeries as the transport mechanism.

Do I need to use MQSeries? CWDirect passes information to CWCollaborate using one of the following transport mechanisms:

• MQSeries Messaging


You choose one of the options by setting system control value Communication Protocol (H37).

See Working with FTP Application (WFTP) for information on setting up FTP.

About MQ Series message queues: IBM MQSeries® 1 is a software product which provides a communication mechanism between applications on different platforms. MQ Series functionality includes three basic components:

• MQ Queue Manager

• MQM Queues

• MQM Channels

MQSeries message queues are not company specific; all MQSeries queues must be identical for all companies in a single environment.

Installing MQSeries: To use MQSeries messaging, you must install and configure MQSeries on your CWCollaborate data server as well as on your iSeries system. See your MQSeries documentation for information on installing MQSeries. See your CWCollaborate Installation Instructions for more information on configuring your CWCollaborate data server for MQSeries.

Note: If you use MQSeries as a file transport mechanism, it is advisable to check the MQ channels every day to make sure they are active. If they aren’t, you will need to restart them; the *SDR channel (CWDirect to CWCollaborate) is started from the Work with MQM Channels screen; the *RCVR channel (CWCollaborate to CWDirect) is started from the CWCollaborate application server.

In this topic:

Setting up MQSeries in CWDirect

Work with CWCollaborate Message Queues Screen

Work with MQM Queues Screen

Create MQM Queue Screen

Create the CDC Transmission Queue

Create the Message Queues

Work with MQM Channels Screen

Create MQM Channels Screen (CRTMQMCHL)

Create the MQ Channels

Step-by-step Setup Instructions

Setting up MQSeries in CWDirect

1. Install MQSeries on your iSeries system.

2. Configure your iSeries system with an MQ queue manager for CWDirect, and an equivalent queue manager for CWCollaborate. (To set up MQSeries queues and channels, your iSeries User Profile must include QSECOFR authority. See your iSeries documentation for more information.)

3. Set system control value Communication Protocol (H37) to MQ.

4. Create the CDC Transmission Queue.

5. Create the Message Queues.

6. Create the MQ Channels.

7. Enter the queues and channels you have created on the Work with CWCollaborate Message Queues Screen.

For more detailed instructions, see Step-by-step Setup Instructions, or the screen instructions for each step.

Working with Messages in a Queue (WRKMQMMSG): Messages in MQSeries queues are deleted after they are read. If there are messages waiting to be read (for example, if the CDC Async and CDC Batch Jobs for CWCollaborate Integration has not been started, but the MQSeries message queues are defined and you have entered orders for CWCollaborate on your system), you can review them by entering WRKMQMMSG at a command line. Only the first forty-eight messages display.

Work with CWCollaborate Message Queues Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WCDC in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with CWCollaborate Message Queues from a menu.

FLR1033 ENTER Work with CWCollaborate Message Queues 2/05/03 14:22:59

Process Queue

Send Purchase Orders CDC.NEWPO.FROM.RDC

Receive Updates CDC.POUPDT.TO.RDC

Send Cancel Requests CDC.CANREQ.FROM.RDC




Receive Return Updates CDC.RETURN.FROM.RDC

Receive AP Invoices CDC.INVOICE.TO.RDC



MQ Queue Manager


F3=Exit F6=Create default MQM Queues F7=Work with MQM Queues

F8=Work with MQM Channels F12=Cancel




The process performed by the message queue.


The name of the MQ message queue. The name you use should correspond to the queues specified at the Order Management System screen in CWCollaborate.

MQ queue manager

The MQ Queue manager set up when you installed MQSeries on your system.


Screen Option


Create MQM queues

Press F6 or F7 to advance to the Work with MQM Queues Screen, where you can advance to the Create MQM Queue Screen.

Create MQM channels

Press F8 to advance to the Work with MQM Channels Screen, where you can advance to the Create MQM Channels Screen (CRTMQMCHL).

For other options, see your iSeries documentation.

Work with MQM Queues Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the queues you create for transmitting information to and from CWDirect and CWCollaborate, and to advance to the Create MQM Queue Screen.

How to display this screen: Press F6 or F7on the Work with CWCollaborate Message Queues Screen, or enter the command WRKMQMQ on a command line.

Work with MQM Queues

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Clear 14=Display authority

15=Grant authority 16=Revoke authority

Opt Name Type Text


AS400_CN_WIN2000.XMITQ *LCL XmitQ for AS400_C

AS400_CN_WIN2000.XMITQ.HIGH *LCL XmitQ for AS400_C

AS400_DEV8.XMITQ *LCL XmitQ for AS400_D

AS400_DEV8.XMITQ.HIGH *LCL XmitQ for AS400_D

AS400A_CN.XMITQ *LCL XmitQ for AS400A_


BMS.XMITQ *LCL Blue Martini Tran



CDC.CANREQ.FROM.RDC *RMT Send cancel reque


Parameters for options 2, 3, 5, 14, 15, 16 or command


F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Create F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel

F16=Repeat position to F17=Position to F20=Right F21=Print




The MQM queue name.


The type of message queue. CWCollaborate message queues are either:

• local (*LCL)

Local message queues receive information from CWCollaborate to CWDirect.

• remote (*RMT)

Remote message queues send information to CWCollaborate. Remote message queues initiate the transmission to the remote address.


The description of the message queue.

Screen Option


Create MQM queues

Press F6 to advance to the Create MQM Queue Screen.

For other options, see your iSeries documentation.

Create MQM Queue Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create the CDC.Transmission queue and, subsequently, the queues you use for transmitting information between CWDirect and CWCollaborate.

How to display this screen: Press F6on the Work with MQM Queues Screen, or enter the command CRTMQMQ on a command line.

Create MQM Queue (CRTMQMQ)

Type choices, press Enter.

Queue name . . . . . . . . . . .

Queue type . . . . . . . . . . . *ALS, *LCL, *MDL, *RMT


F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys



Queue name

The name of the queue you are creating.

The name you use should correspond to the queues specified at the Order Management System screen in CWCollaborate. MICROS recommends that you use the following names:












Alphanumeric, 50 positions; required.

Queue type

The type of message queue. CWCollaborate message queues are either:

• local (*LCL)

Local message queues receive information from CWCollaborate to CWDirect.

• remote (*RMT)

Remote message queues send information to CWCollaborate. Remote message queues initiate the transmission to the remote address.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; required.

Create the CDC Transmission Queue

1. Enter the queue name. MICROS recommends that you use the name CDC.Transmission.

2. For queue type, enter *LCL. The screen displays additional fields.

Create MQM Queue (CRTMQMQ)

Type choices, press Enter.

Queue name . . . . . . . . . . . > CDC.TRANSMISSION

Queue type . . . . . . . . . . . > *RMT *ALS, *LCL, *MDL, *RMT

Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . *NO *NO, *YES

Text 'description' . . . . . . . '


Put enabled . . . . . . . . . . *YES *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES

Default message priority . . . . 0 0-9, *SYSDFTQ

Default message persistence . . *YES *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES

Process name . . . . . . . . . . '


Triggering enabled . . . . . . . *YES *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES

Get enabled . . . . . . . . . . *YES *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES

Sharing enabled . . . . . . . . *YES *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES

Default share option . . . . . . *YES *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES

Message delivery sequence . . . *PTY *SYSDFTQ, *PTY, *FIFO


F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys

3. At the fields which appear when you accept your entries, change:

Default message persistence field: set this value to *YES.

Triggering enabled field: set this value to *YES

4. Page down to display the second screen of the Create MQM Queue (CRTMQMQ) screen.

Create MQM Queue (CRTMQMQ)

Type choices, press Enter.

Harden backout count . . . . . . *NO *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES

Trigger type . . . . . . . . . . *FIRST *SYSDFTQ, *FIRST, *ALL...

Trigger depth . . . . . . . . . 1 1-999999999, *SYSDFTQ

Trigger message priority . . . . 0 0-9, *SYSDFTQ

Trigger data . . . . . . . . . . '


Retention interval . . . . . . . 999999999 0-999999999, *SYSDFTQ

Maximum queue depth . . . . . . 100000 0-640000, *SYSDFTQ

Maximum message length . . . . . 4194304 0-4194304, *SYSDFTQ

Backout threshold . . . . . . . 0 0-999999999, *SYSDFTQ

Backout requeue queue . . . . . '


Initiation queue . . . . . . . . '


Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . *TMQ *SYSDFTQ, *NORMAL, *TMQ

Queue depth high threshold . . . 80 0-100, *SYSDFTQ


F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys

5. At the fields which display on the second screen, change:

Maximum queue depth field: set this value to 100000

Usage field: set this value to *TMQ.

6. Press Enter to accept your entries.

Create the Message Queues

Once you have created the CDC.Transmission queue, you can create the queues used for tranmitting information.

1. At the Create MQM Queue Screen, enter the queue name and queue type for the first queue (used for sending new POs to CWCollaborate). The name you use should correspond the the queues specified at the Order Management System screen in CWCollaborate. Recommended names are listed in the table below. Use the queue Type specified for each queue you create.

Queue name




Sending new POs



Sending vendors



Sending cancel requests



Receiving PO updates



Sending return authorizations



Sending delete RA information



Receiving return information



Receiving A/P invoice information



Sending address changes



Sending PO cost changes


2. When you accept your entries, the screen displays additional fields.

Create MQM Queue (CRTMQMQ)

Type choices, press Enter.

Queue name . . . . . . . . . . . > CDC.NEWPO.FROM.RDC

Queue type . . . . . . . . . . . > *RMT *ALS, *LCL, *MDL, *RMT

Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . *NO *NO, *YES

Text 'description' . . . . . . . '


Put enabled . . . . . . . . . . *YES *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES

Default message priority . . . . 0 0-9, *SYSDFTQ

Default message persistence . . *YES *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES

Remote queue . . . . . . . . . . '


Remote Message Queue Manager . . '


Transmission queue . . . . . . . '



F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys

3. At the fields which appear when you accept your entries, change:

Default message persistence field: set this value to *YES.

4. For the Remote queue field, enter the corresponding queue in CWCollaborate, as entered in the Order Management System screen. This should be: CDC.NEWPO.FROM.RDC.

5. For the Remote message queue manager field, enter the message queue manager for CWCollaborate.

6. For the Transmission queue field, enter the name of the transmission queue you created. This should be: CDC.Transmission.

7. Accept your entries and the remaining default entries.

8. Follow steps 1 - 7 to create queues for sending cancel requests and sending vendor information.

9. Create the queue for receiving PO updates, (CDC.POUPDT.TO.RDC), following steps 1 - 3. Because this queue is a local type (*LCL), you will not need to populate the Remote queue, Remote queue manager, or Transmission queue fields. Accept your entries and the remaining default entries.

Work with MQM Channels Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the channels you create for transmitting information to and from CWDirect and CWCollaborate, and to advance to the Create MQM Channels Screen (CRTMQMCHL).

How to display this screen: At the Work with CWCollaborate Message Queues Screen, Press F8, or enter the command WRKMQMCHL on a command line.

Work with MQM Channels

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 8=Work with Status 13=Ping

14=Start 15=End 16=Reset 17=Resolve

Opt Name Type Transport Status













Parameters or command


F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Create F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel

F16=Repeat position to F17=Position to F21=Print



Channel name

The name of the MQ Channel.

See Create the MQ Channels.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.


The type of channel. CWCollaborate channels are either:

• sender (*SDR)

Sender channels are used to send information from CWDirect to CWCollaborate.

• receiver (*RCVR)

Receiver channels are used to receive information from CWCollaborate to CWDirect.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; required.

For other fields, see your iSeries documentation.

Screen Option


Create MQM channels

Press F6 to advance to the Create MQM Channels Screen (CRTMQMCHL).

Stop the MQM *SDR or *RCVR channel

Enter 15next to a channel to stop it.

Start the MQM *SDR channel

Enter 14 next to a channel to start the channel.

Note: The MQM *RCVR channel cannot be started with this option; it must be started from your CWCollaborate application server.

For other options, see your iSeries documentation.

Create MQM Channels Screen (CRTMQMCHL)

Purpose: Use this screen to create MQM channels for transmitting information to and from CWDirect and CWCollaborate.

How to display this screen: At the Work with MQM Channels Screen, Press F6, or enter the command CRTMQMCHL on a command line.

Create MQM Channel (CRTMQMCHL)

Type choices, press Enter.

Channel name . . . . . . . . . .

Channel type . . . . . . . . . . *RCVR, *SDR, *SVR, *RQSTR...


F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys



Channel name

Enter the name of the MQ Channel you are creating.

See Create the MQ Channels.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.

Channel type

The type of channel. CWCollaborate channels are either:

• sender (*SDR)

Sender channels are used to send information from CWDirect to CWCollaborate.

• receiver (*RCVR)

Receiver channels are used to receive information from CWCollaborate to CWDirect.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; required.

Create the MQ Channels

For each environment, you should create two channels: one for sending transmissions (the *SDR channel) to CWCollaborate, and one for receiving transmissions (the *RCVR channel) from CWCollaborate.

Important: The channel names must be identical in CWDirect and CWCollaborate.

1. Enter the channel name and channel type for the *SDR channel. MICROS recommends that you use your company name in the first position.

Channel name


Connection name

Transmission queue



IP Address






2. When you accept your entries, the screen displays additional fields.

Create MQM Channel (CRTMQMCHL)

Type choices, press Enter.

Channel name . . . . . . . . . . > COMPNAY.TO.CDC

Channel type . . . . . . . . . . > *SDR *RCVR, *SDR, *SVR, *RQSTR...

Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . *NO *NO, *YES

Transport type . . . . . . . . . *TCP *LU62, *TCP, *SYSDFTCHL

Text 'description' . . . . . . . '


Connection name . . . . . . . . (1414)

Transmission queue . . . . . . . '



F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys

3. Enter a text description for the channel.

4. For the *SDR channel, enter the Connection name. This is the internet IP address where your system will send CWCollaborate information, including the port, in parentheses.

An IP address is an identifier for a computer or device on a TCP/IP network. Networks using the TCP/IP protocol route messages based on the IP address of the destination. The format of an IP address is written as four numbers separated by periods. Each number can be zero to 255. For example, could be an IP address.

If you define multiple queue managers (for example, if you have multiple order management systems) the port for each system should be different. The default port is 1414.

5. For *SDR channel, enter the Transmission queue. This is the transmission queue you created at the Create MQM Queue Screen (CDC.Transmission).

6. For the *SDR channel, at the second Create MQM Channel screen, change the Disconnect interval to 0.

7. Accept your entries and the remaining default settings on the screen.

8. Create the *RCVR channel, following steps 1 - 3. You do not need to enter a Connection name or Transmission queue, or change the Disconnect interval for the *RCVR channel.

9. Accept your entries.

After you have created queues and channels, enter your queue and channel names on the Work with CWCollaborate Message Queues Screen.

For more information: For more information on the screens used to create MQ channels, see your iSeries documentation.

Step-by-step Setup Instructions

A. Create the transmission queue:

1. Enter WCDC in the fast path at the top of any menu.

2. Press F6 to advance to the Work with MQM Queues screen

3. Press F6 to advance to Create MQM Queue (CRTMQMQ) screen (or enter CRTMQMQ on a command line).

4. Enter the queue name CDC.Transmission.

5. For queue type, enter *LCL; press Enter

6. At the fields which appear when you press Enter, accept the defaults except:

Default message persistence - set to *YES

Triggering enabled - set to *YES

Maximum depth (second page of Create MQM screen)- set to *100000

Usage (second page of Create MQM Queue screen), - set to *TMQ.

7. Press Enter to accept your entries.

B. Create the message queues:

Important: When you create queues, you should name them to correspond to the queues specified at the Order Management System screen in CWCollaborate.

1. Enter WCDC in the fast path at the top of any menu.

2. Press F6to advance to the Work with MQM Queues screen

3. Press F6 to advance to Create MQM Queue (CRTMQMQ)

4. Enter the queue name and queue type listed in the table.

Queue name




Sending new POs



Sending vendors



Sending cancel requests



Receiving PO updates



Sending return authorizations



Sending delete RA information



Receiving return information



Receiving A/P invoice information



Sending address changes



Sending PO cost changes


5. At the fields which appear when you press Enter, change the Default message persistence to *YES.

6. For Remote queue (if you’ve entered a *RMT type), enter the corresponding queue in CWCollaborate (as displayed on the Order Management System screen), within single quotes. This should be the same as the queue name.

7. For Remote queue manager (if you’ve entered a *RMT type), enter the corresponding queue manager in CWCollaborate (as displayed on the Order Management System screen), within single quotes.

8. For Transmission queue, enter CDC.Transmission within single quotes.

C. Create MQ Channels:

1. Enter WCDC in the fast path at the top of any menu.

1. Press F8 to advance to the Work with MQM Channels screen.

2. Press F6 to advance to the Create MQM Channel screen (CRTMQMCHL), or enter CRTMQMCHL on an command line.

3. Enter channel name and type below (where COMPANY represents your company name), and accept your entries.

Note: Corresponding channel names must be identical in CWDirect and CWCollaborate.

Channel name


Connection name

Transmission queue



IP Address






4. For the *SDR channel enter the IP address where information will be sent to CWCollaborate, in the Connection name field. For a single order management system, use port 1414, in parentheses, after your IP address entry.

5. For the *SDR channel, enter CDC.Transmission, in single quotes, for the Transmission queue.

6. For the *SDR channel, change the Disconnect interval on the second screen to 0.

D. Enter the queues you’ve created on the Work with CWCollaborate Message Queues (WCDC) screen.

  1. IBM MQSeries is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.

FU07_07 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN