Customizing Menus (WMNU)

Purpose: Use Work with Menus to create and customize menus for an individual user or groups of users. For example, you might want to create a menu and customize it so that only customer service functions appear to the individual who performs customer service activities.

In this topic:

Work with Menus Screen

Work with Menu Details Screen (Creating a Menu and Menu Details)

Copy Menu Screen

Change Menu Screen

Work with Menu Details Screen (Changing Menu Details)

Display Menu Details Screen

Related chapters: If you plan on creating your own menu options, read Setting Up Menu Options (WOPT) before you begin working with menus. Menu options must exist before you can add them to a menu, whether you are creating a menu or customizing a standard menu.

Work with Menus Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WMNU in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Work with Menus from a menu.

MUR0023 DISPLAY Work with Menus 1/27/00 13:43:58

Opt Menu Description

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Menu details 6=Print details 8=Usage

A/RSETUP A/R Setup Menu

ACCOUNTING Accounting Menu

ACCTGSETUP Accounting Setup Menu

ACCTPAY Accounts Payable

ACCTRECEIV Accounts Receivable

AUTHMENU Authorization Services Menu

BACKGROUND Background Jobs

BOB Bob Menu

BUYER Buyer's Menu

BUYER1 Buyer's Menu

CATLOGPLAN Catalog Planning +

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print menus




The name of the menu.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The menu description.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Screen Options


Create a menu

Press F6 to a advance to the Work with Menu Details Screen (Creating a Menu and Menu Details).

Change a menu description

Enter 2 next to a menu to advance to the Change Menu Screen.

Copy a menu to create a new menu

Enter 3 next to a menu to advance to the Copy Menu Screen.

Delete a menu

Enter 4 next to a menu to delete it.

Work with menu details

Enter 5 next to a menu to advance to the Work with Menu Details Screen (Changing Menu Details).

Print menu details

Enter 6 next to a menu to print the menu details.

Display menu names on which a menu appears

Enter 8 next to a menu to advance to the Sub-Menu Usage window.

Work with Menu Details Screen (Creating a Menu and Menu Details)

Purpose: Use this screen to create a menu and menu details.

How to display this screen: Press F6 on the Work with Menus Screen.

MUR0018 ADD Work with Menu Details 1/27/00 13:48:05

Menu . . . . . .

Description . . .

Pos L/H Text Option Menu Description

F3=Exit F7=Work with Menu Options F8=Resequence F11=Delete

F12=Cancel F21=Print list




The the name for this menu that will be used to display and scan for a menu. The name you assign is used to display the menu when you enter it in the Menu field at the top of any menu.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters; required.


The description you assign to the menu. The description is used to scan for the menu when you enter it in the Description field at a prompt screen. This description also displays at the top of the menu.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters; required.



Indicates in what order the option will appear on the menu.

Example: If you assign 001 to a menu option, this option will appear first on the menu, 002 will appear second, 003 will appear third, etc.

Numeric, 3 position; required.

L/H Text

(Left-hand text)

Allows you to categorize a group of options on a menu. This text appears on the left side of the menu.

Example: If you are adding four maintenance options and three inquiry options to a menu, you could add the label Maintenance to identify the maintenance options and Inquiry to identify the inquiry options.

Note: The graphical user interface (GUI) does not display the left-hand text.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Complete either the Option or Menu field; do not complete both fields on the same line.


Enter the Fast Path name for this menu option that will display on the menu. Each option on the system has a unique name, which allows you to access an option directly without selecting the option from a menu tree.

You must enter an existing menu option name. See Setting Up Menu Options (WOPT).

Note: The graphical user interface screen does not display the Fast Path name.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; required unless you enter a value in the Menu field.


Enter the name of the menu that will appear as an option on the menu you are creating. Each menu on the system has a unique name, allowing you to access a menu directly without selecting the menu from a menu tree.

The menu you enter is validated against the Menu file. See Setting Up Menu Options (WOPT).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required unless you enter a value in the Option field.

Screen Option


Add, change, delete, or display menu options

Press F7 to advance to the Work with Menu Options Screen.

Resequence the menu options on the screen

Press F8. Each option is assigned a value of 10. Resequencing the options allows you to add an option in between two options that appear on this screen.

Delete the menu details

Press F11.

Copy Menu Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a menu by copying an existing menu. The new menu will have the same menu options as the menu you copied. You cannot copy a menu to another existing menu.

How to display this screen: Enter 3 next to a menu at the Work with Menus Screen.

MUR0024 ENTER Copy Menu 1/27/00 14:07:14

From Menu . . . . . . . : ACCTGSETUP

Description . . . . . . : Accounting Setup Menu

To Menu . . . . . . . . .

Description . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset F12=Cancel



From menu

The existing menu that you are copying.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The description of the menu you are copying.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters; display-only.

To menu

The name of the new menu you want to create. This menu name must be unique; it cannot already exist on the system.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.


The description of this menu.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required.

Change Menu Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a menu at the Work with Menus Screen to advance to the Change Menu screen.

This screen only allows you to change a menu's description. See Work with Menu Details Screen (Creating a Menu and Menu Details) for a description of the fields on this screen.

To change a menu's details, see Work with Menu Details Screen (Changing Menu Details).

Work with Menu Details Screen (Changing Menu Details)

To change: Enter 5 next to a menu at the Work with Menus Screen to advance to the Work with Menu Details screen. See Work with Menu Details Screen (Creating a Menu and Menu Details) for a description of the fields on this screen.

To add a menu option: To add an option without changing the order of the menu options, enter the menu option you want to add on the next available open line.

To add an option to the menu in between two menu options (such as adding an option between 003 and 004), press F8 to resequence the menu options. The system automatically assigns each option a value of ten. (For example, 001 becomes 10, 002 becomes 20, etc.)

Position your cursor at the next available line. Add the option by assigning a value between 1 and 9. For example, to add an option between 4 and 5, enter a value between 41 and 49 in the POS field. When you press Enter, the menu options will appear in numerical order, as they will appear on the completed menu.

When you have finished adding options, press Enter to validate your entries.

Display Menu Details Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to an option at the Work with Menu Details Screen (Changing Menu Details) to advance to the Display Menu Option screen appears. This screen shows the specific menu option, its description, option type, and authority level. See Work with Menu Details Screen (Creating a Menu and Menu Details) for field descriptions.


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