Setting Up EDI Values

Purpose: The EDI section of the System Control file defines parameters that control:

• System information

• Program names

• Program information

If you have not purchased the EDI Interface, you do not need to complete the system control values in this section.

For instructions and screen samples on how to create, change, delete, and copy a system control value, see System Control File Components.

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is a product used to transmit data electronically from one company to another.

Process: To prepare a file that you can use to transmit purchase orders to your vendors, enter a Y in the EDI P/O field in the Vendor record for each vendor using EDI. When you take the option to print purchase orders (Fast path = MPRP), the system prints or faxes the purchase orders automatically. During this step, the system also creates the EDI file, which contains the purchase orders for vendors set up for EDI. The system consolidates these purchase orders into a single batch and assigns a READY (“ready to send”) status to each purchase order in the batch. This status indicates that the file is ready to be transmitted.

Note: Transmission of the file is not supported by CWDirect.

Quick Reference of EDI System Control Values

This table describes briefly each system control value for the EDI application area and lists the control value, a short definition, other control values to which you should refer in this section, if necessary, and a column where you can indicate the value that you assigned for your company.

If you have more than one company on your system, make a copy of this table for each company.

Company: ______________________________

System Control Value


Your Value

PO EDI File Generation Program (C77)

Defines the name of the program that is used to generate the PO EDI file.

System name:

EDI Header Generation Program (C78)

Defines the name of the program that is used to generate the EDI Header.

System name:

EDI Trailer Generation Program (C79)

Defines the name of the program that is used to generate the EDI Trailer.

System name:

Use EDI (C80)

Indicates whether or not to generate the EDI files.


EDI Service Provider ID (C96)

ID of service provider, as defined in Work with authorization services.

Note: This value is not currently implemented.

System name:

Number of Days Allowed Before Receipt (D01)

Defines the number of days after an EDI PO is sent to expect a confirmation of receipt from the vendor.

Note: This value is not currently implemented.


Purge Completed Receipts (D02)

Defines whether the receipt confirmation record for the individual POs will be purged upon receipt.

Note: This value is not currently implemented.


PO EDI File Generation Program (C77)

Purpose: Use this screen to identify the name of the program that generates the PO EDI file for transmitting purchase order information.

MSR0053 OPEN Change System Control Value 4/04/95 8:54:14

Description . : PO EDI File Generation Program

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : EDI

Applic group .

Sequence# . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the program that generates the EDI file for purchase orders.

The system generates a flat file containing all purchase orders eligible for EDI transmission when you use Printing and Faxing Purchase Orders (MPRP). You can send this flat file to the EDI service provider. Here, the service provider separates purchase orders by vendor, then converts the flat file to the vendor's format.

The program provided by MICROS is POR0405, regardless of the service provider.

This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field. An entry to this field is required if you use the EDI Interface.

EDI Header Generation Program (C78)

Purpose: Use this screen to identify the name of the program that provides EDI header information to signal the beginning of a transmission.

MSR0053 OPEN Change System Control Value 4/04/95 8:47:20

Description . : EDI Header Generation Program

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : EDI

Applic group .

Sequence# . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the program that generates the EDI header information. Header information identifies the beginning of a transmission.

The program provided by MICROS is MSR0630, if you are using Kleinschmidt as your service provider.

Header record: The Kleinschmidt Header Generation program creates a header record with this information:

Format ID (4-20 positions, alphanumeric)

Sender ID (4-20 positions, alphanumeric)

Destination ID (4-20 positions, alphanumeric)

Date of transmission (6 positions, numeric; YYMMDD format)

Time of transmission (4 positions, numeric; HHMM format)

Control number to track transmissions (1-9 positions, numeric)

The System Name field is a 10-position, alphanumeric field. An entry to this field is required if you are using the EDI Interface.

EDI Trailer Generation Program (C79)

Purpose: Use this screen to identify the name of the program that provides EDI trailer information to signal the number of records in the file and the end of the transmission.

MSR0053 OPEN Change System Control Value 4/04/95 8:50:10

Description . : EDI Trailer Generation Program

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : EDI

Applic group .

Sequence# . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

System name field: Enter the name of the program that generates the EDI trailer information. Trailer information identifies the end of a transmission and summarizes the number of records sent in the file.

The program provided by MICROS is MSR0631, if you are using Kleinschmidt as your service provider.

Trailer record: The Kleinschmidt Trailer Generation program creates a trailer record with this information:

• Control number to match header and trailer records (1-9 positions, numeric; the same value as the control number in the header record)

• Record count (1-5 positions, numeric): total count of data records between the header and trailer records.

The System Name field is a 10-position, alphanumeric field. An entry to this field is required if you are using the EDI Interface.

Use EDI (C80)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate if you will use the EDI Interface.

MSR0052 OPEN Change System Control Value 3/29/95 11:39:57

Description . : Use EDI

Yes/No . . . . (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : EDI

Applic group .

Sequence# . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: Enter Y in this field if you will use the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Interface. The EDI Interface has been integrated with Printing and Faxing Purchase Orders (MPRP).

If this value is selected, the system populates the following files for vendors whose EDI PO field is selected when you use Printing and Faxing Purchase Orders (MPRP):

• EDI Control (EDICTL)

• EDI PO Control (EDIPO)

• EDI Transmit (EDITRAN)


Note: The system also prints the purchase order(s) when you use this option.

Otherwise, enter N if you are not using EDI. You will still be able to select EDI PO for a vendor, but not EDI files will be created when you print purchase orders.

EDI Service Provider ID (C96)

Purpose: Use this screen to identify the service to which you will transmit the EDI file. This value is not currently implemented.

MSR0053 OPEN Change System Control Value 3/29/95 13:51:57

Description . : EDI Service Provider ID

System name . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : EDI

Applic group .

Sequence# . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number of Days Allowed Before Receipt (D01)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days after a purchase order is transmitted through the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Interface to expect a confirmation of receipt from the vendor. This value is not currently implemented.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/14/95 16:22:07

Description . : Number of days allowed before receipt

Number . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : EDI

Applic group .

Sequence# . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Purge Completed Receipts (D02)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the receipt confirmation will be purged immediately after receipt. This value is not currently implemented.

MSR0052 OPEN Change System Control Value 3/29/95 13:54:26

Description . : Purge Completed Receipts

Yes/No . . . . (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : EDI

Applic group .

Sequence# . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

IN03_13 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN