Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3)

Purpose: The SKU Element function defines the valid values for the three SKU elements (for example, style, color and size). The values defined in this record will be validated throughout the system. For example, if the SKU element is color, you must enter all your valid colors in the SKU Element file.

The SKU Element 1, 2 and 3 files must be completed when operating in a split SKU environment (the Split SKU Inventory system control value is set to Y). If you are operating in a non-split SKU environment, you do not have to build any data in these files.

When defining SKU elements in the SKU file, the SKU Element 1 field defines the primary SKU element (e.g., style), the Element 2 field defines the secondary SKU element (e.g., color), and the Element 3 field defines the third SKU element (e.g., size).

The Work with SKU Element 1, 2, and 3 screens appear identical.

In this topic:

Work with SKU Element Screen

Create SKU Element Screen

Change SKU Element Screen

Display SKU Element Screen

Work with SKU Element Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, delete or display a SKU element.

How to display this screen: Enter:

WSK1 in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with SKU Element 1 from a menu to work with the primary SKU elements

WSK2 in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with SKU Element 2 from a menu to work with the secondary SKU elements

WSK3 in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with SKU Element 3 from a menu to work with the third SKU elements

INR0445 DISPLAY Work with SKU Element 1 3/23/98 11:10:44

The KL Mail Order Company

Element : STYLE

Opt Element Description Sort Sequence #

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display











F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list




The code that represents a valid SKU element.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.


The description of the SKU element.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Sort sequence # (Sort collating sequence number)

The sequence number used to determine how SKUs sort for an item. See Create SKU Element Screen for a complete description.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Create SKU element

Press F6 to advance to the Create SKU Element Screen.

Change SKU element

Enter 2 next to a SKU element to advance to the Change SKU Element Screen.

Delete SKU element

Enter 4 next to a SKU element to delete it.

Display SKU element

Enter 5 next to a SKU element to advance to the Display SKU Element Screen.

Create SKU Element Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a SKU element.

How to display this screen: Press F6 on the Work with SKU Element Screen.

INR0433 ENTER Create SKU Element 1 3/13/98 9:58:25

The KL Mail Order Company

Element : STYLE

Element . . .

Description .

Sort Sequence #

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The code that represents a valid SKU element. Values defined in this record will be validated throughout the system. For example, if the SKU element is color, enter all your valid colors in this file.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The description associated with the SKU element code. For example, if the SKU element code is BLK, the description might be black.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

Sort sequence # (Sort collating sequence number)

The sequence number used to determine how SKUs sort for an item.

The system assigns a SKU sort sequence number in increments of 10 to each SKU of an item based on the sort collating sequence number defined for each SKU element:

• in Resequence the SKU Collating Sequence Number (RSCS).

• in the SKU Generator (Using the SKU Generator (ESKG)) if the Auto Assign Sort Sequence Number During SKU Generation (F24) system control value is set to Y.

See Assigning SKU Sort Sequence Numbers Based on SKU Element for an overview.

You can also manually assign a SKU sort sequence number to a SKUI; see SKU Sort Sequence Numbers for an overview.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Change SKU Element Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a SKU element at the Work with SKU Element Screen to advance to the Change SKU Element screen. At this screen you can change any field except the element. See Create SKU Element Screen for field descriptions.

Display SKU Element Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a SKU element at the Work with SKU Element Screen to advance to the Display SKU Element screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create SKU Element Screen for field descriptions.

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