Standard Cost Updates Report

This report displays all items that have been updated with a landed cost, and might be useful in verifying that all standard cost updates were accurate.

How to print: Complete the Update Standard Cost Screen (Submitting the Batch Program).

CWDirect Rel 2.5 Standard Cost Updates EKAPLAN POR0463 12/01/97 14:18:02 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

Item CLR SIZE WDTH Vendor Vendor Item Price Total New Old Net

Add'l Chrgs SKU Cost SKU Cost Change

JMN003 100 10-VIJMN003 2.2500 .0000 2.2500 20.0000 17.7500-

JMN003 100 10-VEN343434 15.0000 .0000 15.0000 2.2500 12.7500

JMN003 100 10-JMN003 20.0000 .0000 20.0000 15.0000 5.0000

WA1234 1 MIABCDEF 10.0000 .5000 10.5000 10.1000 .4000



• item

• SKU (The field heading is SKU if the Split SKU Inventory (A26) system control value is set to N. If the Split SKU Inventory (A26) system control value is set to Y, the system uses the values defined in the Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54) system control values for the SKU field heading.)

• vendor

• vendor item defined for the primary vendor

• current vendor item price

• total vendor additional charges. If the additional charge for the vendor item is set up as a percentage, the per unit amount produced by applying the percentage to the vendor item price displays.

• new SKU cost (landed cost)

• old SKU cost

• net change

ME06_10r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN