Stock Aging Report

How to print: Complete the Stock Aging Report Screen.

CWDirect Rel 2.1 Stock Aging Report LIZ_P INR1100 7/16/97 15:38:51 Page 1

Stock older than 30 days The Mail Order Company


Last Last ----- Aged Inventory -----

Item SKU Whs Loc On Hand Reservd Printed Pending Physical Placed 1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 120+

BUG SPRAY REGU 1 P020102 10 5/28/97 10

OFF 20

Buyer: MELISSA LUCAS Cost: 2.0000 Ext: 20.0000


CD PLAYER 1 P010101 41 14 3 7/02/97 41


Buyer: MELISSA LUCAS Cost: 104.4444 Ext: 4,282.2204


DCHAIRS 1 P010101 40 6/16/97 5/22/97 40


Buyer: MELISSA LUCAS Cost: 45.0000 Ext: 1,800.0000


• vendor number

• item


• warehouse where the item is kept

• location where the item is kept

• on-hand quantity (the number of units at the location)

• reserved quantity for the item in the warehouse (appears for the first location listing for the item in the warehouse)

• quantity of the item on printed pick slips for the item location

• pending transaction quantity

• date of the last physical inventory for this item location

• date when the item was first placed in this location

• aged units and cost associated with inventory from inventory transactions (the extended cost appears below the number of units) broken out into the following aging buckets:

• 1-30 days old

• 31-60 days old

• 61-90 days old

• 91-120 days old

• 120 days old or more

• average, standard, or FIFO cost from the SKU file, depending on your Costing Method (A25). If the system does not find a cost in the related field, it uses the Default cost from the Item table, even if the item has SKU’s.

• extended cost (cost multiplied by units on-hand)

Buyer assigned to the item

ME12_05r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN