Working with Order Telemarketing Specials (WOTS)

Purpose: Use this menu option to set up telemarketing specials to display in order entry. The specials you set up through this menu option are available for any order, regardless of the offer associated with the source code on the order header. However, these specials are available only if the Display Non-Offer-Specific Telemarketing Specials in Order Entry (J31) system control value is set to Y. In this situation, any specials you set up through the Work with Telemarketing Specials Screen in the Work with Offers menu option are not available in order entry.

Offer-specific telemarketing specials: If the Display Non-Offer-Specific Telemarketing Specials in Order Entry (J31) system control value is set to N, then the telemarketing specials you set up through the Work with Telemarketing Specials Screen in the Work with Offers menu option are available in order entry, and any specials you set up through the Work with Order Telemarketing Specials menu option are not available. The specials you set up for a particular offer are available in order entry only if the source code on the order header points to that offer.

Other system control values: In all other respects, the system control values, logic, and screen flow controlling telemarketing specials are the same regardless of whether you use offer-specific or non-offer-specific telemarketing specials. See Working with Telemarketing Specials for an overview and more information.

In this topic:

Work with Order Telemarketing Specials Screen

Create Order Telemarketing Specials Screen

Change Order Telemarketing Specials Screen

Display Order Telemarketing Specials Screen

Delete Order Specials Window

Work with Order Telemarketing Specials Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WOTS in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Order Telemarketing Specials from a menu.

OER1431 DISPLAY Work with Order Telemarketing Specials 4/12/06 10:30:41

EZK Mail Order

Start End Sale Offer M/D

Item COLR SIZE WDTH Ofr Date Date Price Price % Ctg

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

ALLSPICE OFR 1/01/06 12/31/06 6.99 10.00 30 %

save 30% on allspice! SEAS

BASIL OFR 6.99 10.00 30 %


CLOVE OFR 2/15/06 3/31/06 6.99 10.00 30 %

Limited time: save on ground cloves! SEAS

CUMIN 2/24/06 12/31/06 6.99 10.00 30 %


MINT 2/01/06 3/31/06 6.99 10.00 30 %

SE +

F3=Exit F6=Create F11=Delete SKUs F12=Cancel




The code for the unit of inventory that is available for this telemarketing special promotion.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


Codes representing the item's unique characteristics, such as color and size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Ofr (Offer)

The offer specified for pricing comparison purposes, if any. If you do not specify an offer for the special, the system uses its standard logic to find the most current offer for the item. See the Offer price field below for more information.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Start date

The first date when the special is available.

If you leave the Start date and End date blank, there is no date restriction on the telemarketing special.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

End date

The last date when the special is available.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Sale price

The special price at which you are offering the item/SKU.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Offer price

The regular price for the item:


• If you specify an offer for the special, this screen displays the most current regular single-unit price for this offer, and this is the price used for comparison purposes in order entry.

• If you do not specify an offer for the special, this screen displays the most current regular single-unit price for the default offer. It selects the offer using standard pricing logic.

• Even if an order is subject to tax-inclusive pricing or if the customer is flagged as an Associate, the offer price displayed at the Order Telemarketing Specials Window is the regular price, not the tax-inclusive or associate price.

• If the single-unit price with the latest date is not yet effective (that is, the date is in the future), the system uses this future date as the offer price for comparison purposes.

• If there is no Item Price or SKU Price for this item with any current offer, the offer price displayed here is .00.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Ctg (Category)

The category of the item or SKU, such as petite or tall sizes. If a category is assigned to the item, this category defaults when you create the order telemarketing special record.

System Control Value

The Select Telemarketing Specials by Item Category (F35) system control value controls the option of displaying telemarketing specials for a selected category only in order entry. For example, if the customer wears petite sizes, you can display SKUs flagged as petite by selecting the appropriate item category.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.


A persuasive or descriptive message to display for the telemarketing special in order entry. This message will display below the item description.

Alphanumeric, 70 positions; display-only.



Create a new telemarketing special

Press F6 to advance to the Create Order Telemarketing Specials Screen.

Change a telemarketing special

Enter 2 next to a telemarketing special to advance to the Change Order Telemarketing Specials Screen.

Delete a telemarketing special

Enter 4 next to a telemarketing special to delete it.

Display a telemarketing special

Enter 5 next to a telemarketing special to advance to the Display Order Telemarketing Specials Screen.

Delete the telemarketing specials for all SKU’s of an item

Press F11 to display the Delete Order Specials Window.

Create Order Telemarketing Specials Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create an order telemarketing special for an item that you can use to upsell customers or present a special sale price.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Order Telemarketing Specials Screen.

OER1432 ENTER Create Order Telemarketing Specials 4/22/06 16:25:10

Item . . . . . . . .


Offer . . . . . . .

Start Date . . . . .

End Date . . . . . .

Sale Price . . . . . Tax incl sale price . .

Category . . . . . .


F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The code for the unit of inventory that is available for this telemarketing special promotion.


Aliases are alternate names for an item that you can use to track how demand varies based on how you display and position items within an offer. If you have the Display Item Alias (D56) field in the System Control file set to Y, and you have defined any aliases for this item in the offer associated with the source code on the order header, the system searches alphanumerically for an item alias. The telemarketing specials screen displays the first alias it finds for the item/offer.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


Codes representing the item's unique characteristics, such as color and size.

Entry of the SKU field(s) is optional. If you enter the base item code only for an item with SKUs, the system creates a separate telemarketing special record for each SKU that is not already set up as a telemarketing special.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); optional.

Ofr (Offer)

The offer specified for pricing comparison purposes, if any. If you do not specify an offer for the special, the system uses its standard logic to find the most current offer pricing for the item. See the Offer price field below for more information.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Start date

The first date when the special is available. If you enter a Start date, you also need to enter an End date. The Start date cannot be later than the End date.

If you leave the Start date and End date blank, there is no date restriction on the telemarketing special.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

End date

The last date when the special is available.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Sale price

The special price at which you are offering the item/SKU. If you add the item to the order, the system uses the Telemarketing Special Price Override Reason (F36).

Note: The Display Order Telemarketing Special Items Window in order entry shows this sale price, even if the order is subject to tax-inclusive pricing. However, the Order Telemarketing Specials Window displays the tax-inclusive sale price if that pricing applies to the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Tax incl sale price (Tax inclusive sale price)

The special price at which you are offering the item/SKU to orders that are subject to tax-inclusive pricing. If you add the item to the order, the system uses the Telemarketing Special Price Override Reason (F36). See Tax Included in Price (E70) for an overview on tax-inclusive pricing.

Note: If you do not specify a tax-inclusive sale price, when you are entering an order subject to tax-inclusive pricing the system displays the regular sale price for the item/SKU at the Display Order Telemarketing Special Items Window and the Order Telemarketing Specials Window. If you select the item at the Order Telemarketing Specials Window, the system adds the item to the order using the regular sale price.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Ctg (Category)

The category of the item or SKU, such as petite or tall sizes. The items and SKUs sort by item category, with blank item categories appearing first, both on this screen and in order entry.

System Control Value

The Select Telemarketing Specials by Item Category (F35) system control value controls the option of displaying telemarketing specials for a selected category only in order entry. For example, if the customer wears petite sizes, you can display SKUs flagged as petite by selecting the appropriate item category.


System Control Value is Set To: Y

Setting Up Telemarketing Specials:

If you enter an item without specifying an item category, any category already assigned to the item or SKU will default. If the item has multiple SKUs with different item category settings (including blank settings), the system defaults the appropriate setting for each SKU.


Order Entry:

You can select which telemarketing specials to display by item category. You must select an item (or base item, if the item has SKUs) to advance to a screen which displays markdown information, and where you can add the item or SKU to the current order.


System Control Value is Set To: N or blank

Setting Up Telemarketing Specials:

The item category does not default.

Order Entry:

You advance directly to a screen which displays markdown information for each item or SKU, and where you can add the item or SKU to the current order.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.


A persuasive or descriptive message to display for the telemarketing special in order entry. This message will be below the item description in order entry.

Alphanumeric, 70 positions; optional.

Change Order Telemarketing Specials Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change an order telemarketing special for an item.

How to display this screen: Enter 2 next to a telemarketing special at the Work with Order Telemarketing Specials Screen.

OER1436 CHANGE Change Order Telemarketing Specials 4/12/06 12:53:59

EZK Mail Order

Item . . . . . . . : ALLSPICE COLR/SIZE/WDTH . :

Offer . . . . . . . OFR

Start Date . . . . . 10106

End Date . . . . . . 123106

Offer Price . . . : 9.99

Sale Price . . . . . 6.99 Tax incl sale price 7.99

M/D% . . . . . . . : 30

Category . . . . . . SEAS

Message save 30% on allspice!

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

The Offer price and Markdown percentage fields are described below. See Create Order Telemarketing Specials Screen for descriptions of the remaining fields on this screen.



Offer price

The regular price for the item:


• If you specify an offer for the special, this screen displays the most current regular single-unit price for this offer, and this is the price used for comparison purposes in order entry.

• If you do not specify an offer for the special, this screen displays the most current regular single-unit price for the default offer. It selects the offer using standard pricing logic.

• Even if an order is subject to tax-inclusive pricing or if the customer is flagged as an Associate, the offer price displayed at the Order Telemarketing Specials Window is the regular price, not the tax-inclusive or associate price.

• If the single-unit price with the latest date is not yet effective (that is, the date is in the future), the system uses this future date as the offer price for comparison purposes.

• If there is no Item Price or SKU Price for this item with any current offer, the offer price displayed here is .00.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

M/D % (Markdown percentage)

The markdown percentage provided by the sale price, calculated by subtracting the sale price from the offer price and then dividing the difference by the offer price, then rounded down to two positions:

(offer price - sale price) / offer price = markdown percentage

Example: An item’s regular offer price is 10.00, and the sale price is 7.49. 10.00 = 7.49 = 2.51. 10.00 divided by 2.51 = .251 or 25% after rounding.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Display Order Telemarketing Specials Screen

Purpose: Enter 5 next to a telemarketing special at the Work with Order Telemarketing Specials Screen to display it. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Order Telemarketing Specials Screen and Change Order Telemarketing Specials Screen for field descriptions.

Delete Order Specials Window

Purpose: Use this window to delete order telemarketing special records for all SKUs of an item.

How to display this screen: Press F11 at theWork with Order Telemarketing Specials Screen.

Delete Order Specials

Item . . . .

*** All Telemarketing Specials ***

*** for item will be deleted! ***


Completing this window: Enter the name of the item you wish to delete. The following confirmation prompt opens:


Enter Y in the prompt field. The system deletes the telemarketing specials for each SKU of the selected item.

MK02_10 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN