Customer Merge/Purge Direct Tech Audit Report

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CWDirect Rel 3.5 Customer Merge/Purge Direct Tech Audit KLETENDRE CSR0800 5/11/99 15:13:39 Pg 1

Target Source Ghost? Target Type Customer Status

Customer Customer (old/new)

103 130 N O

103 136 N O

103 137 N O

12518 12517 N N

52 89 N O F Target Customer Fraud

99 56 N O G Source Customer Fraud

59 147 N O H Both Trg & Src Fraud

* # Of Records Converted To Mozart 7 * * Total # of Records with Fraud 3


• target customer number

• source customer number

• ghost flag setting (Y = save as ghost; N = do not save as ghost)

• target type (O = target customer is older; N = target customer is newer)

• customer status (F = Target customer is a fraud customer; G = Source customer is a fraud customer; H = Both the target and the source customer are fraud customers; S = Source customer not found; T = Target customer not found; B = Both target and source customer not found)

• total number of source customer records added to the CWDirect merge/purge files

• total number of records that contained a fraud customer (the record contained a status of F, G, or T)

MK04_05r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN