Finder Load Summary Report

How to print: Use the Load Prospect Finder File Screen.

CWDirect Rel 2.0 Finder Load Summary Karen_L CSRFDR 3/07/97 11:47:10 Page 1

Offer: ART

Drop: 1


Load Date # Invalid # Invalid # Invalid Total Records

Finder Codes State Codes SCF Codes Processed

03/07/97 3000 2424 2424 1


• Offer

• Drop

• Load date

• Number of invalid finder codes (the first character of the finder code is not an alphanumeric character).

• Number of invalid state codes (the state code does not exist in the CWDirect Zip/City/State file).

• Number of invalid SCF codes (the zip code does not exist in the CWDirect Zip/City/State file).

• Number of invalid processed records

MK04_06r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN