Purged Prospect Records Report

Purpose: Use this report to review the prospect records that are in a P status. This report contains a list of all the prospect numbers that have been purged from the system, including:

• The purge criteria you entered on the Purge Prospect Finder File Screen

• The total number of records purged

How to print: Use the Purge Prospect Finder File Screen .

CWDirect Rel 2.0 Purged Prospect Records Karen_L CSR0790 3/10/97 10:07:33 Page 1


Purge Criteria:


Offer . . . . .:


Drop . . . . . :


Finder Range : A09846 - A10302


Records Purged . . . : 543


• Offer

• Drop

• Finder ID range

• Total records purged

MK04_07r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN