Petals PO Receipts

Purpose: Use the PO Receipt function to to pass inventory receipt information from Petals' system to CWDirect, without using the PO Receipts function. Petals may use this function, for example, when completing a production order.

This function enables you to perform a receipt against the oldest purchase order for an item or to perform a receipt even if no purchase order exists for the item.

How to display this screen: This screen displays on Petals' system via a function key.

PTR0001 ENTER Petals PO Receipt 9/16/94 9:36:39




Quantity received . .

Warehouse . . . . . .

Location . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F9=Accept and exit F12=Cancel

F14=Accept and continue

PO layering: The inventory information you enter on this screen is used for PO layering. PO layering is a feature in which the system keeps track of inventory ordering, due dates, and receipts. The PO layering feature enables you to provide the customer with the expected availability dates for backordered items during Order Entry.




The code defined for a unit of inventory on Petals' system.


The code defined for the style of the item on Petals' system.

Quantity received

The number of units of the item/SKU that are being received and are eligible to be reserved for backorders or open orders.


The warehouse into which the item is being received.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file. The system issues the following message if you enter an invalid warehouse code:

Item warehouse (xxxxxx) does not exist.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.


The area in the specified warehouse into which the item is being received.

Location codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse/Location file. The system issues the following message if you enter an invalid location code:

Location (xxxxx) does not exist.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.


1. On Petals system, press the appropriate function key to display the Petals PO Receipt screen.

2. Specify the quantity received of the item in the Quantity received field.

3. Press Field Exit to advance to the Warehouse field.

4. Enter the code for the warehouse into which the item is being received and press Field Exit to advance to the Location field.

5. Enter the code for the area in the warehouse into which the item is being received.

6. Press F9 to accept your entries and return to the previous screen or press F14 to accept your entries and remain on this screen to perform another "receipt."

Updates: After you perform the receipt, the system checks the User fields in the CWDirect Item/SKU file to locate the Petals item/SKU code. This is necessary because the receipt is performed on Petals' system using Petals' item numbers.

Next, the system updates the following files/fields:

• Item/Warehouse record

• Increase on-hand by quantity received

• Decrease on-order by quantity received

• SKU/Offer

• Reduce on-order quantity by quantity received, if the purchase order was placed for a specific offer

• Item/Location

• Increase the on-hand quantity by the quantity received

• Update the Placement date field with the date the receipt was performed

• Item Transaction History file

• Write a history record for the receipt transaction

• PO Header/Detail

• Change status of PO to Closed, if the quantity received = quantity ordered

• Increase Receipt quantity field by quantity received

• Item/SKU

If using Average costing method: update Cost field using the following Average costing calculation:

• ((Old on-hand * Old average cost) + (Quantity received * New purchase cost)) / (Old quantity on-hand + Quantity received)

MKAPPB CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN