Generating the General Ledger Download File (GGLD)

Purpose: You can use the Generate General Ledger Download File menu option to populate a download file, which you can then use to transfer general ledger information to an external accounting system.

In this topic:

Process Overview

Generate General Ledger Download File Screen

General Ledger Download File (IXGLDN)

General Ledger Summary Download File (IXGLDS)

General Ledger Download Audit Report

General Ledger Law400 File (IXGLLN)

General Ledger Lawson NT File (GLAWNT)

Different download files: The G/L Download Type (G03) system control value controls which file the system populates when you use this menu option.

G/L Download Type System Control Value

Set to:



General Ledger Summary Download File (IXGLDS)

This setting also produces the General Ledger Download Audit Report.


General Ledger Download File (IXGLDN)


General Ledger Law400 File (IXGLLN)


General Ledger Lawson NT File (GLAWNT)

Process Overview

When you use the Generate General Ledger Download file menu option, the system:

• verifies that the debits and credits for the specified date range are in balance. If the debits and credits are not in balance, the system displays the following error message:

General Ledger for selected date range is out of balance.

• selects all records from the General Ledger Interface file (GLINTR) that:

• are earlier than or equal to the date you specified for the download, and

• have a blank Date posted field, and

• are not in the division defined in the Division to Exclude from General Ledger Download File (F68) system control value.

• populates the appropriate download file. If there are already records in this file, the system appends the new records


Note: The system does not clear the existing contents of the file automatically when you use this menu option to populate the file.

• updates the Date posted field in the General Ledger Interface file for each selected record. You cannot use Resetting the General Ledger Interface File (RGLI) against any posted general ledger records.

If the general ledger is out of balance: If the system displays a message indicating that the general ledger is out of balance, you must resolve this situation before you can populate the download file. Incomplete transactions, such as orders that have not been completely processed by the background jobs, can put the general ledger out of balance.

You can print the General Ledger Control Report for the specified date range to identify and resolve the imbalance.

Periodic function: In addition to the Generate General Ledger Download File menu option, you can also use a periodic function to populate the download file for your company. Use the program name GLR0078 for this periodic function.

If the general ledger is out of balance, the system sends a message to QSYSOPR. This message indicates that the general ledger was out of balance, and includes the user ID of the person who executed the periodic process.

See Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) for more information on setting up a periodic function.

Generate General Ledger Download File Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to generate the download file and to select the last date to include.

How to display this screen: Enter GGLD in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Generate General Ledger Download File from a menu.

GLR0074 ENTER Generate General Ledger Download File 2/18/99 12:45:23

EZK Mail Order

G/L Download Type: LAWSNT

Date . . . . . . . . 21899

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel



G/L download type

The setting in the G/L Download Type (G03) system control value appears here. You must specify a download type in this system control value in order to populate a general ledger download file. Valid values are:

LAWSON: produces the General Ledger Download File (IXGLDN)

LAW400: produces the General Ledger Law400 File (IXGLLN)

SUMMARY: produces the General Ledger Summary Download File (IXGLDS)

LAWSNT: produces the General Ledger Lawson NT file.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The last date to include in the download file. The system selects General Ledger Interface records that:

• are earlier than or equal to the date you enter

• have a blank Date posted

• are not associated with the division defined in the Division to Exclude from General Ledger Download File (F68) system control value

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Note: If any general ledger accounts are out of balance for the selected period, an error message displays and you will not be able to populate the download file until you correct the problem. See Accounts Payable Resetting the General Ledger Interface File (RGLI).

Completing this screen: Select F9 to generate the download file. A message displays indicating a batch job was submitted:

Job 877443/KLETENDRE/GL_DWNLD submitted to job queue QBATCH in library.

General Ledger Download File (IXGLDN)

Purpose: The system populates this file if the G/L Download Type (G03) system control value is set to LAWSON.

Field Name


Field Description/Contents

Run group

Alphanumeric, 12 positions

Composed of CW + the date the file was populated, in CCYYMMDD format. For example, the run group for a record created on February 19, 2003 is CW20030219.

Sequence number

Numeric, 6 positions

A unique sequence number assigned by the system to each record each time you generate the download file.


Numeric, 4 positions

The first 4 positions of the Cross reference number field in Working with Chart of Accounts (WCA). If the first 4 positions include a non-numeric character, such as a hyphen (-) the system skips this character and takes the first 4 numeric values. For example, if the Cross reference number is 100-10-12345, the Company will be 1000. If the Cross reference number field does not contain numeric characters, the Company field will not be populated consistently.

Company old

Alphanumeric, 31 positions

The first 11 positions of the Cross reference number field in Work with Chart of Accounts (fast path = WCA).

Account number old

Alphanumeric, 31 positions

Positions 12-19 of the Cross reference number field in Work with Chart of Accounts (fast path = WCA).

Source code

Alphanumeric, 1 position

The Journal source field from the General Ledger Interface file, indicating the type of transaction that generated the posting. See Accounts Payable Displaying the General Ledger Interface (DGLI) for a list of journal source codes.

Transaction date

Numeric, 8 positions (CCYYMMDD format)

The date this record was downloaded to the General Ledger Download file. For example, the transaction date for a record created on February 19, 1999 is 19990219.


Alphanumeric, 10 positions

Composed of CW + the date the download file was created. For example, the Reference for a record created on February 19, 1999 is CW19990219.


Alphanumeric, 30 positions

Same as the Reference field.

Currency code

Alphanumeric, 5 positions


Units amount

Numeric, 15 positions with a 2-place decimal


Units amount sign

Alphanumeric, 1 position


Transaction amount

Numeric, 15 positions with a 2-place decimal

The Transaction amount field from the General Ledger Interface file.

Transaction amount sign

Alphanumeric, 1 position

+ if the transaction amount is positive.

- if the transaction amount is negative.

Base amount

Numeric, 15 positions with a 2-place decimal

The transaction amount field from the General Ledger Interface file.

Base amount sign

Alphanumeric, 1 position

+ if the transaction amount is positive.

- if the transaction amount is negative.

Base rate

Numeric, 12 positions with a 6-place decimal



Alphanumeric, 2 positions


Program code

Alphanumeric, 5 positions


Auto rev

Alphanumeric, 1 position


Posting date

Numeric, 8 positions (CCYYMMDD format)

The date of the transaction from the General Ledger Interface file, converted into 8-position format. For example, the posting date for a record from February 19, 1999 is 19990219.


Alphanumeric, 15 positions


Account category

Alphanumeric, 5 positions


Document number

Alphanumeric, 15 positions

CW + the date the download file was created + the sequence number for this record. For example, the document number for the first record created on February 19, 1999 is CW19990219000001.

To base amount

Numeric, 15 positions with a 2-place decimal


To base amount Sign

Alphanumeric, 1 position


Effect date

Numeric, 8 positions (CCYYMMDD format)


Journal book number

Alphanumeric, 12 positions


MX value 1

Alphanumeric, 20 positions


MX value 2

Alphanumeric, 20 positions


MX value 3

Alphanumeric, 20 positions


General Ledger Summary Download File (IXGLDS)

Purpose: The system populates this file if the G/L Download Type (G03) system control value is set to SUMMARY. The system also produces the General Ledger Download Audit Report when you download to this file type.

Field Name


Field Description/Contents


Numeric, 3 positions

The number of the company from the General Ledger Interface record. Validated against the Company file; see Installation Setting Up Companies (WCMP).

Transaction date

Numeric, 8 positions (CCYYMMDD)

The transaction date from the related General Ledger Interface records, converted into 8-position format. For example, the transaction date for a record from February 19, 1999 is 19990219.

Cross reference number

Alphanumeric, 31 positions

The cross reference number from the General Ledger Interface record, which is derived from the Working with Chart of Accounts (WCA).

Journal source

Alphanumeric, 1 position

The journal source from the General Ledger Interface record, indicating the type of transaction that generated the posting. See Accounts Payable Printing the General Ledger Control Report (PGLC) for a list of journal source codes.

Journal source description

Alphanumeric, 25 positions

The description of the journal source.

Transaction amount

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal

The sum of the transaction amounts of all General Ledger Interface records sharing the same company, transaction date, cross reference number, and journal source. This total represents the absolute value; the transaction amount sign is described below.

The system does not create a download record if the net transaction amount is zero.

Transaction amount sign

Alphanumeric, 1 position

Indicates whether the transaction amount, above, is positive (+) or negative (-).

# GL records

Numeric, 7 positions

The number of General Ledger Interface records that are summarized by the download record. All General Ledger Interface records sharing the same company, transaction date, cross reference number, and journal source are added together.

This field is used for the General Ledger Download Audit Report.

General Ledger Law400 File (IXGLLN)

Purpose: The system populates this file if the G/L Download Type (G03) system control value is set to LAW400.

Field Name

Field Attributes

Field Description/Contents

Run group

Alphanumeric, 12 positions

Composed of CW + the date the file was populated, in CCYYMMDD format. For example, the run group for a record created on February 19, 1999 is CW19990219.

Sequence number

Numeric, 6 positions

A unique sequence number assigned by the system to each record each time you generate the download file.


Numeric, 3 positions

The number of the company from the General Ledger Interface record. Validated against the Company file; see Installation Setting Up Companies (WCMP).

Company old

Alphanumeric, 35 positions

Composed of the Division number (2 positions) + the general ledger account number (8 positions), each right-justified and filled with zeros. For example, the company old field for a record from division 1 and general ledger account number 1234567 is 0101234567.

Account number old

Alphanumeric, 25 positions

The general ledger account number (8 positions) from the General Ledger Interface record, right-justified in the first eight positions and filled with zeros. For example, the account number old for a general ledger account number of 11500 is 00011500.

Source code

Alphanumeric, 2 positions

The code representing the journal source for the general ledger posting, indicating the type of transaction that generated the posting. This is a one-position, alphanumeric code. See Accounts Payable Printing the General Ledger Control Report (PGLC).

Transaction date

Numeric, 8 positions (CCYYMMDD format)

The transaction date from the related General Ledger Interface record, converted into 8-position format. For example, the transaction date for a record created on February 19, 1999 is 19990219.


Alphanumeric, 12 positions

Same as the Run group.


Alphanumeric, 30 positions

The description of the Journal source (Source code). See Accounts Payable Printing the General Ledger Control Report (PGLC) for a list of journal source codes and their descriptions.

Transaction type

Alphanumeric, 1 position


Currency code

Alphanumeric, 5 positions


Transaction amount

Numeric, 15 positions with a 2-place decimal

The amount of the transactions. A negative amount is followed by CR. For example, a transaction amount of -15.00 is 15.00CR.

Base amount

Numeric, 15 positions with a 2-place decimal

Same as the Transaction amount.

Base rate

Numeric, 12 positions with a 6-place decimal



Alphanumeric, 2 positions


Program code

Alphanumeric, 5 positions


Auto rev

Alphanumeric, 1 position


Posting date

Numeric, 8 positions (CCYYMMDD format)

The date of the transaction from the General Ledger Interface file, converted into 8-position format. For example, the posting date for a record from February 19, 1999 is 19990219.


Alphanumeric, 9 positions


Document number

Alphanumeric, 15 positions


To base amount

Numeric, 15 positions with a 2-position decimal


Effect date

Numeric, 8 positions


General Ledger Lawson NT File (GLAWNT)

Purpose: The file name for the General Ledger Lawson NT file is GLAWNT. The system populates this file if the G/L Download Type (G03) system control value is set to LAWSNT.

Field Name

Field Attributes

Field Description/Contents

Run group

Alphanumeric, 12 positions

Composed of the company number defined in the Lawson NT Company Code (H46) (4 positions) + the date the file was created, in YYYYMMDD format (8 positions). This field is left justified and filled with blanks.

Example: The run group for a record created on May 31, 2001 for company 111 is 011120010601.

Sequence number

Numeric, 6 positions

A unique sequence number assigned by the system to each record each time you generate the download file.

Example: 418


Numeric, 4 positions

The number of the company from the Lawson NT Company Code (H46) system control value. The company code represents the "to company" on inter-company transactions. If the transaction is not inter-company, the value defined in the Company old field defaults.

Example: 111

Company old

Alphanumeric, 35 positions

Composed of the company number defined in the Lawson NT Company Code (H46) system control value (4 positions) + the entity number (3 positions) + the division number (2 positions) + the general ledger account number (8 positions), each right-justified and filled with zeros.

Example: The company old field for a record from company 111, entity 1, division 1 and general ledger account number 70000 is 01110010100070000.

Account number old

Alphanumeric, 25 positions

The number of the company from the Lawson NT Company Code (H46) system control value (4 positions) + the general ledger account number (8 positions) from the General Ledger Interface record, right-justified in the first eight positions and filled with zeros.

Example: The company code is 111 and the account number old for a general ledger account number of 70000 is 011100070000.

Source code

Alphanumeric, 2 positions

The code representing the journal source for the general ledger posting, indicating the type of transaction that generated the posting.

Example: V

Transaction date

Numeric, 8 positions

The transaction date from the related General Ledger Interface record, in YYYYMMDD format.

Example: The transaction date for a record created on May 31, 2001 is 20010531.


Alphanumeric, 10 positions

Composed of the company number defined in the Lawson NT Company Code (H46) (4 positions) + the date the file was created, in YYYYMM format.

This field is left justified and filled with blanks.

Example: The reference for a record created on May 31, 2001 for company 111 is 0111200106.


Alphanumeric, 30 positions

The first 30 positions of the description of the Journal source (Source code). See Accounts Payable Printing the General Ledger Control Report (PGLC) for a list of journal source codes and their descriptions.

Example: Item/Inventory value

Currency code

Alphanumeric, 5 positions

The currency associated with the transaction. USD defaults.

Example: USD

Units amount

Numeric, 15 positions with a 2-place decimal

The transaction units amount. .00 defaults.

Example: .00

Transaction amount

Numeric, 15 positions with a 2-place decimal

The signed transaction amount. A negative amount is followed by -.

Example: A transaction amount of -5.00 is 5.00-.

Base amount

Numeric, 15 positions with a 2-place decimal

The signed transaction amount. A negative amount is followed by -. A positive amount is followed by +.

Example: A transaction amount of 5.00 is 5.00+.

Base rate

Numeric, 12 positions with a 6-place decimal

This field displays blank.

Example: .000000


Alphanumeric, 2 positions

CW defaults.

Example: CW

Program code

Alphanumeric, 5 positions

CWINT defaults.

Example: CWINT

Auto reverse

Alphanumeric, 1 position

N defaults.

Example: N

Posting date

Numeric, 8 positions (CCYYMMDD format)

The date of the transaction from the General Ledger Interface file, in YYYYMMDD format.

Example: The posting date for a record from May 31, 2001 is 20010531.


Alphanumeric, 15 positions

This field displays blank.

Acct Category

Alphanumeric, 5 positions

This field displays blank.

Document number

Alphanumeric, 24 positions

Composed of the company number defined in the Lawson NT Company Code (H46) system control value (4 positions) + the date the file was populated, in YYYYMMDD format (8 positions) + a unique sequence number (6 positions) assigned by the system to each record each time you generate the download file. This field is left justified and filled with blanks.

Example: The run group for a record created on May 31, 2001 is 011120010531000418.

To base amount

Numeric, 15 positions with a 2-place decimal

1.00 defaults. The field is right justified and zero filled.

Example: 1.00

Effect date

Numeric, 8 positions

0 defaults.

Example: 0

Journal book number

Alphanumeric, 12 positions

This field displays blank.

Attrib value

Alphanumeric, 20 positions

This field displays blank.

SO02_09 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN