Print Direct Debit Report

Purpose: This report lists each order number/invoice number combination processed during deposits that contains a Direct Bank Disbursement payment and the amount, customer name, routing number, and account number associated with the payment.

The report sorts by type, date within type, and order number within date.

How to print: Perform Direct Bank Disbursement Processing during deposits processing.

CWDirect Rel 7.5 Print Direct Debit KBOTTGER AAR0558 10/09/03 9:32:21 Page 1


Order # Invoice # Seq # Deposit Amount Date Customer Name Type Routing # Account #

6790 1778 1 52.50 10/09/03 GEORGE SAMANTHA C 10092003 10092003092606

Order # Invoice # Seq # Deposit Amount Date Customer Name Type Routing # Account #

6787 1774 1 16.40 10/09/03 ROBERTS COLETTE D 10022003 10022003143319

6788 1775 1 16.40 10/09/03 HARPER DAVID D 10092003 10092003091639

6789 1776 3 10.00 10/09/03 LETENDRE LISA D 10092003 10092003092239

6789 1776 1 49.90 10/09/03 LETENDRE LISA D 10092003 10092003092204

6790 1777 1 110.90 10/09/03 MIRANDA BERNADETTE D 10092003 10092003092606


Order #: The order number containing the Direct Bank Disbursement pay type.

Invoice #: The invoice number associated with the Direct Bank Disbursement pay type.

Seq #: The order payment method sequence number assigned to the Direct Bank Disbursement pay type on the order.

Deposit amount: The deposit amount associated with the Direct Bank Disbursement pay type.

• For sales, this is the amount to withdraw from the customer’s bank account to pay for the purchase.

• For returns, this is the amount to refund the customer’s bank account.

Date: The date the deposit record for the Direct Bank Disbursement pay type was processed through deposits.

Customer name: The name of the sold to customer whose bank account contains the funds to pay for the purchase.

Type: Indicates if the invoice is a credit (refund) or debit (sale).

C indicates the invoice is a credit.

D indicates the invoice is a debit.

Routing #: The customer’s bank routing number, used to access the customer’s bank account.

Account #: The customer’s bank account number, used to access the customer’s bank account.

SO07_06r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN