Replenishment Detail by 'From' Location Report

This report lists the information contained in a single replenishment control request. You can use this report as a worksheet to assist you in confirming the item quantities that are replenished. See Confirming, Processing or Deleting Replenishment Requests.

How to print: The system generates this report automatically when you create a Replenishment Control request. You can also generate this report by pressing F21 at the Replenishment Confirmation by From Location Screen.

For Replenishment Control requests that are generated by a submitted job, such as Let Down Replenishment, the system does not generate this report automatically.

Other report options:

Replenishment Detail Report by Item

Replenishment Detail Report by 'To' Location

Consolidated Replenishment Report by From Location

Consolidated Replenishment Report by Item/SKU

Consolidated Replenishment Report By To Location

Priority items: Items that you need to replenish right away are listed on the first page(s) of the report. Also, these items are indicated by an asterisk (*).

Why are items flagged for priority replenishment? An item is flagged for priority replenishment if:

• you keep the item in more than one location, including both pickable and nonpickable locations, and

• the total quantity on printed pick slips is larger than the quantity currently available in the item's primary, pickable location.

In the above situation, you would need to replenish the item's primary location right away so that you will be able to fulfill all the pick slips that are currently printed.

Replenishment requests initiated by the system as the result of Let Down Replenishment during pick slip generation are always flagged for priority replenishment, since the request is generated when there is not enough inventory in the primary location to fulfill all pick slips.

Note: Typically, you would have priority replenishment items for a replenishment request you generate at the Work with Replenish Control screen only if the Check Location Quantities During Pick Generation (C54) system control value is set to N; however, if the replenishment request is initiated by the system as Let Down Replenishment during pick slip generation, the Check Location Quantities During Pick Generation (C54) system control value must be set to Y.

Note: The format of this report is controlled by the Replenishment Report Program Name (E47) system control value. The standard replenishment report program name is FLR0049. Your report may appear different.

CWDirect Rel 10.0 Replenishment Detail Report KBOTTGER FLR1156 4/11/06 11:02:19 Page 1

By From Location


Selection Criteria: Zones: Start aisle: End aisle: User: KBOTTGER



Typ --- Restock --- Item SKU Description Replen Carton# Min Max Qty

From To Qty Remaining

_____ B BULK1 MAIN1 VCS10PB TOASTER OVEN 60 P _______ _____ ______ 24

_____ B BULK1 MAIN1 VCS10PSB RICE COOKER 24 _______ _____ ______ 0

_____ B BULK1 MAIN1 VCS20PB 4 SLOT TOASTER 24 _______ _____ ______ 0

_____ B BULK1 MAIN1 VCS20PSB VEGETABLE STEAM BASKET 60 P _______ _____ ______ 0

_____ B BULK1 MAIN2 VCS20PSB VEGETABLE STEAM BASKET 24 P _______ _____ ______ 0

_____ S SECOND1 MAIN1 VCS10PSB RICE COOKER 36 P _______ _____ ______ 24

_____ S SECOND1 MAIN2 VCS20PSB VEGETABLE STEAM BASKET 48 P _______ _____ ______ 72


Selection criteria: The Zones, Start aisle, and End aisle for the replenishment. Also, the User requesting the replenishment.

Warehouse: The code and description of the warehouse associated with the replenishment.

Type: The From (source) location type. Valid values are B (bulk), P (primary), S (secondary), and T (temporary).

Restock from: The From location code.

Restock to: The To (destination) location code.

Item: The item eligible for replenishment.

SKU: The SKU code, if any, for the item eligible for replenishment.

Description: A description of the item.

Replenishment quantity: The quantity to replenish. Note: This quantity is flagged with a P if you will not exhaust the total on-hand quantity in the From location by processing the replenishment transfer.

Carton #: Use this field to enter the carton number associated with the stock. This field appears blank unless you are using radio frequency. See Radio Frequency Overview.

Minimum quantity: Use this field to enter the minimum quantity for the location.

Maximum quantity: Use this field to enter the maximum quantity for the location.

Comments: Additional comments you can enter regarding the replenishment. This field displays if program FLR0049 is defined in the Replenishment Report Program Name (E47) system control value. Your report may appear different.

Quantity remaining: The quantity remaining in the From location after the replenishment quantity is moved to the primary location: Item location on hand quantity - Negative pending quantity + Positive pending quantity = Quantity remaining. This field displays if program FLR1156 is defined in the Replenishment Report Program Name (E47) system control value. Your report may appear different. Note: The Quantity remaining is only accurate if the replenishment is performed and processed promptly after it is generated so that there are no additional open replenishments.

WH09_02r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN