LPN Total Greater Than Item Location List

Purpose: The system produces this report at the time you generate a physical inventory if you use LPNs to manage your inventory. You can use this report to help you find item locations where the actual on-hand may be out of sync with the records in the LPN file. Although there might be situations where the total quantity on-hand for an item location would be larger than the LPN quantity (for example, if you put away a broken case not associated with an LPN in the location), there would not normally be a situation where the LPN quantity would exceed the quantity on-hand according to the system.

See Radio Frequency for more information on using LPNs and radio frequency.

How to print: Use the Generating a Physical Inventory (MGPI) menu option.

CWDirect Rel 2.0 LPN Total Greater Than Item Location ELISE_K INR1031 3/25/97 10:37:51 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

Item SKU Location Whse On Hand LPN Total Difference

AA100 BULK 2 121 198 77

BB200 BULK 2 14 26 12


• item code and SKU code, if any

• location code

• warehouse code

• on-hand quantity for the item location

• total quantity assigned to LPNs for the item location

• the difference: LPN quantity - on-hand quantity

WH01_02r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN