Monthly Cash Receipts Journal

How to print:

1. At the Print Cash Receipts Journal screen (Printing the Cash Receipts Journal (PCRJ)), enter the date that corresponds to the accounting period you want to print a journal for.

2. Enter M in the Type of journal field.

3. Press Enter to submit the specified report for print.

For more information: Each of the fields is described above under the Daily Cash Receipts Journal.

CWDirect Monthly Cash Receipts Journal LEE_H ACR0277 9/16/94 11:11:09 Page 1

Mail Order Company

From 8/28/94 to 9/30/94



Date Deposit A/R Deferred Liab A/R CC Sundry

8/29/94 11,335.56 196.95 18,718.29 7,572.50- 7.18






Totals : 11,335.56 196.95 18,718.29 7,572.50- 7.18

AR04_01r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN