Outstanding Credits/Coupons Report

How to print: Use the Unredeemed Coupon Listing (PCPN) menu option.

CWDirect Rel 10.5 Outstanding Credits/Coupons EKAPLAN OER0258 9/11/06 16:33:41 Page 1

Coupon # Type Issue Date Expires Value

127741 C 8/08/06 8/08/07 5.00

129381 C 8/08/06 8/08/07 5.00

131021 M 10/03/05 50.00

132660 G 2/05/06 20.00

133839 C 8/08/06 8/08/07 5.00

135153 G 3/06/06 20.00

CPN Redemption date

Final totals 105.00


• Coupon # or gift certificate number

• Type:

• C = coupon. See Generating and Deleting Coupons (MCPN) for more information.

• G = gift certificate. See Working with Gift Certificates for more information.

• M = merchandise credit. See How Pay Type Determines Refund Type for more information.

• B = bonus credit. See How Pay Type Determines Refund Type for more information.

• Issue date (the date the coupon or credit was created)

• Expiration date, if any

• Value

CS13_02r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN