Sales Journal Summary by Entity/Offer

How to print: Enter Y in the By entity/offer field on the Print Sales Journal Summary screen; see Sales Journal Summary by Period.

CWDirect Rel 3.5 Summary Sales Journal by Entity/Offer LWARREN ACR0492 4/28/99 15:06:32 Page 1


Start date 1/01/99 End date 4/28/99

Ofr Merch Tax Frt Frt+ Chg Hnd Total Cost G/P G/P% Def Liab Coupon Credit Card A/R COD


CCC 2410.00 120.50 172.55 34.89 2.50- 10.00 2745.44 1787.66 622.34 25.82 225.49 15.00 2399.66 105.29

Entity 25 Total

2410.00 120.50 172.55 34.89 2.50- 10.00 2745.44 1787.66 622.34 25.82 225.49 15.00 2399.66 105.29

Entity 555 E-COMMERCE

A01 2408.00 113.90 232.00 2753.90 1453.37 954.63 39.64 2753.90

B01 30.00 1.49 31.49 45.96 15.96- 53.20- 31.49

C01 3005.00 150.25 340.00 3495.25 2901.10 103.90 3.46 3495.25

D01 4258.95 212.95 488.90 4960.80 4017.90 241.05 5.66 4960.80

.6 Entity 555 Total

12111.95 599.09 1233.45 34.89 2.50- 10.00 13986.88 10205.99 1905.96 15.74 225.49 15.00 13641.10 105.29

Information on this report is sorted by offer within each entity. Sales totals are provided for each entity. A grand total of sales for all entities is provided at the bottom of this report.


• Start date/End date: the dates between which sales information is reported

• Offer: the code for the catalog, television or space advertisement from which you accept orders

Note: The following totals are from the Invoice Ship To file.

• Merchandise dollars: the sum of all merchandise amounts on the Invoice records for each offer. This is strictly the charge for the item and does not include charges for tax, freight, shipping, etc.

• Tax: the sum of the sales tax on the Invoice records for each offer.

• Freight: the sum of the freight on the Invoice records for each offer.

• Additional freight: the sum of the additional freight on the Invoice records for each offer.

• Charges: the sum of the extra charges on the Invoices for each offer. This may include service charges (for the source code or offer), additional shipper/item charges, guaranteed service charges, or additional charges/credits entered during Order Entry or Order Maintenance

• Handling: the sum of special handling charges on the Invoice for each offer. Special handling is some type of additional item handling, such as monogramming, hemming, altering, etc.

• Total: the sum of all Invoice Pay Method records for pay category 1 (checks & cash) for the offer

• Cost: the sum of the cost amounts in the Invoice records for each offer.

• Gross profit: the dollar amount of profit realized from the sales for each offer. This is calculated by:


Total Merchandise Amount - Total Cost for each offer


• Gross profit percent: the percentage of gross profit realized from the sales for each offer. This is calculated by:


(Total Gross Profit / Total Merchandise Amount) * 100


• Deferred liability: total amount posted to deferred liability for this offer.

• Coupon: the sum of all Invoice Pay Method records for pay category 5 (coupons & credits) for the offer

• Credit card: the sum of all Invoice Pay Method records for pay category 2 (credit cards) for the offer

• Accounts Receivable: the sum of all Invoice Pay Method records for pay category 3 (Accounts Receivable) for the offer

• Cash-on-delivery (C.O.D.): the sum of all Invoice Pay Method records for pay category 4 (C.O.D.) for the offer

• Invoice Date: The date that the invoice was created (This field is included only when you print the Sales Journal Summary by Invoice Date)

• Division: This code represents the division of your business against which you are posting the A/P transaction. (This field is included when you print the Sales Journal Summary by Invoice Date)

CS06_01r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN