Sales Journal by Currency Report

This report displays invoices and credit invoices based on the invoice date range and optionally, currency, you defined. The amounts on this report display in the local currency and alternate (foreign) currency.

Determining the alternate currency: The system looks at the currency code and conversion rate defined for the order in the Order Header Extended file to determine the currency associated with the invoice and the conversion rate to use to determine the alternate currency amount. The system multiplies the local amount by the conversion rate to determine the alternate amount. If the currency code has Decimalized currency set to N, the system rounds the amount to the nearest whole unit of currency.

How to print: Enter F9 at the Print Sales Journal by Currency Screen.

CWDirect Rel 6.0 Sales Journal by Currency KBOTTGER ACR0513 4/17/02 13:07:29 Page 1


Invoice Dates: 4/16/02 To 4/16/02


Invoice date: 4/16/02

Pay Plan Type: Regular

Pay type: 9

Add'l Add'l Total Amount

Invoice Customer Order Merchandise Freight Freight Tax Handling Charge Invoice Collected

1524 44 5745 10690.00- .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10690.00- 10690.00

1526 44 5746 12771.00- .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 12771.00- 12771.00

1528 44 5747 12421.00- .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 12421.00- 12421.00

Total Credits: 273.34- .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 273.34- 273.30

JPY Total Credits: 35882.00- .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 35882.00- 35882.00

1523 44 5745 23500.00 .00 650.00 .00 .00 .00 24150.00 24150.00

1525 44 5746 12771.00 1203.00 668.00 .00 .00 .00 14642.00 14642.00

1527 44 5747 12421.00 .00 650.00 .00 .00 .00 13070.00 13070.00

Total Invoices: 371.88 9.00 15.00 .00 .00 .00 395.88 395.80

JPY Total Invoices: 48692.00 1203.00 1968.00 .00 .00 .00 51862.00 51862.00

Totals for Pay Type: 9 98.54 9.00 15.00 .00 .00 .00 122.54 122.50

JPY Totals for Pay Type: 9 12810.00 1203.00 1968.00 .00 .00 .00 15980.00 15980.00

Totals for Pay Plan Type 98.54 9.00 15.00 .00 .00 .00 122.54 122.50

JPY Totals Pay Plan Type 12810.00 1203.00 1968.00 .00 .00 .00 15980.00 15980.00

Total for . : 4/16/02 98.54 9.00 15.00 .00 .00 .00 122.54 122.50

JPY Total for: 4/16/02 12810.00 1203.00 1968.00 .00 .00 .00 15980.00 15980.00

Grand total 98.54 9.00 15.00 .00 .00 .00 122.54 122.50


invoice dates: the invoice date range you selected at the Print Sales Journal by Currency Screen.

currency: the currency associated with the invoices and credit invoices. The system looks at the currency code defined for the order in the Order Header Extended file to determine the currency associated with the invoices and credit invoices. If the invoices and credit invoices are for the local currency, this field is blank.

invoice date: the date when you shipped and billed the merchandise.

pay plan type: the payment plan type associated with the order. Valid values are regular (no payment plan), deferred, and installment.

pay type: the payment type associated with the invoice or credit invoice.

invoice: invoice number; this is an invoice that falls under the currency, invoice date, pay plan type, pay type combination.

customer: the number of the customer associated with the invoice.

order: the order number associated with the invoice.

merchandise: the merchandise amount on the invoice in the alternate currency. The system multiplies the local merchandise amount by the conversion rate defined for the order in the Order Header Extended file to determine the alternate merchandise amount. If the invoice is for the local currency, the merchandise amount displays in the local currency.

freight: the freight charges for the invoice in the alternate currency. The system multiplies the local freight amount by the conversion rate defined for the order in the Order Header Extended file to determine the alternate freight amount. If the invoice is for the local currency, the freight amount displays in the local currency.

additional freight: the additional freight amount for the invoice in the alternate currency. The system multiplies the local additional freight amount by the conversion rate defined for the order in the Order Header Extended file to determine the alternate additional freight amount. If the invoice is for the local currency, the additional freight amount displays in the local currency.

tax: the tax amount for the invoice in the alternate currency. The system multiplies the local tax amount by the conversion rate defined for the order in the Order Header Extended file to determine the alternate tax amount. If the invoice is for the local currency, the tax amount displays in the local currency.

handling: the special handling amount for the invoice in the alternate currency. The system multiplies the local handling amount by the conversion rate defined for the order in the Order Header Extended file to determine the alternate handling amount. If the invoice is for the local currency, the handling amount displays in the local currency.

additional charge: the additional charge amount for the invoice in the alternate currency. The system multiplies the local additional charge amount by the conversion rate defined for the order in the Order Header Extended file to determine the alternate additional charge amount. If the invoice is for the local currency, the additional charge amount displays in the local currency.

total invoice: the amount billed for the invoice in the alternate currency. The system multiplies the local invoice total by the conversion rate defined for the order in the Order Header Extended file to determine the alternate invoice total. If the invoice is for the local currency, the total invoice amount displays in the local currency.

amount collected: the amount you have received from the customer in the alternate currency. The system multiplies the local collected amount by the conversion rate defined for the order in the Order Header Extended file to determine the alternate collected amount. If the invoice is for the local currency, the amount collected displays in the local currency.

total credits: the totals in the local currency for merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, additional charges, invoice total, and amount collected for the invoice credits grouped under the currency, invoice date, payment plan, pay type combination.

XXX total credits (where XXX is the currency code): the totals in the alternate currency for merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, additional charges, invoice total, and amount collected for the invoice credits grouped under the currency, invoice date, payment plan, pay type combination. Included only for invoice credits associated with an alternate currency.

total invoices: the totals in the local currency for merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, additional charges, invoice total, and amount collected for the invoices grouped under the currency, invoice date, payment plan, pay type combination.

XXX total invoices (where XXX is the currency code): the totals in the alternate currency for merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, additional charges, invoice total, and amount collected for the invoices grouped under the currency, invoice date, payment plan, pay type combination. Included only for invoices associated with an alternate currency.

totals for pay type: the totals in the local currency for merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, additional charges, invoice total, and amount collected for the invoices grouped under the currency, invoice date, pay type combination.

XXX totals for pay type (where XXX is the currency code): the totals in the alternate currency for merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, additional charges, invoice total, and amount collected for the invoices grouped under the currency, invoice date, pay type combination. Included only for invoices associated with an alternate currency.

totals for pay plan type: the totals in the local currency for merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, additional charges, invoice total, and amount collected for the invoices grouped under the currency, invoice date, payment plan combination.

XXX total for pay plan type (where XXX is the currency code): the totals in the alternate currency for merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, additional charges, invoice total, and amount collected for the invoices grouped under the currency, invoice date, payment plan combination. Included only for invoices associated with an alternate currency.

total for date: the totals in the local currency for merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, additional charges, invoice total, and amount collected for the invoices grouped under the currency, invoice date combination.

XXX total for date (where XXX is the currency code): the totals in the alternate currency for merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, additional charges, invoice total, and amount collected for the invoices grouped under the currency, invoice date combination. Included only for invoices associated with an alternate currency.

grand total: the totals in the local currency for merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, additional charges, invoice total, and amount collected for the invoices across all currencies, invoice dates, payment plans, and pay types. A grand total in the alternate currency does not display on this report.

CS06_01r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN