Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Entity/Warehouse

How to print: Enter Y in the By entity/whse field and optionally an entity code in the Entity field at the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars Screen and press F9.

CWDirect Rel 4.0 Backorder Report by Descending DollarsKLETENDRE CSR1173 3/09/00 11:50:37 Page 1




110 - WAREHOUSE 110

Item # SKU Description Qty on Unused PO Exp Qty on Qty on Selling Cost

B/O Qty on P/O Date Hand Reserve Price

PBODSKU RED WMNS SMLL BO BY DESCENDING DO 5 15 3/10/00 2 2 150.00 125.00

PBOD BO BY DESCENDING DO 2 8 3/10/00 1 1 44.00 30.00

PBODSKU BLUE WMNS SMLL BO BY DESCENDING DO 1 49 3/10/00 9 9 30.00 25.00

Total Warehouse 8 72 12 12 224.00 180.00

Total Entity 8 72 12 12 224.00 180.00

Total number of Orders on B/O - 5

Grand Total 8 72 12 12 224.00 180.00


Selected report: the report you selected at the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars screen. You can select:

By entity/warehouse: you entered Y in the By entity/whse field. This report sorts in entity/warehouse/item/descending dollars sequence and displays backordered order detail lines for each entity.

By division/warehouse: you entered Y in the By division/whse field. This report sorts in division/warehouse/item/descending dollars sequence and displays backordered order detail lines for each division.

By offer/warehouse: you entered Y in the By offer/whse field. This report sorts in offer/warehouse/item/descending dollars sequence and displays backordered order detail lines for each offer.

By warehouse: you entered Y in the By warehouse field. This report sorts in warehouse/item/descending dollars sequence and displays backordered order detail lines for each warehouse.

Offer for pricing: the offer you entered in the Select offer for pricing field. This is the offer the system uses to determine the selling price that prints on this report.

• If the item is non-SKUed, the system uses the price defined in the Item Price file.

• If the item contains SKUs, the system uses the price defined in the SKU Price file.

• If a price has not been defined in the SKU Price file for the SKUed item, the system uses the price in the Item Price file.

• If a price has not been defined for the Item Price file or SKU Price file, for example with components of a set, the system leaves the price blank.

Selected Entity, Division, or Offer: the entity, division, or offer that contains backordered order detail lines. The system uses the source code on the order header to determine the entity, division, or offer where the order detail lines are backordered.

Entity displays if you selected the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Entity/Warehouse.

Division displays if you selected the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Division/Warehouse.

Offer displays if you selected the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Offer/Warehouse.

Warehouse: the code for the warehouse where order detail lines are backordered. The system looks at the backorder warehouse in the Order Detail file to determine the warehouse where the order detail lines are backordered.

Item: the code of the item that is on backorder in the entity and warehouse defined.

SKU: the SKU of the item that is on backorder.

Description: the first 19 positions of the description of the item that is on backorder.

Quantity on backorder: the quantity of the item that is on backorder for the selection criteria you defined. The system uses this calculation to determine the backorder quantity:


quantity ordered - quantity shipped - quantity cancelled - quantity soldout - quantity reserved = quantity on backorder


Note: The calculation to determine the quantity on backorder does not include drop ship items or items with a future arrival date.

Unused quantity on purchase order: the purchase order quantity that has not been applied to order detail lines on backorder. For example, if the purchase order quantity is 10 and you have 2 backordered order detail lines, the unused purchase order quantity is 8. To get the most up-to-date unused quantity on purchase orders, you should run Batch PO Layering before generating this report.

Purchase order expected date: the date the next purchase order is expected to be received. The system uses the closest future due date to today that will cover the backorder quantity, based on the information in the PO Layering file. If a future purchase order due date is not available, the system uses the purchase order date in the past that is closest to the current date.

Quantity on hand: the total on hand quantity for the item in the warehouse defined.

Quantity on reserve: the total reserved quantity for the item in the warehouse defined.

Selling price: the total selling price of the backordered items in the offer defined. For example, if the price for the item in the specified offer is 22.00 and 2 order detail lines are backordered, the total selling price is 44.00.

Note: The actual selling price used on an order detail line may differ from the selling price defined for the offer, for example the order entry operator may manually change the selling price on the order detail line.

Cost: The total cost of the backordered items. The system uses the value defined in the Costing Method (A25) system control value to determine which Cost field (average, standard, or FIFO) to use from the SKU file. For example, if the cost of the item is 15.00 and 2 order detail lines are backordered, the total cost is 30.00.


cost x backorder quantity = total cost


Total warehouse: the totals for the order detail lines associated with the warehouse.

• quantity on backorder

• unused quantity on purchase order

• quantity on hand

• quantity on reserve

• selling price

• cost

Total entity: the totals for the order detail lines associated with the entity. This total only displays for the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Entity/Warehouse.

• quantity on backorder

• unused quantity on purchase order

• quantity on hand

• quantity on reserve

• selling price

• cost

Total division: the totals for the order detail lines associated with the division. This total only displays for the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Division/Warehouse.

• quantity on backorder

• unused quantity on purchase order

• quantity on hand

• quantity on reserve

• selling price

• cost

Total offer: the totals for the order detail lines associated with the offer. This total only displays for the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Offer/Warehouse.

• quantity on backorder

• unused quantity on purchase order

• quantity on hand

• quantity on reserve

• selling price

• cost

Total number of orders on backorder: the total number of orders that have at least one order detail line on backorder for the selection criteria defined.

Grand total: the totals for the order detail lines across all selection criteria on this report.

• quantity on backorder

• unused quantity on purchase order

• quantity on hand

• quantity on reserve

• selling price

• cost

CS06_01r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN