Purchases/Disbursements Summary Report

Purpose: Use this report to review every transaction to every General Ledger account number, including postings for purchases to A/P and expense accounts and postings or disbursements from A/P, cash, and discount accounts. This provides another view of your A/P activity over the specified date range. Each purchase and disbursement listed on this report will credit and debit a General Ledger account.

How to print: Select option 5 at the Print Summary Report Select Screen.

CWDirect Purchases/Disbursements Summary LEE_H ACR0265 7/20/04 8:59:02 Page 1


Purchases & Disbursements Summary from 7/01/94 to 7/20/94

Vendor Name Invoice # Activity Date Debit Credit Total


Account # 1007000 INVENTORY

14 COLE HANN 62 7/01/94 100.00

14 COLE HANN 1001 7/01/94 90.00

100 LINENS UNLIMITED 78994 7/01/94 1000.00

100 LINENS UNLIMITED 666 7/01/94 45.00

100 LINENS UNLIMITED 44 7/01/94 130.00

100 LINENS UNLIMITED 777LEE 7/01/94 150.00

100 LINENS UNLIMITED 76233 7/01/94 100.00

Total 1765.00 1765.00CR

Account # 10010100 CASH

14 COLE HANN 1001 7/06/94 90.00

14 COLE HANN 1002 7/06/94 150.00

100 LINENS UNLIMITED 44 7/06/94 130.00

100 LINENS UNLIMITED 666 7/06/94 45.00

100 LINENS UNLIMITED 76233 7/06/94 100.00

100 LINENS UNLIMITED 777LEE 7/06/94 150.00

100 LINENS UNLIMITED 78994 7/06/94 1000.00

Total 1765.00 1765.00

Account # 10030100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE

100 LINENS UNLIMITED 76233 7/01/94 100.00

Total 1765.00 1765.00

14 COLE HANN 62 7/06/94 100.00

14 COLE HANN 1001 7/06/94 90.00

14 COLE HANN 1002 7/06/94 150.00

100 LINENS UNLIMITED 76233 7/06/94 100.00

Total 1765.00 1765.00CR

Final total 3530.00 3530.00 0.00


Date range: the dates through which your specified to run this report. This report can be run for a single day if you entered the same date in the From and To date fields on the Print Summary Report Select Screen.

G/L account number: the General Ledger account number against which this A/P transaction posted.

G/L account description

Vendor number

Vendor name

Invoice number: the number of the vendor's invoice for the merchandise or service purchased.

Activity date: the date on which you posted a vendor invoice to the Accounts Payable system for a purchase or you generated a check for an Accounts Payable disbursement.

Debit: the dollar amount you are debiting this General Ledger account; this is offset by a credit.

Credit: the dollar amount you are crediting this General Ledger account; this is offset by a debit.

Total: the sum of the credits or debits to the General Ledger account.

Activity type: displays PURCHASE if this transaction represents a posting to the General Ledger for a purchase

Final total for all postings: the grand total of all debits and credits and the balance

AP08_01r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN