Order Cancellation List by Item

When printing this report from Work with Backorders Pending Cancellation (WBPC): This report lists each order flagged for backorder cancellation that is associated with the specified vendor, buyer, or item. If you did not specify a vendor, buyer, or item, each item flagged for cancellation due to backorder (Type B in the Backorder Cancellation Pending file) will appear on this report.

When printing this report from Work with Backorders First Notice (WBFN): This report lists each order flagged for first backorder notice that is associated with the specified vendor, buyer, or item. If you did not specify a vendor, buyer, or item, each item flagged for first backorder notice (Type F in the Backorder Cancellation Pending file) will appear on this report.

How to print:

• In Working with Backorders Pending Cancellation (WBPC), press F9 at the Select Items for B/O Cancellation Report Screen or press F18 at the Work with Backorders Pending Cancellation Screen.

• In Working with Backorder First Notices (WBFN), press F18 at the Work with Backorder First Notices Screen.

Note: This report does not include orders that would be eligible for cancellation due to backorder, but are flagged for cancellation due to credit card decline. See Working with Credit Card Cancellations (WCCC), for more information.

CWDirect Technical Class Order Cancellation List by Item ELISE_K BOR0024 7/28/97 8:43:39 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

Vendor Item SKU Description Qty Total $ Cancel Date Order # Cust #

Buyer EZB

12 BU001 CHOC LRGE CHOCOLATE EASTER BUNNY 1 12.00 7/26/97 3796 295

WHIT MEDM 1 10.00 7/26/97 3793 483

WHIT MEDM 1 9.00 7/29/97 3802 105

WHIT MEDM 1 10.00 7/29/97 3803 224

Item Totals 4 41.00

Buyer HEB

12 DA234 BOOK: ALL ABOUT DACHSHUNDS 1 15.00 7/29/97 3801 311

1 9.00 7/29/97 3802 193

1 10.00 7/29/97 3803 421

1 11.00 7/29/97 3804 278

Item Totals 4 45.00

Grand totals 8 86.00


• Vendor number

• Buyer code

• Item code

• SKU code, if applicable

• Item description

• Backordered quantity on the order line

• Cancellation date (Note: The cancellation date is blank when generating this report from Working with Backorder First Notices (WBFN))

• Extended price

• Order number

• Sold-to customer number

• Total quantity and dollar for each item

• Grand totals, quantity and dollar

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