7 Calendar Service Administration

This chapter describes how to administer the calendar service in Oracle Communications Convergence.

See "Enabling Core Services for Convergence" for information about enabling services.

Enabling CalDAV Service

To configure CalDAV Service with Convergence, you must have the CalDAV server installed and configured.

To enable Convergence to work with CalDAV, perform the following steps:

  1. Enable the following CalDAV related parameters in Convergence:

    • caldav.enable - Set this parameter to true to enable the Calendar service.

      iwcadmin -o caldav.enable -v true
    • caldav.host - Set this parameter to the host name on which the CalDAV server is installed.

      iwcadmin -o caldav.host -v siroe.com
    • caldav.port - Set this parameter to the web component port number on which CalDAV is deployed. This should be same as the port number specified for Server Instance HTTP Port in the Oracle certified application server Configuration Details panel during the Calendar Server Initial Configuration.

      iwcadmin -o caldav.port -v port_number
    • caldav.proxyadminid - Set this parameter to the proxy admin id on which CalDAV is deployed. This should be same as the Administrator User Id specified during Calendar Server 7 or later Initial Configuration.

      iwcadmin -o caldav.proxyadminid -v proxy_admin_id
    • caldav.proxyadminpwd - Set this parameter to the proxy admin password on which CalDAV is deployed. This should be same as the Administrator password specified during Calendar Server Initial Configuration.

      iwcadmin -o caldav.proxyadminpwd -v proxy_admin_pwd
    • caldav.serviceuri - Set this parameter to the serviceuri on which CalDAV is deployed. This should be same as the URI Path where the Calendar Server is deployed and should be suffixed with /wcap. For example, if the URI path where Calendar Server is deployed is /caldav, then this parameter should be set to /caldav/wcap.

      iwcadmin -o caldav.serviceuri -v service_uri


      Make sure that the CALDAV users have the LDAP attribute davUniqueId defined as part of davEntity object class.

      For more information on davUniqueId LDAP attribute, see the discussion about Provisioning Calendar Server Users in your Calendar Server documentation for more information.

  2. Restart the Oracle certified application server.

Enabling SMS Calendar Notifications in Convergence

You can configure Convergence to send you SMS notifications of your calendar events.

When a user sets up calendar event reminder SMS notifications in the Convergence UI, Calendar Server generates the notifications as specially formatted messages with SMS addresses as recipients; they are then submitted to Messaging Server for processing. Within Messaging Server, the SMS channel processes the notification messages. The messages are submitted to an SMSC provider (through an SMPP protocol) to be delivered as SMS messages to SMS addresses.

SMS addresses, which are added by end users to the Convergence UI, should be of the form +subscriber_number@sms.your_domain, where subscriber_number is usually a phone number where a user expects to receive SMS notifications. The format of each subscriber_number is specific to the SMSC provider. For example, some providers might require an international format with the country code. The portion @sms.your_domain represents a site-specific domain name and is the same name that is used in the Messaging Server's SMS channel configuration.

To enable SMS calendar notifications in Convergence:

  1. Set up and configure an SMS channel in Messaging Server. See Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide for more information.

  2. Enable SMS notifications for calendar events in Convergence server:

    iwcadmin -o user.cal.enablesmsnotify -v true

Convergence users can now enable SMS calendar notifications in Convergence in the Convergence Options tab.

Hiding or Showing the SMS Option in the Notifications Tab in Calendar Options and in the Reminder Dialog Box

Convergence enables you to hide or show the SMS option in the Notifications tab in Calendar Options and in the Reminder dialog box. To do so, set the client.enablesmsnotification configuration property to false or true. By default, this parameter is set to true. For example:

iwcadmin -o client.enablesmsnotification -v true

If the parameter is set to false, the SMS notification option will be hidden in the Notifications tab in Calendar Options and in the Reminder dialog box.

Reserving Calendar Resources

To reserve resources for a calendar event, place yourself on the New Event Page for an event you are creating or editing and do one of the following:

  • In the Reservations field, enter the name or email address of one or more resources. The resource's email address is displayed in a list as you type, select the address from the list.

  • Next to the Reservations field, click the address book icon, the Add Resources dialog box is displayed. This dialog box lists all the resources created in the corporate directory. See "Creating a Calendar Resource in Corporate Directory" for more information.

    You can list or search the resources based on the resource type, that is, Rooms or Equipment. By default, Rooms option is selected as a resource type. The Add Resources dialog box displays the following details about the resource:

    • Type

    • Display Name

    • Email Address

    • Address

    • Phone Number

    • Capacity


Convergence provides an option to list or search the resources based on the resource type in three pane layout for Contacts Server users.

In two pane layout, the Add Resources dialog box lists Display Name and Email Address only.

Creating a Calendar Resource in Corporate Directory

You can create calendar resources in corporate directory by specifying the required attributes in the LDIF file. You must set the following LDAP attributes in the LDIF file for creating the resource by specifying the resource type:

  • inetResourceType

  • floor

  • building

  • l

  • ucapsCountryCode

  • inetResourceCapacity

  • telephoneNumber


All these attributes are part of inetResource object class.

The following is a code sample of the ldif file:

DN: cn= CalResourcesOne ,ou=People,o=calResourceone@aplsorgone.com,o=isp
objectClass: top
objectClass: inetresource
objectClass: icscalendarresource
objectClass: daventity
cn: Meeting
description: Conference Room
davUniqueId: bfeaea46-38bd-48ff-bb72-9d58da573527
icsStatus: active
inetResourceStatus: active
mail: calResourceone@aplsorgone.com
inetResourceType: Room
floor: 3rd
building: Kalyani Magnum
l: Bangalore
ucapsCountryCode: IN
inetResourceCapacity: 10
telephoneNumber: 4445555666

Viewing Event Invitation and Task Details in Anonymous Calendar in Convergence

To view event invitation and task details in anonymous calendar in Convergence, the davcore.acl.calendaranonymousall and davcore.acl.schedulinganonymousall parameters should be set to true as follows:


In Calendar Server, the default value for the above parameters was changed to false. When Convergence is used with Calendar Server and above, set these parameters to true and restart the Oracle certified application server in which Calendar Server is deployed.

In addition to this, the following command can be used to correct the behavior for existing calendar user accounts:

CalendarServer_home/sadmin/davadmin account repair -a account -l

Where, CalendarServer_home specifies the installation location for the Calendar Server software and account specifies the user's account. For example,

/opt/sun/comms/davserver/sbin/davadmin  account repair -a user -l

For more information on the davadmin command usage, see your Calendar Server documentation.

See the discussion about Administering Calendar Server Access in your Oracle Communications Calendar Server documentation for more information on the parameters.

See the instructions for viewing anonymous calendar in Convergence in Convergence Online Help.